
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


template("ios_eg2_test_app_host") {
  _target_type = "ios_app_bundle"
  if (defined(invoker.target_type)) {
    _target_type = invoker.target_type

  target(_target_type, target_name) {
    testonly = true
    forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")

    configs += [ "//build/config/ios:xctest_config" ]

    if (!defined(bundle_deps)) {
      bundle_deps = []
    bundle_deps += [ "//ios/third_party/earl_grey2:app_framework+bundle" ]
    if (!defined(include_provider_resources)) {
      include_provider_resources = true
    if (include_provider_resources) {
      bundle_deps += ios_providers_resources_targets
    if (!defined(deps)) {
      deps = []
    deps += [ "//ios/third_party/earl_grey2:app_framework+link" ]

    # Xcode needs the following frameworks installed in the application (and
    # signed) for the XCTest to run, so install them using
    # extra_system_frameworks.
    extra_system_frameworks = [

    # Xcode 13 now depends on XCTestCore. To keep things future proof, copy over
    # everything that Xcode copies.
    if (xcode_version_int >= 1300) {
      extra_system_frameworks += [

    # XCTestSupport framework is required for running EG tests with Xcode 14.3 or later.
    if (xcode_version_int >= 1430) {
      extra_system_frameworks += [ "$ios_sdk_platform_path/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/XCTestSupport.framework" ]

set_defaults("ios_eg2_test_app_host") {
  configs = default_executable_configs

# EarlGrey2 tests are just XCUITests that also depends on EarlGrey2.
template("ios_eg2_test") {
         "xcode_test_application_name must be defined for $target_name")
      "deps must be defined for $target_name to include at least one earl grey test file.")

  _target_name = target_name
  _test_target = "${target_name}_test"
  ios_xcuitest_test(_test_target) {

    if (!defined(deps)) {
      deps = []
    deps += [ "//ios/testing/earl_grey:eg_test_support+eg2" ]

    # TODO( Because we change the target name, the subnodes
    # are going to append with the _test in the naming, which won't be backwards
    # compatible during migration from iOS recipe to Chromium.
    output_name = "${_target_name}"

    # Performance tests use EarlGrey and are run in google3 mobile
    # harness. The mobile harness test runner expects to be passed the test
    # module (not runner) and will fail if TestTraceProcessor is not present
    # in the module's Frameworks directory
    if (!ios_is_perf_test) {
      # Those frameworks are force-linked via //base/test:test_support, so
      # ensure the framework bundles are packaged in the test runner and
      # not the test module.
      if (!defined(runner_only_bundle_deps)) {
        runner_only_bundle_deps = []
      runner_only_bundle_deps += [ "//base/test:test_trace_processor+bundle" ]

  ios_test_runner_wrapper(target_name) {
    _root_build_dir = rebase_path("${root_build_dir}", root_build_dir)

    if (!defined(data_deps)) {
      data_deps = []

    # Include the top ios_eg2_test target, and the host app
    data_deps += [ ":${_test_target}" ]

    if (!defined(executable_args)) {
      executable_args = []

    # EG2 tests app are bundled as *, while the host app is bundled
    # as *.app.
    executable_args += [
    executable_args += [

set_defaults("ios_eg2_test") {
  configs = default_shared_library_configs