// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
namespace web {
class WebState;
namespace chrome_test_util {
// Opens a new tab, and does not wait for animations to complete.
void OpenNewTab();
// Simulates opening `URL` from another application.
void SimulateExternalAppURLOpeningWithURL(NSURL* URL);
// Simulates opening the add account sign-in flow from the web.
void SimulateAddAccountFromWeb();
// Opens a new incognito tab, and does not wait for animations to complete.
void OpenNewIncognitoTab();
// Returns YES if the browser is in incognito mode, and NO otherwise.
BOOL IsIncognitoMode();
// Gets current active WebState.
web::WebState* GetCurrentWebState();
// Gets next WebState and returns nullptr if less than two tabs are open.
web::WebState* GetNextWebState();
// Gets the current webState title. Assumes that the current webState exists.
NSString* GetCurrentTabTitle();
// Gets the next webState title. Assumes that the next webState exists.
NSString* GetNextTabTitle();
// Gets the WebState with the given index in the current mode (incognito or
// normal). Returns nullptr if less than `index` + 1 tabs are open.
web::WebState* GetWebStateAtIndexInCurrentMode(int index);
// Closes current tab.
void CloseCurrentTab();
// Pins current tab.
void PinCurrentTab();
// Closes tab with the given index in current mode (incognito or normal).
void CloseTabAtIndex(NSUInteger index);
// Returns the index of active tab in normal (non-incognito) mode.
NSUInteger GetIndexOfActiveNormalTab();
// Closes all tabs in the current mode (incognito or normal), and does not wait
// for the UI to complete. If current mode is Incognito, mode will be switched
// normal after closing all tabs.
void CloseAllTabsInCurrentMode();
// Closes all tabs in the all modes (incognito and normal), and does not wait
// for the UI to complete.
// If current mode is Incognito, mode will be switched to normal after closing
// the incognito tabs.
void CloseAllTabs();
// Selects tab with given index in current mode (incognito or normal).
void SelectTabAtIndexInCurrentMode(NSUInteger index);
// Returns the number of main, active, tabs.
NSUInteger GetMainTabCount();
// Returns the number of inactive tabs.
NSUInteger GetInactiveTabCount();
// Returns the number of incognito tabs.
NSUInteger GetIncognitoTabCount();
// Resets the tab usage recorder on current mode. Return YES on success.
BOOL ResetTabUsageRecorder();
// Sets the normal tabs as 'cold start' tabs. Return YES on success.
BOOL SetCurrentTabsToBeColdStartTabs();
// Simulates a backgrounding. Return YES on success.
BOOL SimulateTabsBackgrounding();
// Evicts the tabs associated with the non-current browser mode.
void EvictOtherBrowserTabs();
// Closes all normal (non-incognito) tabs. Return YES on success.
[[nodiscard]] BOOL CloseAllNormalTabs();
// Closes all incognito tabs. Return YES on success.
[[nodiscard]] BOOL CloseAllIncognitoTabs();
// Returns the number of main tabs currently evicted.
NSUInteger GetEvictedMainTabCount();
} // namespace chrome_test_util