// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "build/branding_buildflags.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/variations/model/variations_app_interface.h"
#import "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_earl_grey.h"
#import "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_test_case.h"
#import "ios/testing/earl_grey/app_launch_manager.h"
#import "ios/testing/earl_grey/earl_grey_test.h"
@interface VariationsSafeModeTestCase : ChromeTestCase
@implementation VariationsSafeModeTestCase
#pragma mark - Helpers
// Returns an AppLaunchConfiguration that shuts down Chrome cleanly and
// relaunches it without using the field trial testing config. Shutting down
// cleanly flushes local state. Disabling the testing config means that the only
// field trials after the relaunch, if any, are client-side field trials.
- (AppLaunchConfiguration)appConfigurationForTestCase {
AppLaunchConfiguration config;
config.relaunch_policy = ForceRelaunchByCleanShutdown;
config.additional_args = {"--disable-field-trial-config"};
return config;
// Returns an AppLaunchConfiguration that crashes and relaunches Chrome. The
// config also disables the use of the field trial testing config so that
// VariationsFieldTrialCreator::CreateTrialsFromSeed() executes and determines
// whether to use variations safe mode. See the comment above
// appConfigForPersistingPrefs for more info on disabling the testing config.
- (AppLaunchConfiguration)appConfigurationForCrashing {
AppLaunchConfiguration config;
config.relaunch_policy = ForceRelaunchByKilling;
config.additional_args = {"--disable-field-trial-config"};
return config;
// Returns an AppLaunchConfiguration that shuts down Chrome cleanly (if it is
// already running) and relaunches it with no additional flags or settings.
- (AppLaunchConfiguration)appConfigurationForCleanRestart {
AppLaunchConfiguration config;
config.relaunch_policy = ForceRelaunchByCleanShutdown;
return config;
// Checks that the variations crash streak is `value`.
- (void)checkCrashStreakValue:(int)value {
int actualStreak = [VariationsAppInterface crashStreak];
GREYAssertEqual(actualStreak, value,
@"Expected a crash streak of %d, but got %d", value,
// Checks that the variations failed fetch streak is `value`.
- (void)checkFailedFetchStreakValue:(int)value {
int actualStreak = [VariationsAppInterface failedFetchStreak];
GREYAssertEqual(actualStreak, value,
@"Expected a failed fetch streak of %d, but got %d", value,
// Restarts the app and ensures there's no variations/crash state active.
- (void)resetAppState:(AppLaunchConfiguration)config {
// Clear local state variations prefs since local state is persisted between
// EG tests and restart Chrome. This is to avoid flakiness caused by tests
// that may have run previously and to avoid introducing flakiness in tests
// that might run after.
// See crbug.com/1069086.
[VariationsAppInterface clearVariationsPrefs];
[[AppLaunchManager sharedManager] ensureAppLaunchedWithConfiguration:config];
// Validate app state:
// * App is running
// * No safe seed value in local state
// * No evidence of safe seed settings in local state.
// * No active crash streak
XCTAssertTrue([[AppLaunchManager sharedManager] appIsLaunched],
@"App should be launched.");
GREYAssertFalse([VariationsAppInterface hasSafeSeed], @"No safe seed.");
GREYAssertFalse([VariationsAppInterface fieldTrialExistsForTestSeed],
@"No field trial from test seed.");
[self checkCrashStreakValue:0];
#pragma mark - Lifecycle
- (void)setUp {
[super setUp];
[self resetAppState:[self appConfigurationForTestCase]];
- (void)tearDown {
[self resetAppState:[self appConfigurationForCleanRestart]];
[super tearDown];
#pragma mark - Tests
// The tests in this file should roughly correspond to the tests in
// chrome/browser/metrics/variations/variations_safe_mode_browsertest.cc.
// "Roughly" because there is a significant difference between the tests.
// The browser tests use a HistogramTester to check if Chrome is running in safe
// mode while the EG tests use the existence of a field trial associated with
// the test safe seed's sole study. HistogramTesters are not an option in EG
// tests because ensureAppLaunchedWithConfiguration() both shuts down and
// relaunches Chrome. It is not possible to initialize a HistogramTester until
// after the startup code under test has executed. Initializing a
// HistogramTester before shutting down Chrome isn't helpful because the
// tester is not persisted across sessions.
// Tests that three crashes trigger variations safe mode.
// Corresponds to VariationsSafeModeBrowserTest.ThreeCrashesTriggerSafeMode in
// variations_safe_mode_browsertest.cc.
// TODO(crbug.com/40073772): Test fails on official builds.
#define MAYBE_testThreeCrashesTriggerSafeMode \
#define MAYBE_testThreeCrashesTriggerSafeMode testThreeCrashesTriggerSafeMode
- (void)MAYBE_testThreeCrashesTriggerSafeMode {
[VariationsAppInterface setTestSafeSeedAndSignature];
// Persist the local state pref changes made above and in setUp().
[[AppLaunchManager sharedManager]
ensureAppLaunchedWithConfiguration:[self appConfigurationForTestCase]];
// Verify that (i) the crash and failed fetch streaks were reset, (ii) the
// safe seed was persisted, and (iii) there is no field trial associated with
// the test safe seed's sole study. There should be a field trial associated
// with the study only after variations safe mode is triggered.
[self checkCrashStreakValue:0];
[self checkFailedFetchStreakValue:0];
GREYAssertTrue([VariationsAppInterface hasSafeSeed],
@"The variations safe seed pref should be set.");
GREYAssertFalse([VariationsAppInterface fieldTrialExistsForTestSeed],
@"There should be no field trials from kTestSeedData.");
// Crash the app three times since a crash streak of three or more triggers
// variations safe mode. Also, verify the crash streak and the field trial
// after crashes.
AppLaunchConfiguration config = [self appConfigurationForCrashing];
// First crash.
[[AppLaunchManager sharedManager] ensureAppLaunchedWithConfiguration:config];
[self checkCrashStreakValue:1];
GREYAssertFalse([VariationsAppInterface fieldTrialExistsForTestSeed],
@"There should be no field trials from kTestSeedData.");
// Second crash.
[[AppLaunchManager sharedManager] ensureAppLaunchedWithConfiguration:config];
[self checkCrashStreakValue:2];
GREYAssertFalse([VariationsAppInterface fieldTrialExistsForTestSeed],
@"There should be no field trials from kTestSeedData.");
// Third crash.
[[AppLaunchManager sharedManager] ensureAppLaunchedWithConfiguration:config];
[self checkCrashStreakValue:3];
GREYAssertTrue([VariationsAppInterface hasSafeSeed],
@"The variations safe seed pref should be set.");
// Verify that Chrome fell back to variations safe mode by checking that there
// is a field trial for the test safe seed's study.
GREYAssertTrue([VariationsAppInterface fieldTrialExistsForTestSeed],
@"There should be field trials from kTestSeedData.");
// Tests that variations seed fetch failures trigger variations safe mode.
// Corresponds to VariationsSafeModeBrowserTest.FetchFailuresTriggerSafeMode in
// variations_safe_mode_browsertest.cc.
- (void)testFetchFailuresTriggerSafeMode {
[VariationsAppInterface setTestSafeSeedAndSignature];
// The fetch failure streak threshold for triggering safe mode is 25.
[VariationsAppInterface setFetchFailureValue:25];
// Verify that there is no field trial associated with the test safe seed's
// sole study.
GREYAssertFalse([VariationsAppInterface fieldTrialExistsForTestSeed],
@"There should be no field trials from kTestSeedData.");
// Persist the local state pref changes made above and in setUp().
[[AppLaunchManager sharedManager]
ensureAppLaunchedWithConfiguration:[self appConfigurationForTestCase]];
// Verify that (i) the crash streak was reset, (ii) the failed fetch streak
// and the safe seed were persisted, and (iii) safe mode was triggered.
[self checkCrashStreakValue:0];
[self checkFailedFetchStreakValue:25];
GREYAssertTrue([VariationsAppInterface hasSafeSeed],
@"The variations safe seed pref should be set.");
// Verify that Chrome fell back to variations safe mode by checking that there
// is a field trial for the test safe seed's study.
GREYAssertTrue([VariationsAppInterface fieldTrialExistsForTestSeed],
@"There should be field trials from kTestSeedData.");
// Tests that variations safe mode is not triggered.
// Corresponds to VariationsSafeModeBrowserTest.DoNotTriggerSafeMode in
// variations_safe_mode_browsertest.cc.
// TODO(crbug.com/40073772): Test fails on official builds.
#define MAYBE_testDoNotTriggerSafeMode DISABLED_testDoNotTriggerSafeMode
#define MAYBE_testDoNotTriggerSafeMode testDoNotTriggerSafeMode
- (void)MAYBE_testDoNotTriggerSafeMode {
[VariationsAppInterface setTestSafeSeedAndSignature];
// Neither a crash streak of 2 nor a fetch failure streak of 24 will trigger
// variations safe mode in the next session.
int crashes = 2;
int fetchFailures = 24;
[VariationsAppInterface setCrashValue:crashes];
[VariationsAppInterface setFetchFailureValue:fetchFailures];
// Verify that there is no field trial associated with the test safe seed's
// sole study.
GREYAssertFalse([VariationsAppInterface fieldTrialExistsForTestSeed],
@"There should be no field trials from kTestSeedData.");
// Persist the local state pref changes made above and in setUp().
[[AppLaunchManager sharedManager]
ensureAppLaunchedWithConfiguration:[self appConfigurationForTestCase]];
// Verify that (i) the crash and failed fetch streaks are as expected, (ii)
// the safe seed was stored, and (iii) safe mode was not triggered.
[self checkCrashStreakValue:2];
[self checkFailedFetchStreakValue:24];
GREYAssertTrue([VariationsAppInterface hasSafeSeed],
@"The variations safe seed pref should be set.");
// Verify that Chrome did not fall back to variations safe mode by checking
// that there isn't a field trial for the test safe seed's study.
GREYAssertFalse([VariationsAppInterface fieldTrialExistsForTestSeed],
@"There should be no field trials from kTestSeedData.");