// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Handles multiple decorations on the web page.
import {TextAnnotationList} from '//ios/web/annotations/resources/text_annotation_list.js';
import {annotationUniqueId, createChromeAnnotation, createSpace, originalNodeDecorationId, replacementNodeDecorationId, TextDecoration} from '//ios/web/annotations/resources/text_decoration.js';
import {annotationCanBeCrossElement, HTMLElementWithSymbolIndex, NodeWithSymbolIndex, TextWithSymbolIndex} from '//ios/web/annotations/resources/text_dom_utils.js';
import {TextChunk} from '//ios/web/annotations/resources/text_extractor.js';
import {TextStyler} from '//ios/web/annotations/resources/text_styler.js';
// `AnnotationsReplacement` represent an interval replacement inside a text
// Node. `id` is a unique annotation id number. `left` and `right` is the range
// inside `text`. All new nodes (HTMLElement) have `data` added as their
// `annotationExternalData`.
class AnnotationsReplacement {
public id: number, public left: number, public right: number,
public text: string, public type: string, public fullText: string,
public data: string, public needsPrecedingSpace: boolean) {}
// Highlighting styles.
const HIGHLIGHT_TEXT_COLOR = '#000';
const HIGHLIGHT_BACKGROUND_COLOR = 'rgba(20,111,225,0.25)';
// One important thing to remember is: A textNode can include a part of, the
// whole of or many annotations. Reversely, an annotation can cover a part of,
// the whole of or many text nodes.
// Five cases are possible regarding the text node to be decorated:
// 1. It's an original node in another decoration:
// Replace by a sub enumeration of non decorated intervals (i.e.
// text nodes) computed from the other decoration's replacement nodes, and
// apply case 2. This would happen if chunks in flight cross.
// 2. It's a replacement node from another decoration (happens when grabbing
// extra text and an annotation staggles a border of the extraction window):
// Merge the new decoration into first one (who has the "real" original)
// so a cleanup doesn't affect one of the two decoration.
// 3. An untouched node:
// Create a decoration.
// 4. An untouched node deleted from DOM, but not gc collected.
// If node.getRootNode({composed: true}) === node, the node is detached
// so it should be skipped and not decorated.
// 5. An untouched node, deleted and gc collected.
// Will be ignored and not decorated.
class TextDecorator {
constructor(private styler: TextStyler) {}
// The key is a unique `number` tagged on the original node and replacememnt
// nodes of the elements in an `AnnotationDecoration`.
decorations = new Map<number, TextDecoration>();
// Unique id used in `decorations` map.
uniqueId = 0;
// A mutation observer callback that observed the original nodes.
// If an original node is updated, the decoration should be restored.
private mutationCallback =
(mutationList: MutationRecord[]) => {
for (let mutation of mutationList) {
let target = mutation.target as TextWithSymbolIndex;
if (!target[originalNodeDecorationId]) {
let replacementId = target[originalNodeDecorationId];
const liveDecoration = this.decorations.get(replacementId);
// A mutation observer callback that observed the original nodes.
// If an original node is updated, the decoration should be restored.
private mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(this.mutationCallback);
// Decorates a single `textNode` at given `index` in full chunk text.
private decorateNode(
run: TextAnnotationList, textNode: TextWithSymbolIndex,
index: number): void {
// Skip annotation with end before index. This would happen if some nodes
// are deleted between text fetching and decorating.
// The text of this textNode and its length.
const text = textNode.textContent!;
const length = text.length;
// `replacements` will hold all the intervals inside `text` that are
// annotations, according to what's in the given run list.
const replacements: AnnotationsReplacement[] = [];
// This loop can 'eat' none or any number of annotations.
while (!run.done) {
const annotation = run.currentAnnotation;
if (!annotation) {
const start = annotation.start;
const end = annotation.end;
if (index < end && index + length > start) {
if (end > index + length &&
!(annotationCanBeCrossElement(annotation.type))) {
// Position and substring inside the textNode. A textNode can include
// a part of, the whole of or many annotations.
const left = Math.max(0, start - index);
const right = Math.min(length, end - index);
const nodeText = text.substring(left, right);
// Position and substring inside the annotation that should match the
// the substring inside the textNode. An annotation can cover a part of,
// the whole of or many text nodes.
const annotationLeft = Math.max(0, index - start);
const annotationRight = Math.min(end - start, index + length - start);
const expectedText =
annotation.text.substring(annotationLeft, annotationRight);
// If the text has changed, forget the rest of this annotation.
if (nodeText !== expectedText) {
// If there is a space before the annotation, and if it is not carried
// in the annotation text then the space disappears.
const needsPrecedingSpace = left > 0 && text[left - 1] == ' ';
replacements.push(new AnnotationsReplacement(
run.annotationId, left, right, nodeText, annotation.type,
annotation.text, annotation.data, needsPrecedingSpace));
// If annotation is completed, move to next annotation and retry on
// this node to fit more annotations if needed.
if (end <= index + length) {
const decoration = this.decorateSingleNode(textNode, replacements, text);
if (decoration) {
// Check if this node is already a replacement node.
const replacementId = textNode[replacementNodeDecorationId];
if (replacementId) {
// Case 2 (and indirectly 1) - Merge into existing decoration.
const liveDecoration = this.decorations.get(replacementId);
textNode, decoration.replacements);
} else {
this.decorations.set(decoration.id, decoration);
// Observe the original text Node. If the value change, the annotation
// should be reverted.
this.mutationObserver.observe(textNode, {characterData: true});
// Creates an `TextDecoration` for the given `textNode`. Replacement are
// intervals inside the node's `text` where a (part of a) CHROME_ANNOTATION
// should be. This function will create the annotations elements and the text
// nodes needed to cover the whole of the original `textNode`.
private decorateSingleNode(
textNode: Text, replacements: AnnotationsReplacement[],
text: string): TextDecoration|null {
const parentNode: Node|null = textNode.parentNode;
if (replacements.length <= 0 || !parentNode) {
return null;
let cursor = 0;
const parts: Node[] = [];
for (const replacement of replacements) {
if (replacement.left > cursor) {
if (replacement.needsPrecedingSpace) {
text.substring(cursor, replacement.left - 1)));
const space = createSpace(replacement.id, replacement.type);
} else {
text.substring(cursor, replacement.left)));
const element = createChromeAnnotation(
replacement.id, replacement.text, replacement.type,
replacement.fullText, replacement.data);
this.styler.style(parentNode, element, replacement.type);
cursor = replacement.right;
if (cursor < text.length) {
parts.push(document.createTextNode(text.substring(cursor, text.length)));
return new TextDecoration(++this.uniqueId, textNode, parts);
// Applies `annotations` on given `chunk` nodes.
decorateChunk(chunk: TextChunk, run: TextAnnotationList): void {
if (!run.currentAnnotation) {
let offset = chunk.firstNodeOffset;
for (const section of chunk.sections) {
const textNode = section.textNode;
if (!textNode || !textNode.textContent) {
offset = 0;
const existingId = textNode[originalNodeDecorationId];
if (existingId) {
// Case 1.
// Get other decoration.
const decoration = this.decorations.get(existingId);
if (decoration) {
let innerIndex = 0;
// Iterate on replacements that are text nodes. Compute an innerIndex.
for (const replacement of decoration.replacements) {
if (!replacement.textContent) {
if (replacement.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
run, replacement as Text,
section.index + innerIndex - offset);
innerIndex += replacement.textContent.length;
} else if (textNode.parentNode && textNode.getRootNode({
composed: true
}) !== textNode) {
// Case 2 and 3.
this.decorateNode(run, textNode, section.index - offset);
} else {
// Case 4 and 5, skip dead nodes.
offset = 0;
if (run.done) {
// Tells decorator that the given `node` (a replacement node) was removed from
// the DOM by an external actor.
decorationNodeUnexpectedlyRemoved(node: NodeWithSymbolIndex): void {
// Only node tagged with `replacementNodeDecorationId` should end up here,
// since the original nodes are already under the decorator's control.
// As soon as part of a decoration is removed by an external actor,
// this decoration loses integrity. The best course is to cleanup and delete
// it from here. This can sadly leave some dead annotations cached on the
// browser side until a page refresh.
const decorationId = node[replacementNodeDecorationId];
const decoration = this.decorations.get(decorationId);
if (decoration) {
// Removes all decorations.
removeAllDecorations(): void {
this.decorations.forEach((decoration) => {
// Removes all decorations of given `type`.
removeDecorationsOfType(type: string): void {
this.decorations.forEach((decoration, key) => {
const replacements = decoration.replacements;
const parentNode = replacements[0]!.parentNode;
if (!parentNode) {
const count = decoration.replacementsOfType(type);
if (count === 0) {
// This decoration is of another type, leave it as it is.
if (count === decoration.replacements.length) {
// Fully of given type.
// The decoration is of mixed type. Just replace CHROME_ANNOTATIONs
// of `type` by a text node with same text content.
// Highlights all elements related to the annotation of which `annotation` is
// part of. Using webkit edit selection kills a second tapping on the
// element and also causes a merge with the edit menu in some circumstance.
// Using custom highlight instead.
highlightAnnotation(annotation: HTMLElementWithSymbolIndex): void {
const annotationId = annotation[annotationUniqueId];
this.decorations.forEach((decoration) => {
for (const replacement of decoration.replacements) {
if (replacement instanceof HTMLElement &&
replacement[annotationUniqueId] === annotationId) {
replacement.style.color = HIGHLIGHT_TEXT_COLOR;
replacement.style.background = HIGHLIGHT_BACKGROUND_COLOR;
// Removes any highlight on all annotations.
removeHighlight(): void {
this.decorations.forEach((decoration) => {
for (const replacement of decoration.replacements) {
if (replacement instanceof HTMLElement) {
replacement.style.color = '';
replacement.style.background = '';
export {