// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
namespace signin {
class IdentityManager;
} // namespace signin
namespace syncer {
class SyncService;
class SyncInvalidationsService;
class UserEventService;
} // namespace syncer
namespace version_info {
enum class Channel;
} // namespace version_info
namespace web {
class WebUIIOS;
} // namespace web
// Declares functions that must be implemented by the embedder, such as
// ios/chrome and ios/web_view.
namespace web_ui {
// Gets the IdentityManager of the underlying original profile. May return null.
signin::IdentityManager* GetIdentityManagerForWebUI(web::WebUIIOS* web_ui);
// Gets the SyncService of the underlying original profile. May return null.
syncer::SyncService* GetSyncServiceForWebUI(web::WebUIIOS* web_ui);
// Gets the SyncInvalidationsService of the underlying original profile. May
// return null.
syncer::SyncInvalidationsService* GetSyncInvalidationsServiceForWebUI(
web::WebUIIOS* web_ui);
// Gets the UserEventService of the underlying original profile. May return
// null.
syncer::UserEventService* GetUserEventServiceForWebUI(web::WebUIIOS* web_ui);
// Returns the human-readable name of the app channel.
std::string GetChannelString();
// Returns the app channel.
version_info::Channel GetChannel();
} // namespace web_ui