# Configure port 8022 for connecting to a device with the local address.
# This makes it possible to forward 8022 to a device connected remotely.
# The fuchsia private key is used for the identity.
Port 8022
Host ::1
Port 8022
Host *
# Turn off refusing to connect to hosts whose key has changed
StrictHostKeyChecking no
CheckHostIP no
# Disable recording the known hosts
# Do not forward auth agent connection to remote, no X11
ForwardAgent no
ForwardX11 no
# Connection timeout in seconds
# Check for server alive in seconds, max count before disconnecting
ServerAliveInterval 1
ServerAliveCountMax 10
# Try to keep the master connection open to speed reconnecting.
ControlMaster auto
ControlPersist yes
# When expanded, the ControlPath below cannot have more than 90 characters
# (total of 108 minus 18 used by a random suffix added by ssh).
# '%C' expands to 40 chars and there are 9 fixed chars, so '~' can expand to
# up to 41 chars, which is a reasonable limit for a user's home in most
# situations. If '~' expands to more than 41 chars, the ssh connection
# will fail with an error like:
# unix_listener: path "..." too long for Unix domain socket
# A possible solution is to use /tmp instead of ~, but it has
# its own security concerns.
# Connect with user, use the identity specified.
User fuchsia
IdentitiesOnly yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/fuchsia_ed25519
GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no