// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/chrome/credential_provider_extension/ui/new_password_coordinator.h"
#import "ios/chrome/credential_provider_extension/ui/new_password_coordinator+Testing.h"
#import <AuthenticationServices/AuthenticationServices.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "ios/chrome/credential_provider_extension/ui/new_password_view_controller.h"
#import "testing/platform_test.h"
class NewPasswordCoordinatorTest : public PlatformTest {
NewPasswordCoordinator* CreateCoordinatorWithServiceIdentifiers(
NSArray<ASCredentialServiceIdentifier*>* identifiers) {
UINavigationController* view_controller =
[[UINavigationController alloc] init];
return [[NewPasswordCoordinator alloc]
// Tests that an alert message should be created without any crashes when new
// password is saved with an identifier that is aligned with RFC 1808.
TEST_F(NewPasswordCoordinatorTest, UrlAlignedWithRFC1808) {
ASCredentialServiceIdentifier* serviceIdentifier =
[[ASCredentialServiceIdentifier alloc]
// Create the coordinator with the identifier that is aligned with RFC 1808.
NewPasswordCoordinator* coordinator =
CreateCoordinatorWithServiceIdentifiers(@[ serviceIdentifier ]);
// Start the coordinator.
[coordinator start];
// Emulate the behavior when a user presses the button to save a password.
.topViewController alertUserCredentialExists];
// Clean up.
[coordinator stop];
// Tests that an alert message should be created without any crashes when new
// password is saved with an identifier that is aligned with RFC 3986 but not
// aligned with RFC 1808.
TEST_F(NewPasswordCoordinatorTest, UrlAlignedWithRFC3986Not1808) {
// Schemeless URLs are valid in RFC 3986 but not RFC 1808.
ASCredentialServiceIdentifier* serviceIdentifier =
[[ASCredentialServiceIdentifier alloc]
// Create the coordinator with the identifier that is aligned with RFC 3986.
NewPasswordCoordinator* coordinator =
CreateCoordinatorWithServiceIdentifiers(@[ serviceIdentifier ]);
// Start the coordinator.
[coordinator start];
// Emulate the behavior when a user presses the button to save a password.
.topViewController alertUserCredentialExists];
// Clean up.
[coordinator stop];
// Tests that an alert message should be created without any crashes when new
// password is saved with an invalid identifier.
TEST_F(NewPasswordCoordinatorTest, InvalidUrl) {
ASCredentialServiceIdentifier* serviceIdentifier =
[[ASCredentialServiceIdentifier alloc]
// Create the coordinator with an empty string.
NewPasswordCoordinator* coordinator =
CreateCoordinatorWithServiceIdentifiers(@[ serviceIdentifier ]);
// Start the coordinator.
[coordinator start];
// Emulate the behavior when a user presses the button to save a password.
.topViewController alertUserCredentialExists];
// Clean up.
[coordinator stop];