// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "base/observer_list.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/shared/model/browser/browser_user_data.h"
#import "ui/base/page_transition_types.h"
#import "url/gurl.h"
class UrlLoadingObserver;
// A class containing static functions to notify observers of url loading
// state change.
class UrlLoadingNotifierBrowserAgent
: public BrowserUserData<UrlLoadingNotifierBrowserAgent> {
// Not copyable or moveable
UrlLoadingNotifierBrowserAgent(const UrlLoadingNotifierBrowserAgent&) =
UrlLoadingNotifierBrowserAgent& operator=(
const UrlLoadingNotifierBrowserAgent&) = delete;
~UrlLoadingNotifierBrowserAgent() override;
// Adds `observer` to the list of observers.
void AddObserver(UrlLoadingObserver* observer);
// Removes `observer` from the list of observers.
void RemoveObserver(UrlLoadingObserver* observer);
// The loader will load `url` in the current tab. Next state will be
// one of: TabFailedToLoadUrl, TabDidPrerenderUrl,
// TabDidReloadUrl or TabDidLoadUrl.
void TabWillLoadUrl(const GURL& url, ui::PageTransition transition_type);
// The loader didn't succeed loading the requested `url`. Reason
// can, for example be an incognito mismatch or an induced crash.
// It is possible that the url was loaded, but in another tab.
void TabFailedToLoadUrl(const GURL& url, ui::PageTransition transition_type);
// The loader replaced the load with a prerendering.
void TabDidPrerenderUrl(const GURL& url, ui::PageTransition transition_type);
// The loader reloaded the `url` in the current tab.
void TabDidReloadUrl(const GURL& url, ui::PageTransition transition_type);
// The loader initiated the `url` loading successfully.
void TabDidLoadUrl(const GURL& url, ui::PageTransition transition_type);
// The loader will load `url` in a new tab. `user_initiated` is true of the
// request is explicitly user initiated, and false otherwise (like the
// opening on an NTP on startup or requesting the help page). Next state will
// be NewTabDidLoadUrl.
void NewTabWillLoadUrl(const GURL& url, bool user_initiated);
// The loader initiated the `url` loading in a new tab successfully.
void NewTabDidLoadUrl(const GURL& url, bool user_initiated);
// The loader will switch to an existing tab with `url` instead of loading it.
// Next state will be: DidSwitchToTabWithUrl.
void WillSwitchToTabWithUrl(const GURL& url, int new_web_state_index);
// The loader switched to an existing tab with `url`.
void DidSwitchToTabWithUrl(const GURL& url, int new_web_state_index);
friend class BrowserUserData<UrlLoadingNotifierBrowserAgent>;
explicit UrlLoadingNotifierBrowserAgent(Browser* browser);
base::ObserverList<UrlLoadingObserver, true> observers_;