
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

// The completion handler that will be called at the end of the Mini Map flow.
// If the passed URL is not nil, it indicates that the user requested to open
// this URL.
using MiniMapControllerCompletion = void (^)(NSURL*);

@protocol MiniMapController <NSObject>

// Presents the MiniMapController on top of viewController.
- (void)presentMapsWithPresentingViewController:

// Presents the MiniMapController in directions mode on top of viewController.
- (void)presentDirectionsWithPresentingViewController:

// Configure the footer view of the minimap controller.
// All the fields are required.
// If this is not called before the presentation, no footer view is presented.
- (void)
         leadingButtonAction:(void (^)(UIViewController*))leadingButtonAction
        trailingButtonAction:(void (^)(UIViewController*))trailingButtonAction;

// Configure the IPH view of the minimap controller.
// All the fields are required.
// If this is not called before the presentation, no IPH view is presented.
- (void)configureDisclaimerWithTitle:(NSAttributedString*)title
                           (void (^)(NSURL*, UIViewController*))actionHandler;


namespace ios {
namespace provider {

// Creates a one time MiniMapController to present the mini map for `address`.
// `completion` is called after the minimap is dismissed with an optional URL.
// If present, it indicates that the user requested to open the URL.
id<MiniMapController> CreateMiniMapController(
    NSString* address,
    MiniMapControllerCompletion completion);

}  // namespace provider
}  // namespace ios