// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import UIKit
import ios_chrome_browser_ui_tab_switcher_tab_strip_ui_swift_constants
/// Layout used for the TabStrip.
class TabStripLayout: UICollectionViewFlowLayout {
/// Wether the size of the items in the flow layout needs to be updated.
public var needsSizeUpdate: Bool = true
/// Static decoration views that border the collection view.
public var leadingStaticSeparator: TabStripDecorationView?
public var trailingStaticSeparator: TabStripDecorationView?
/// The tab strip new tab button.
public var newTabButton: UIView?
/// Whether the selected cell is animated, used only on iOS 16.
/// On iOS 16, the scroll animation after opening a new tab is delayed, the
/// selected cell should remain in an animated state until the end of the
/// (scroll) animation.
public var cellAnimatediOS16: Bool = false
/// Dynamic size of a tab.
private var tabCellSize: CGSize = .zero
/// Index paths of animated items.
private var indexPathsOfDeletingItems: [IndexPath] = []
private var indexPathsOfInsertingItems: [IndexPath] = []
/// Whether items are currently being collapsed/expanded.
private var expandingItems = false
private var collapsingItems = false
/// The currently selected item.
public var selectedItem: TabSwitcherItem? = nil
//// Leading constraint of the `newTabButton`.
private var newTabButtonLeadingConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint?
/// The DataSource for this collection view.
weak var dataSource:
UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource<TabStripViewController.Section, TabStripItemIdentifier>?
override init() {
scrollDirection = .horizontal
minimumLineSpacing = TabStripConstants.TabItem.horizontalSpacing
minimumInteritemSpacing = TabStripConstants.TabItem.horizontalSpacing
sectionInset = UIEdgeInsets(
top: TabStripConstants.CollectionView.topInset,
left: TabStripConstants.CollectionView.horizontalInset,
bottom: 0,
right: TabStripConstants.CollectionView.horizontalInset)
self, selector: #selector(voiceOverChanged),
name: UIAccessibility.voiceOverStatusDidChangeNotification, object: nil)
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
override var collectionViewContentSize: CGSize {
let contentSize = super.collectionViewContentSize
if !TabStripFeaturesUtils.isModernTabStripNewTabButtonDynamic { return contentSize }
let collectionView = collectionView,
let newTabButton = newTabButton,
let newTabButtonSuperView = newTabButton.superview
else { return contentSize }
var offset: CGFloat =
|| TabStripFeaturesUtils.isTabStripCloserNTBDarkerBackgroundEnabled ? 8 : 0
// Compare with "width - 1" to avoid floating comparison issues.
if contentSize.width >= collectionView.bounds.width - 1 {
// When the contentSize width is greater or equals to the collection view width, the
// offset should be reduced to allow spacing for the separators.
offset = 6
let updatedConstant =
contentSize.width, collectionView.bounds.width) - offset
if newTabButtonLeadingConstraint == nil {
newTabButtonLeadingConstraint = newTabButton.leadingAnchor.constraint(
equalTo: newTabButtonSuperView.leadingAnchor,
constant: updatedConstant)
newTabButtonLeadingConstraint?.priority = .defaultLow
newTabButtonLeadingConstraint?.isActive = true
return contentSize
if updatedConstant != newTabButtonLeadingConstraint?.constant {
newTabButtonLeadingConstraint?.constant = updatedConstant
weak var weakSelf = self
withDuration: TabStripConstants.NewTabButton.constraintUpdateAnimationDuration, delay: 0.0,
options: .curveEaseOut,
animations: {
return contentSize
// MARK: - Properties
// Returns the selected item index path.
private var selectedIndexPath: IndexPath? {
return TabStripItemIdentifier(selectedItem).flatMap {
dataSource?.indexPath(for: $0)
// MARK: - UICollectionViewLayout
override var flipsHorizontallyInOppositeLayoutDirection: Bool {
return true
override func prepare() {
/// Only recalculate the `tabCellSize` when needed to avoid extra
/// computation.
if needsSizeUpdate {
override func prepare(forCollectionViewUpdates updateItems: [UICollectionViewUpdateItem]) {
super.prepare(forCollectionViewUpdates: updateItems)
// Keeps track of updated items to animate their transition.
indexPathsOfDeletingItems = []
indexPathsOfInsertingItems = []
for item in updateItems {
switch item.updateAction {
case .insert where !expandingItems:
case .delete where !collapsingItems:
override func finalizeCollectionViewUpdates() {
indexPathsOfDeletingItems = []
indexPathsOfInsertingItems = []
override func initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingItem(at itemIndexPath: IndexPath)
-> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?
let collectionView = collectionView,
let attributes: UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes = super
.initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingItem(at: itemIndexPath),
let itemIdentifier = dataSource?.itemIdentifier(for: itemIndexPath)
else { return nil }
switch itemIdentifier.item {
case .tab(_):
return initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingTabCell(
at: itemIndexPath, attributes: attributes, collectionView: collectionView)
case .group(_):
return initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingGroupCell(
at: itemIndexPath, attributes: attributes, collectionView: collectionView)
override func finalLayoutAttributesForDisappearingItem(at itemIndexPath: IndexPath)
-> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?
let collectionView = collectionView,
let cell = collectionView.cellForItem(at: itemIndexPath),
let attributes: UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes =
super.finalLayoutAttributesForDisappearingItem(at: itemIndexPath)
else { return nil }
switch cell {
case let tabCell as TabStripTabCell:
return finalLayoutAttributesForDisappearingTabCell(
tabCell, at: itemIndexPath, attributes: attributes, collectionView: collectionView)
case let groupCell as TabStripGroupCell:
return finalLayoutAttributesForDisappearingGroupCell(
groupCell, at: itemIndexPath, attributes: attributes, collectionView: collectionView)
return nil
override func layoutAttributesForItem(at indexPath: IndexPath)
-> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?
let itemIdentifier = dataSource?.itemIdentifier(for: indexPath),
let layoutAttributes = super.layoutAttributesForItem(at: indexPath),
let collectionView = collectionView
else { return nil }
let cell = collectionView.cellForItem(at: indexPath)
switch itemIdentifier.item {
case .tab(_):
let tabCell = cell as? TabStripTabCell
return layoutAttributesForTabCell(
tabCell, at: indexPath, layoutAttributes: layoutAttributes,
collectionView: collectionView)
case .group(_):
let groupCell = cell as? TabStripGroupCell
return layoutAttributesForGroupCell(
groupCell, at: indexPath, layoutAttributes: layoutAttributes,
collectionView: collectionView)
private func layoutAttributesForTabCell(
_ cell: TabStripTabCell?, at indexPath: IndexPath,
layoutAttributes: UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes, collectionView: UICollectionView
-> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?
/// Early return the updated `selectedAttributes` if the cell is selected.
if let selectedAttributes = self.layoutAttributesForSelectedTabCell(
cell, at: indexPath, layoutAttributes: layoutAttributes, collectionView: collectionView)
return selectedAttributes
guard let cell = cell else { return layoutAttributes }
layoutAttributes.zIndex = 0
let contentOffset = collectionView.contentOffset
var frame = layoutAttributes.frame
let collectionViewWidth = collectionView.bounds.size.width
let leftBounds: CGFloat = contentOffset.x + sectionInset.left
let rightBounds: CGFloat = collectionViewWidth + contentOffset.x - sectionInset.right
let isScrollable: Bool = collectionView.contentSize.width > collectionView.frame.width
/// Hide the `trailingSeparator`if the next cell is selected.
let isNextCellSelected = (indexPath.item + 1) == selectedIndexPath?.item
cell.trailingSeparatorHidden = isNextCellSelected
/// Hide the `leadingSeparator` if the previous cell is selected or this is the first cell and collection
/// view is not scrollable, or the previous cell is a group.
let indexPathOfPreviousItem = IndexPath(item: indexPath.item - 1, section: indexPath.section)
let isFirstCellAndNotScrollable = !isScrollable && (indexPath.item == 0)
let isPreviousCellSelected = indexPathOfPreviousItem == selectedIndexPath
cell.leadingSeparatorHidden =
isPreviousCellSelected || isFirstCellAndNotScrollable || cell.isFirstTabInGroup
if UIAccessibility.isVoiceOverRunning {
// Prevent frame resizing while VoiceOver is active.
// This ensures swiping right/left goes to the next cell.
return layoutAttributes
var intersectsLeftEdge = false
var intersectsRightEdge = false
/// Recalculate the cell width and origin when it intersects with the left
/// collection view's bounds. The cell should collapse within the collection
/// view's bounds until its width reaches 0. Its `separatorHeight` is also
/// reduced when the cell reached an edege.
var separatorHeight = TabStripConstants.AnimatedSeparator.regularSeparatorHeight
if isScrollable && (frame.minX < leftBounds || frame.maxX > rightBounds) {
// Show leading and trailing gradient.
cell.leadingSeparatorGradientViewHidden = false
cell.trailingSeparatorGradientViewHidden = false
let collapseThreshold = TabStripConstants.AnimatedSeparator.collapseHorizontalInsetThreshold
let collapseHorizontalInset = TabStripConstants.AnimatedSeparator.collapseHorizontalInset
// If intersects with the left bounds.
if frame.minX < leftBounds {
cell.leadingSeparatorHidden = false
intersectsLeftEdge = true
// Update the frame origin and width.
frame.origin.x = max(leftBounds, frame.origin.x)
let offsetLeft: CGFloat = abs(frame.origin.x - layoutAttributes.frame.origin.x)
frame.size.width = min(frame.size.width - offsetLeft, frame.size.width)
/// Start animating the cell out of the collection view if the new
/// width `frame.size.width` is less than or equal to
/// `collapseThreshold`.
if frame.size.width <= collapseThreshold {
// Update the size of the separator.
separatorHeight = calculateSeparatorsHeight(for: frame.size.width)
// Move the cell to the left until it reaches its final position.
frame.origin.x = max(
frame.origin.x - collapseThreshold + frame.size.width,
leftBounds - collapseHorizontalInset)
// Update its alpha value.
layoutAttributes.alpha = calculateAlphaValue(for: abs(frame.size.width))
// Set its width to 0 and update its separators.
frame.size.width = 0
cell.trailingSeparatorHidden = true
cell.leadingSeparatorGradientViewHidden = true
cell.trailingSeparatorGradientViewHidden = true
// If intersects with the right bounds.
else if frame.maxX > rightBounds {
cell.trailingSeparatorHidden = false
intersectsRightEdge = true
// Update the frame origin and width.
frame.origin.x = min(rightBounds, frame.origin.x)
frame.size.width = min(rightBounds - frame.origin.x, frame.size.width)
/// Start animating the cell out of the collection view if the new
/// width `frame.size.width` is less than or equal to
/// `collapseThreshold`.
if frame.size.width <= collapseThreshold {
// Update the size of the separator.
separatorHeight = calculateSeparatorsHeight(for: frame.size.width)
// Move the cell to the right until it reaches its final position.
frame.origin.x = min(
frame.origin.x + collapseThreshold - frame.size.width,
rightBounds + collapseHorizontalInset)
// Update its alpha value.
let offset = layoutAttributes.frame.minX - frame.minX + collapseHorizontalInset
layoutAttributes.alpha = calculateAlphaValue(for: offset)
// Update its width.
frame.size.width = max(
min(rightBounds + collapseHorizontalInset - frame.origin.x, frame.size.width), 0)
// Update its separators.
cell.leadingSeparatorHidden = true
cell.leadingSeparatorGradientViewHidden = true
cell.trailingSeparatorGradientViewHidden = true
// Update separators height once the computation is done.
cell.intersectsLeftEdge = intersectsLeftEdge
cell.intersectsRightEdge = intersectsRightEdge
layoutAttributes.frame = frame
return layoutAttributes
private func layoutAttributesForGroupCell(
_ groupCell: TabStripGroupCell?, at indexPath: IndexPath,
layoutAttributes: UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes, collectionView: UICollectionView
-> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?
if UIAccessibility.isVoiceOverRunning {
// Prevent frame resizing while VoiceOver is active.
// This ensures swiping right/left goes to the next cell.
return layoutAttributes
guard let groupCell = groupCell else { return layoutAttributes }
let contentOffset = collectionView.contentOffset
var frame = layoutAttributes.frame
let collectionViewWidth = collectionView.bounds.size.width
let leftBounds: CGFloat = contentOffset.x + sectionInset.left
let rightBounds: CGFloat = collectionViewWidth + contentOffset.x - sectionInset.right
let isScrollable: Bool = collectionView.contentSize.width > collectionView.frame.width
var intersectsLeftEdge = false
var intersectsRightEdge = false
/// Recalculate the cell width and origin when it intersects with the left
/// collection view's bounds. The cell should collapse within the collection
/// view's bounds until its width reaches 0.
if isScrollable && (frame.minX < leftBounds || frame.maxX > rightBounds) {
let minCellWidth = TabStripConstants.GroupItem.minCellWidth
// If intersects with the left bounds.
if frame.minX < leftBounds {
intersectsLeftEdge = true
// Update the frame origin and width.
frame.origin.x = max(leftBounds, frame.origin.x)
let offsetLeft: CGFloat = abs(frame.origin.x - layoutAttributes.frame.origin.x)
frame.size.width = min(frame.size.width - offsetLeft, frame.size.width)
/// Start animating the cell out of the collection view if the new
/// width `frame.size.width` is less than or equal to
/// `collapseThreshold`.
if frame.size.width <= minCellWidth {
// Move the cell to the left until it reaches its final position.
frame.origin.x = frame.origin.x - minCellWidth + frame.size.width
frame.size.width = minCellWidth
// If intersects with the right bounds.
else if frame.maxX > rightBounds {
intersectsRightEdge = true
// Update the frame origin and width.
frame.size.width = min(rightBounds - frame.origin.x, frame.size.width)
/// Start animating the cell out of the collection view if the new
/// width `frame.size.width` is less than or equal to
/// `collapseThreshold`.
if frame.size.width <= minCellWidth {
frame.size.width = minCellWidth
groupCell.intersectsLeftEdge = intersectsLeftEdge
groupCell.intersectsRightEdge = intersectsRightEdge
layoutAttributes.frame = frame
return layoutAttributes
override func layoutAttributesForElements(in rect: CGRect) -> [UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes]?
let rectToConsider = CGRectInset(rect, -2 * TabStripConstants.TabItem.maxWidth, 0)
let superAttributes = super.layoutAttributesForElements(in: rectToConsider)
else { return nil }
var indexPathToConsider = superAttributes.map(\.indexPath)
// If there is a selected tab, and its index path is one of the visible
// index paths of the collection view, add it to the list of index paths to
// consider.
if let selectedIndexPath = selectedIndexPath,
collectionView?.indexPathsForVisibleItems.contains(selectedIndexPath) == true
if !indexPathToConsider.contains(selectedIndexPath) {
return indexPathToConsider.compactMap { indexPath in
layoutAttributesForItem(at: indexPath)
override func shouldInvalidateLayout(forBoundsChange newBounds: CGRect) -> Bool {
return true
// MARK: - Private
/// Animation block executed when `newTabButtonLeadingConstraint` is updated.
private func newTabButtonConstraintUpdateAnimationBlock() {
/// Returns the initial layout attributes for an appearing `tabCell`.
private func initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingTabCell(
at itemIndexPath: IndexPath,
attributes: UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes, collectionView: UICollectionView
-> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?
let tabCell = collectionView.cellForItem(at: itemIndexPath) as? TabStripTabCell
let selectedAttributes: UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes =
tabCell, at: itemIndexPath, layoutAttributes: attributes, collectionView: collectionView)
else { return nil }
if indexPathsOfInsertingItems.contains(itemIndexPath) {
// Animate the appearing item by starting it with zero opacity and
// translated down by its height.
selectedAttributes.alpha = 0
selectedAttributes.transform = CGAffineTransform(
translationX: 0,
y: attributes.frame.size.height)
return selectedAttributes
/// Returns the initial layout attributes for an appearing `groupCell`.
private func initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingGroupCell(
at itemIndexPath: IndexPath, attributes: UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes,
collectionView: UICollectionView
-> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?
return attributes
/// Updates and returns the given `attributes` if the cell is selected.
/// Inserted items are considered as selected.
private func layoutAttributesForSelectedTabCell(
_ cell: TabStripTabCell?, at indexPath: IndexPath,
layoutAttributes: UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes, collectionView: UICollectionView
-> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?
// The selected cell should remain on top of other cells within collection
// view's bounds.
indexPath == selectedIndexPath || indexPathsOfInsertingItems.contains(indexPath)
else {
return nil
/// `cellAnimatediOS16` is always `false` above iOS 16.
var cellAnimated = cellAnimatediOS16
if let animationKeys = cell?.layer.animationKeys() {
cellAnimated = !animationKeys.isEmpty || cellAnimatediOS16
var intersectsLeftEdge = false
var intersectsRightEdge = false
// Update cell separators.
cell?.leadingSeparatorHidden = true
cell?.trailingSeparatorHidden = true
cell?.leadingSeparatorGradientViewHidden = true
cell?.trailingSeparatorGradientViewHidden = true
let isScrollable: Bool = collectionView.contentSize.width > collectionView.frame.width
let collectionViewWidth = collectionView.bounds.size.width
let horizontalOffset = collectionView.contentOffset.x
let frame = layoutAttributes.frame
var origin = layoutAttributes.frame.origin
var horizontalInset: CGFloat = 0
// Add a static separator horizontal inset only if the selected cell is the
// first or the last one. Otherwise, when the selected cell is anchored and
// a cell is scrolled behind, only one separator is displayed until the
// horizontal inset threshold is reached.
var staticSeparatorHorizontalInset: CGFloat = 0
if let dataSource = dataSource, let sectionIndex = dataSource.index(for: .tabs) {
let itemCount = dataSource.collectionView(
collectionView, numberOfItemsInSection: sectionIndex)
if indexPath.item == 0 || indexPath.item == itemCount - 1 {
staticSeparatorHorizontalInset =
tabCellSize.width - TabStripConstants.AnimatedSeparator.collapseHorizontalInsetThreshold
var hideLeadingStaticSeparator = true
var hideTrailingStaticSeparator = true
// If the collection view is scrollable, add an horizontal inset to its
// origin.
if isScrollable {
horizontalInset = TabStripConstants.TabItem.horizontalSelectedInset
// Update the cell's origin horizontally to prevent it from being
// partially hidden off-screen.
// Check the left side.
let minOringin = horizontalOffset + sectionInset.left + horizontalInset
// Show leading static separators when all of the following conditions are
// satisfied:
// - The selected cell is on the leading edge.
// - A cell behind the selected cell is also reaching the leading edge.
// - The cell is not animated (inserted / deleted).
if (minOringin - staticSeparatorHorizontalInset) >= origin.x {
hideLeadingStaticSeparator = !isScrollable || cellAnimated
if origin.x < minOringin {
origin.x = minOringin
intersectsLeftEdge = true
// Check the right side.
let maxOrigin =
horizontalOffset + collectionViewWidth - frame.size.width - sectionInset.right
- horizontalInset
// Show right static separators when all of the following conditions are
// satisfied:
// - The selected cell is on the right edge.
// - A cell behind the selected cell is also reaching the right edge.
// - The cell is not animated (inserted / deleted).
if (maxOrigin + staticSeparatorHorizontalInset) <= origin.x {
hideTrailingStaticSeparator = !isScrollable || cellAnimated
if origin.x > maxOrigin {
origin.x = maxOrigin
intersectsRightEdge = true
cell?.intersectsLeftEdge = intersectsLeftEdge
cell?.intersectsRightEdge = intersectsRightEdge
leadingStaticSeparator?.isHidden = hideLeadingStaticSeparator
trailingStaticSeparator?.isHidden = hideTrailingStaticSeparator
cell?.leadingSelectedBorderBackgroundViewHidden = hideLeadingStaticSeparator
cell?.trailingSelectedBorderBackgroundViewHidden = hideTrailingStaticSeparator
layoutAttributes.frame = CGRect(origin: origin, size: frame.size)
layoutAttributes.zIndex = TabStripConstants.TabItem.selectedZIndex
return layoutAttributes
/// Returns the final layout attributes for andisappearing `tabCell`.
private func finalLayoutAttributesForDisappearingTabCell(
_ tabCell: TabStripTabCell?, at itemIndexPath: IndexPath,
attributes: UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes, collectionView: UICollectionView
-> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?
var attributes = attributes
/// Update `attributes` if the disappearing cell is selected.
if let selectedAttributes = self.layoutAttributesForSelectedTabCell(
tabCell, at: itemIndexPath, layoutAttributes: attributes, collectionView: collectionView)
attributes = selectedAttributes
if indexPathsOfDeletingItems.contains(itemIndexPath) {
tabCell?.leadingSeparatorHidden = true
tabCell?.trailingSeparatorHidden = true
// Animate the disappearing item by fading it out and translating it down
// by its height.
attributes.alpha = 0
attributes.transform = CGAffineTransform(
translationX: 0,
y: attributes.frame.size.height
return attributes
/// Returns the final layout attributes for a disappearing `groupCell`.
private func finalLayoutAttributesForDisappearingGroupCell(
_ groupCell: TabStripGroupCell?, at itemIndexPath: IndexPath,
attributes: UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes, collectionView: UICollectionView
-> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?
return attributes
/// This function calculates the separator height value for a given
/// `frameWidth`. The returned value will always be within the range of
/// `regularSeparatorHeight` and `minSeparatorHeight`.
private func calculateSeparatorsHeight(for frameWidth: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
let regularHeight = TabStripConstants.AnimatedSeparator.regularSeparatorHeight
let separatorHeight = min(
regularHeight + frameWidth
- TabStripConstants.AnimatedSeparator.collapseHorizontalInsetThreshold)
return max(TabStripConstants.AnimatedSeparator.minSeparatorHeight, separatorHeight)
/// Calculates the alpha value for the given `offset`.
private func calculateAlphaValue(for offset: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
var alpha: CGFloat = 1
/// If the sum of `offset` and `collapseHorizontalInset` exceeds
/// the `tabCellSize.width`, that means the cell will almost disappear from
/// the collection view. Its alpha value should be reduced.
let distance =
offset + TabStripConstants.AnimatedSeparator.collapseHorizontalInset - tabCellSize.width
if distance > 0 {
alpha = max(0, 1 - distance / TabStripConstants.TabItem.maximumVisibleDistance)
return alpha
// Called when voice over is activated.
@objc func voiceOverChanged() {
// MARK: - Public
// Calculates the dynamic size of a tab according to the number of tabs and
// groups.
public func calculateTabCellSize() {
guard let collectionView = self.collectionView, let snapshot = dataSource?.snapshot(for: .tabs)
else {
var groupCellWidthSum: CGFloat = 0
var tabCellCount: CGFloat = 0
let cellCount: CGFloat = CGFloat(snapshot.visibleItems.count)
if cellCount == 0 {
for itemIdentifier in snapshot.visibleItems {
switch itemIdentifier.item {
case .tab(_):
tabCellCount += 1
case .group(let tabGroupItem):
groupCellWidthSum += calculateCellSizeForTabGroupItem(tabGroupItem).width
let collectionViewWidth: CGFloat = CGRectGetWidth(collectionView.bounds)
let itemSpacingSum: CGFloat =
minimumLineSpacing * (cellCount - 1) + sectionInset.left + sectionInset.right
var itemWidth: CGFloat =
(collectionViewWidth - itemSpacingSum - groupCellWidthSum) / tabCellCount
itemWidth = max(itemWidth, TabStripConstants.TabItem.minWidth)
itemWidth = min(itemWidth, TabStripConstants.TabItem.maxWidth)
tabCellSize = CGSize(width: itemWidth, height: TabStripConstants.TabItem.height)
public func calculateCellSizeForTabSwitcherItem(_ tabSwitcherItem: TabSwitcherItem) -> CGSize {
return tabCellSize
public func calculateCellSizeForTabGroupItem(_ tabGroupItem: TabGroupItem) -> CGSize {
var width =
tabGroupItem.title?.size(withAttributes: [
.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: TabStripConstants.GroupItem.fontSize, weight: .medium)
]).width ?? 0
width += 2 * TabStripConstants.GroupItem.titleContainerHorizontalMargin
width += 2 * TabStripConstants.GroupItem.titleContainerHorizontalPadding
width = min(width, TabStripConstants.GroupItem.maxCellWidth)
return CGSize(width: width, height: TabStripConstants.GroupItem.height)
/// Prepares the layout for collection view updates resulting from expanding items.
public func prepareForItemsExpanding() {
self.expandingItems = true
/// Finalizes collection view updates resulting from expanding items.
public func finalizeItemsExpanding() {
self.expandingItems = false
/// Prepares the layout for collection view updates resulting from collapsing items.
public func prepareForItemsCollapsing() {
self.collapsingItems = true
/// Finalizes collection view updates resulting from collapsing items.
public func finalizeItemsCollapsing() {
self.collapsingItems = false