// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#import "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "ios/components/security_interstitials/ios_blocking_page_controller_client.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace web {
class WebState;
} // namespace web
namespace security_interstitials {
class IOSSecurityInterstitialPage {
IOSSecurityInterstitialPage(web::WebState* web_state,
const GURL& request_url,
IOSBlockingPageControllerClient* client);
IOSSecurityInterstitialPage(const IOSSecurityInterstitialPage&) = delete;
IOSSecurityInterstitialPage& operator=(const IOSSecurityInterstitialPage&) =
virtual ~IOSSecurityInterstitialPage();
// Returns the HTML that should be displayed in the page
virtual std::string GetHtmlContents() const;
// Whether a URL should be displayed on this interstitial page. This is
// respected by committed interstitials only.
virtual bool ShouldDisplayURL() const;
// Handles `command` from the interstitial page. Overridden in subclasses
// to handle actions specific to the type of interstitial.
virtual void HandleCommand(SecurityInterstitialCommand command) = 0;
// Returns the type relating to the sub-class of the interstitial instance.
// It allows checking the type of the interstitial at runtime before a
// cast to a sub-class.
virtual std::string_view GetInterstitialType() const;
// Displays the infobar promo attached to the interstitial page.
virtual void ShowInfobar();
// Returns true if the interstitial should create a new navigation item.
virtual bool ShouldCreateNewNavigation() const = 0;
// Populates the strings used to generate the HTML from the template.
virtual void PopulateInterstitialStrings(
base::Value::Dict& load_time_data) const = 0;
// Returns the formatted host name for the request url.
std::u16string GetFormattedHostName() const;
web::WebState* web_state() const { return web_state_; }
const GURL& request_url() const { return request_url_; }
// The WebState with which this interstitial page is associated. Not
// available in the destructor since the it can be destroyed before this
// class is destroyed.
raw_ptr<web::WebState> web_state_;
const GURL request_url_;
// Used to interact with the embedder. Unowned pointer; must outlive `this`
// instance.
const raw_ptr<IOSBlockingPageControllerClient> client_ = nullptr;
} // namespace security_interstitials