# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This is included by reference in the //build/config/compiler config that
# is applied to all targets. It is here to separate out the logic.
config("compiler") {
# These flags are shared between the C compiler and linker.
common_flags = []
# CPU architecture.
if (current_cpu == "x64") {
triplet_cpu = "x86_64"
} else if (current_cpu == "x86") {
triplet_cpu = "i386"
} else if (current_cpu == "arm" || current_cpu == "armv7") {
triplet_cpu = "armv7"
} else if (current_cpu == "arm64") {
triplet_cpu = "arm64"
} else {
assert(false, "unsupported cpu: $current_cpu")
# Environment.
if (target_environment == "simulator") {
triplet_environment = "-simulator"
} else if (target_environment == "device") {
triplet_environment = ""
} else if (target_environment == "catalyst") {
triplet_environment = "-macabi"
} else {
assert(false, "unsupported environment: $target_environment")
# OS.
triplet_os = "apple-ios"
# Set target.
common_flags = [
# This is here so that all files get recompiled after an Xcode update.
# (defines are passed via the command line, and build system rebuild things
# when their commandline changes). Nothing should ever read this define.
defines = [ "CR_XCODE_VERSION=$xcode_version" ]
asmflags = common_flags
cflags = common_flags
swiftflags = common_flags
swiftflags += [
cflags_objcc = [
# When using -std=c++20 or higher, clang automatically returns true for
# `__has_feature(modules)` as it enables cxx modules. This is problematic
# because Objective-C code uses this to detect whether `@import` can be
# used (this feature is also named modules).
# Since Chromium does not yet enable cxx modules, nor clang modules,
# force disable the cxx modules, which cause `__has_features(modules)`
# to return false unless clang modules are explicitly enabled.
if (ios_chrome_generate_order_file) {
cflags_objcc += [ "-fsanitize-coverage=func,trace-pc-guard" ]
ldflags = common_flags
# This is on by default in ld64 for our deployment target, but not yet
# in ld64.lld. Force it on.
if (ios_deployment_target != "11.0" && ios_deployment_target != "12.0" &&
ios_deployment_target != "13.0" && ios_deployment_target != "13.4" &&
ios_deployment_target != "14.0") {
ldflags += [ "-Wl,-fixup_chains" ]
if (ios_is_app_extension) {
ldflags += [ "-fapplication-extension" ]
cflags += [ "-fapplication-extension" ]
# This is included by reference in the //build/config/compiler:runtime_library
# config that is applied to all targets. It is here to separate out the logic
# that is iOS-only. Please see that target for advice on what should go in
# :runtime_library vs. :compiler.
config("runtime_library") {
# The variable ios_sdk_path is relative to root_build_dir when using RBE
# and system Xcode (since RBE only supports paths relative to source).
# Rebase the value in that case since gn does not convert paths in compiler
# flags (since it is not aware they are paths).
_sdk_root = ios_sdk_path
if (ios_use_xcode_symlinks) {
_sdk_root = rebase_path(ios_sdk_path, root_build_dir)
common_flags = [
swiftflags = [
if (target_environment == "catalyst") {
common_flags += [
swiftflags += [
asmflags = common_flags
cflags = common_flags
ldflags = common_flags
config("ios_executable_flags") {
ldflags = []
# On "catalyst", the bundle structure is different (uses the same structure
# as a regular macOS app), so an additional -rpath is required.
if (target_environment == "catalyst") {
ldflags += [ "-Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/../Frameworks" ]
ldflags += [ "-Wl,-rpath,@executable_path/Frameworks" ]
config("ios_extension_executable_flags") {
configs = default_executable_configs
ldflags = [
# On "catalyst", the bundle structure is different (uses the same structure
# as a regular macOS app), so an additional -rpath is required.
if (target_environment == "catalyst") {
ldflags += [ "-Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/../../../../Frameworks" ]
ldflags += [ "-Wl,-rpath,@executable_path/../../Frameworks" ]
config("ios_dynamic_flags") {
ldflags = [
# Always load Objective-C categories and class.
# The path to the Swift compatibility libraries (required to run code built
# with version N of the SDK on older version of the OS) is relative to the
# toolchains directory and changes with the environment when using the
# system toolchain. When using the hermetic swift toolchain instead, those
# libraries are relative to $swift_toolchain_path.
if (swift_toolchain_path == "") {
_swift_compatibility_libs_prefix = ios_toolchains_path
} else {
_swift_compatibility_libs_prefix = swift_toolchain_path
if (target_environment == "simulator") {
_swift_compatibility_libs_suffix = "iphonesimulator"
} else if (target_environment == "device") {
_swift_compatibility_libs_suffix = "iphoneos"
} else if (target_environment == "catalyst") {
# The Swift compatibility libraries have changed location starting with
# Xcode 13.0, so check the version of Xcode when deciding which path to
# use.
if (xcode_version_int >= 1300) {
_swift_compatibility_libs_suffix = "macosx"
} else {
_swift_compatibility_libs_suffix = "maccatalyst"
lib_dirs = [
"$_swift_compatibility_libs_prefix/usr/lib/swift/" +
# When building for catalyst, some Swift support libraries are in a
# different directory which needs to be added to the search path.
if (target_environment == "catalyst") {
lib_dirs += [ "$ios_sdk_path/System/iOSSupport/usr/lib/swift" ]
config("ios_shared_library_flags") {
ldflags = [
config("xctest_config") {
# Add some directories to the system framework search path to make
# them available to the compiler while silencing warnings in the
# framework headers. This is required for XCTest.
common_flags = [
rebase_path("$ios_sdk_path/Developer/Library/Frameworks", root_build_dir),
cflags = common_flags
ldflags = common_flags
swiftflags = common_flags
include_dirs = [ "$ios_sdk_platform_path/Developer/usr/lib" ]
lib_dirs = [ "$ios_sdk_platform_path/Developer/usr/lib" ]
frameworks = [
# TODO(crbug.com/40911785): any target that uses this config will miscompile.
# This needs to be fixed if we want to use Swift - C++ interop.
config("enable_swift_cxx_interop") {
swiftflags = [ "-enable-experimental-cxx-interop" ]
group("xctest") {
public_configs = [ ":xctest_config" ]
_xctrunner_path =
# When building with RBE, $ios_sdk_platform_path corresponds to a symlink
# below $root_build_dir that points to the real SDK to use. Because the files
# are below $root_build_dir, it is not possible to list them as a target input
# without gn complaining (as it can't find a target creating those files).
# The symlinks are created by //build/config/apple/sdk_info.py script invoked
# via exec_script() from //build/config/{ios/ios_sdk.gni,mac/mac_sdk.gni}.
# As the invocation is done by exec_script, there is no target that can list
# those files as output.
# To workaround this, add a target that pretends to create those files
# (but does nothing). See https://crbug.com/1061487 for why this is needed.
if (ios_use_xcode_symlinks) {
action("copy_xctrunner_app") {
testonly = true
script = "//build/noop.py"
outputs = [
# When creating the test runner for an XCUITest, the arm64e slice of the binary
# must be removed (at least until the app ships with arm64e slice which is not
# yet supported by Apple).
action("xctest_runner_without_arm64e") {
testonly = true
script = "//build/config/ios/strip_arm64e.py"
sources = [ "$_xctrunner_path/XCTRunner" ]
outputs = [ "$target_out_dir/XCTRunner" ]
args = [
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
rebase_path(sources[0], root_build_dir),
# When running under ASan, the ASan runtime library must be packaged alongside
# the test runner binary.
deps = [ "//build/config/sanitizers:deps" ]
if (ios_use_xcode_symlinks) {
deps += [ ":copy_xctrunner_app" ]