// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "base/ios/block_types.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/shared/model/profile/profile_ios_forward.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/shared/public/commands/browser_commands.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/shared/public/commands/browser_coordinator_commands.h"
@protocol ApplicationCommands;
@protocol CountryCodePickerCommands;
@protocol UnitConversionCommands;
class Browser;
@class MainController;
@class NewTabPageController;
@class SceneController;
@class SceneState;
@class UIViewController;
namespace chrome_test_util {
// Returns the main controller.
MainController* GetMainController();
// Returns the foreground, active scene.
SceneState* GetForegroundActiveScene();
// Returns the foreground, active scene controller.
SceneController* GetForegroundActiveSceneController();
// Returns the number of regular Browsers for the default profile.
NSUInteger RegularBrowserCount();
// Returns the current, non-incognito ChromeBrowserState.
ChromeBrowserState* GetOriginalBrowserState();
// Returns the current incognito ChromeBrowserState
ChromeBrowserState* GetCurrentIncognitoBrowserState();
// Returns the browser for the main interface.
Browser* GetMainBrowser();
// Returns the current browser from the foreground active scene.
Browser* GetCurrentBrowser();
// Returns the active view controller.
// NOTE: It is preferred to not directly access the active view controller if
// possible.
UIViewController* GetActiveViewController();
// Returns the dispatcher for the active Browser.
// Removes all presented infobars.
void RemoveAllInfoBars();
// Dismisses all presented views and modal dialogs. `completion` is invoked when
// all the views are dismissed.
void ClearPresentedState(ProceduralBlock completion);
// Presents the signed in accounts view controller if conditions to be presented
// are met.
void PresentSignInAccountsViewControllerIfNecessary();
// Sets the value of a boolean local state pref.
// TODO(crbug.com/41275546): Clean up other tests that use this helper function.
void SetBooleanLocalStatePref(const char* pref_name, bool value);
// Sets the value of a boolean user pref in the given browser state.
void SetBooleanUserPref(ChromeBrowserState* browser_state,
const char* pref_name,
bool value);
// Sets the value of an integer user pref in the given browser state.
void SetIntegerUserPref(ChromeBrowserState* browser_state,
const char* pref_name,
int value);
// Checks whether metrics recording is enabled or not.
bool IsMetricsRecordingEnabled();
// Checks whether metrics reporting is enabled or not.
bool IsMetricsReportingEnabled();
// Checks whether crashpad recording is enabled or not.
bool IsCrashpadEnabled();
// Checks whether crashpad reporting is enabled or not.
bool IsCrashpadReportingEnabled();
// Simulates launching Chrome from another application.
void OpenChromeFromExternalApp(const GURL& url);
// Purges cached web view page, so the next time back navigation will not use
// cached page. Browsers don't have to use fresh version for back forward
// navigation for HTTP pages and may serve version from the cache even if
// Cache-Control response header says otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] bool PurgeCachedWebViewPages();
} // namespace chrome_test_util