// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Tests for text_decorator.ts.
import {TextAnnotationList, TextViewportAnnotation} from '//ios/web/annotations/resources/text_annotation_list.js';
import {TextDecorator} from '//ios/web/annotations/resources/text_decorator.js';
import {TextChunk, TextSection} from '//ios/web/annotations/resources/text_extractor.js';
import {TextStyler} from '//ios/web/annotations/resources/text_styler.js';
import {expectEq, load, TestSuite} from '//ios/web/annotations/resources/text_test_utils.js';
class InertTextStyler extends TextStyler {
override style(_parentNode: Node, _element: HTMLElement, _type: string):
void {}
class TestTextDecorator extends TestSuite {
// Mark: Utils
start: number, end: number, text: string, type?: string,
data?: string): TextViewportAnnotation {
return {start, end, text, type: type ?? 'WORD', data: data ?? '#' + text};
// Mark: tests
// Test case 3 (see text_decorator.ts), the normal flow without collision with
// in-flight chunks or mutation by external 3p.
// All annotations are limited to one element
testTextDecoratorFlowInElement() {
const html = '<div id="d1">abcde</div>' +
'<div id="d2">fghij</div>' +
'<div id="d3">klmno</div>' +
'<div id="d4">pqrst</div>' +
'<div id="d5">uvwxy</div>';
const d1 = document.querySelector('#d1')!;
const d2 = document.querySelector('#d2')!;
const d3 = document.querySelector('#d3')!;
const d4 = document.querySelector('#d4')!;
const d5 = document.querySelector('#d5')!;
// Let's pretend the extracted text is:
// 'de fghij klmno pqrst uvw'
// 111111111122222
// 0123456789012345678901234
// with a prefix = 'de fg' and suffix is 't uvw'. Offset in first node is 3
// and the visible range of 'h...t' is [5, 20).
const sections = [
new TextSection(d1.childNodes[0] as Text, 0), // first section
new TextSection(d2.childNodes[0] as Text, 3),
new TextSection(d3.childNodes[0] as Text, 9),
new TextSection(d4.childNodes[0] as Text, 15),
new TextSection(d5.childNodes[0] as Text, 21),
const chunk = new TextChunk(3, 5, 20);
chunk.add(sections, 'de fghij klmno pqrst uvw');
// Let's pretend the annotation are 'e f', 'ghi', 'mno p', 'r', 't' and
// 'vw', where 'e f' and 'vw'are outside the visible range.
const list = new TextAnnotationList(
this.annotation(1, 4, 'e f'), // Should be ignored
this.annotation(4, 7, 'ghi'),
this.annotation(11, 16, 'mno p'), // Across elements, ignored
this.annotation(17, 18, 'r'), this.annotation(19, 20, 't'),
this.annotation(22, 24, 'vw'), // Should be ignored
chunk.visibleStart, chunk.visibleEnd);
const styler = new InertTextStyler();
const decorator = new TextDecorator(styler);
decorator.decorateChunk(chunk, list);
expectEq(3, list.successes);
expectEq(3, list.failures);
expectEq(3, list.cancelled.length);
const decoratedHTML = '<div id="d1">abcde</div>' +
'<div id="d2">f<chrome_annotation>ghi</chrome_annotation>j</div>' +
'<div id="d3">klmno</div>' +
'<div id="d4">pq' +
'<chrome_annotation>r</chrome_annotation>s' +
'<chrome_annotation>t</chrome_annotation></div>' +
'<div id="d5">uvwxy</div>';
expectEq(decoratedHTML, document.body.innerHTML);
expectEq(html, document.body.innerHTML);
// Test case 3 (see text_decorator.ts), the normal flow without collision with
// in-flight chunks or mutation by external 3p.
// All annotations are limited to one element
testTextDecoratorFlowAcrossElement() {
const html = '<div id="d1">abcde</div>' +
'<div id="d2">fghij</div>' +
'<div id="d3">klmno</div>' +
'<div id="d4">pqrst</div>' +
'<div id="d5">uvwxy</div>';
const d1 = document.querySelector('#d1')!;
const d2 = document.querySelector('#d2')!;
const d3 = document.querySelector('#d3')!;
const d4 = document.querySelector('#d4')!;
const d5 = document.querySelector('#d5')!;
// Let's pretend the extracted text is:
// 'de fghij klmno pqrst uvw'
// 111111111122222
// 0123456789012345678901234
// with a prefix = 'de fg' and suffix is 't uvw'. Offset in first node is 3
// and the visible range of 'h...t' is [5, 20).
const sections = [
new TextSection(d1.childNodes[0] as Text, 0), // first section
new TextSection(d2.childNodes[0] as Text, 3),
new TextSection(d3.childNodes[0] as Text, 9),
new TextSection(d4.childNodes[0] as Text, 15),
new TextSection(d5.childNodes[0] as Text, 21),
const chunk = new TextChunk(3, 5, 20);
chunk.add(sections, 'de fghij klmno pqrst uvw');
// Let's pretend the annotation are 'e f', 'ghi', 'mno p', 'r', 't' and
// 'vw', where 'e f' and 'vw'are outside the visible range.
const list = new TextAnnotationList(
this.annotation(1, 4, 'e f', 'address'), // Should be ignored
this.annotation(4, 7, 'ghi', 'address'),
11, 16, 'mno p', 'address'), // Across elements, ignored
this.annotation(17, 18, 'r', 'address'),
this.annotation(19, 20, 't', 'address'),
this.annotation(22, 24, 'vw', 'address'), // Should be ignored
chunk.visibleStart, chunk.visibleEnd);
const styler = new InertTextStyler();
const decorator = new TextDecorator(styler);
decorator.decorateChunk(chunk, list);
expectEq(4, list.successes);
expectEq(2, list.failures);
expectEq(2, list.cancelled.length);
const decoratedHTML = '<div id="d1">abcde</div>' +
'<div id="d2">f<chrome_annotation>ghi</chrome_annotation>j</div>' +
'<div id="d3">kl<chrome_annotation>mno</chrome_annotation></div>' +
'<div id="d4"><chrome_annotation>p</chrome_annotation>q' +
'<chrome_annotation>r</chrome_annotation>s' +
'<chrome_annotation>t</chrome_annotation></div>' +
'<div id="d5">uvwxy</div>';
expectEq(decoratedHTML, document.body.innerHTML);
expectEq(html, document.body.innerHTML);
testTextDecoratorEdgeCases() {
const html = '<div id="d1">abcde</div>' +
'<div id="d2">fghij</div>' +
'<div id="d3">klmno</div>' +
'<div id="d4">pqrst</div>' +
'<div id="d5">uvwxy</div>';
const d1 = document.querySelector('#d1')!;
const d2 = document.querySelector('#d2')!;
const d3 = document.querySelector('#d3')!;
const d4 = document.querySelector('#d4')!;
const d5 = document.querySelector('#d5')!;
const sections = [
new TextSection(d1.childNodes[0] as Text, 0),
new TextSection(d2.childNodes[0] as Text, 6),
new TextSection(d3.childNodes[0] as Text, 12),
new TextSection(d4.childNodes[0] as Text, 18),
new TextSection(d5.childNodes[0] as Text, 24),
const chunk = new TextChunk(0, 0, 29);
// 11111111112222222222
// 012345678901234567890123456789
chunk.add(sections, 'abcde fghij klmno pqrst uvwxy');
const list = new TextAnnotationList([
3, 14, 'de fghij kl', 'address'), // spans over a full node.
this.annotation(17, 20, 'zzz', 'other'), // Text doesn't match.
this.annotation(27, 28, 'x', 'other'), // Side by side with 'y'
this.annotation(28, 29, 'y', 'address'), // End of text.
const styler = new InertTextStyler();
const decorator = new TextDecorator(styler);
decorator.decorateChunk(chunk, list);
expectEq(3, list.successes, 'successes: ');
expectEq(1, list.failures, 'failures: ');
expectEq(1, list.cancelled.length);
const decoratedHTML =
'<div id="d1">abc<chrome_annotation>de</chrome_annotation></div>' +
'<div id="d2"><chrome_annotation>fghij</chrome_annotation></div>' +
'<div id="d3"><chrome_annotation>kl</chrome_annotation>mno</div>' +
'<div id="d4">pqrst</div>' +
'<div id="d5">uvw<chrome_annotation>x</chrome_annotation>' +
expectEq(decoratedHTML, document.body.innerHTML);
// Remove by type 'address', then 'other',
const partialRemoveHTML = '<div id="d1">abcde</div>' +
'<div id="d2">fghij</div>' +
'<div id="d3">klmno</div>' +
'<div id="d4">pqrst</div>' +
'<div id="d5">uvw<chrome_annotation>x</chrome_annotation>y</div>';
expectEq(partialRemoveHTML, document.body.innerHTML);
expectEq(html, document.body.innerHTML);
// Check that removing all, doesn't corrupt the DOM.
expectEq(html, document.body.innerHTML);
// Test case 1 and 2 (see text_decorator.ts), the normal flow with collision
// with in-flight chunks.
testTextDecoratorInflightCollision() {
const html = '<div id="d1">abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz</div>';
const d1 = document.querySelector('#d1')!;
const sections = [
new TextSection(d1.childNodes[0] as Text, 0),
const chunk = new TextChunk(0, 0, 26);
// 11111111112222222
// 012345678901234567890123456
chunk.add(sections, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
let list = new TextAnnotationList([
this.annotation(3, 6, 'def', 'A'), // first annotation.
const styler = new InertTextStyler();
const decorator = new TextDecorator(styler);
decorator.decorateChunk(chunk, list);
expectEq(1, list.successes, 'successes 1: ');
expectEq(0, list.failures, 'failures 1: ');
expectEq(0, list.cancelled.length);
const decoratedHTML = '<div id="d1">abc' +
'<chrome_annotation>def</chrome_annotation>' +
expectEq(decoratedHTML, document.body.innerHTML);
// Now pretend another in-flight chunk has an annotation on the same node
// which is now replaced. Let's reuse chunk since it is unmutable.
list = new TextAnnotationList([
this.annotation(20, 23, 'uvw', 'A'), // second annotation.
decorator.decorateChunk(chunk, list);
expectEq(1, list.successes, 'successes 2: ');
expectEq(0, list.failures, 'failures 2: ');
expectEq(0, list.cancelled.length);
const redecoratedHTML = '<div id="d1">abc' +
'<chrome_annotation>def</chrome_annotation>' +
'ghijklmnopqrst' +
'<chrome_annotation>uvw</chrome_annotation>' +
expectEq(redecoratedHTML, document.body.innerHTML);
expectEq(html, document.body.innerHTML);
// Test case 2 (see text_decorator.ts) with two div second annotation at edge
// (get new child node)
testTextDecoratorCollision() {
const html = '<div id="d1">abcdefghijklm</div>' +
'<div id="d2">nopqrstuvwxyz</div>';
const d1 = document.querySelector('#d1')!;
const d2 = document.querySelector('#d2')!;
let sections = [
new TextSection(d1.childNodes[0] as Text, 0),
let chunk = new TextChunk(0, 0, 26);
// 11111111112222222
// 012345678901234567890123456
chunk.add(sections, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
let list = new TextAnnotationList([
this.annotation(3, 6, 'def', 'A'), // first annotation.
const styler = new InertTextStyler();
const decorator = new TextDecorator(styler);
decorator.decorateChunk(chunk, list);
expectEq(1, list.successes, 'successes 1: ');
expectEq(0, list.failures, 'failures 1: ');
expectEq(0, list.cancelled.length);
const decoratedHTML = '<div id="d1">abc' +
'<chrome_annotation>def</chrome_annotation>' +
'ghijklm</div>' +
'<div id="d2">nopqrstuvwxyz</div>';
expectEq(decoratedHTML, document.body.innerHTML);
// Now pretend another chunk has an annotation partly on a replacement node.
sections = [
new TextSection(d1.childNodes[2] as Text, 0),
new TextSection(d2.childNodes[0] as Text, 7),
chunk = new TextChunk(0, 0, 20);
// 11111111112
// 012345678901234567890
chunk.add(sections, 'ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
list = new TextAnnotationList([
this.annotation(5, 9, 'lmno', 'address'), // second annotation.
decorator.decorateChunk(chunk, list);
expectEq(1, list.successes, 'successes 2: ');
expectEq(0, list.failures, 'failures 2: ');
expectEq(0, list.cancelled.length);
const redecoratedHTML = '<div id="d1">abc' +
'<chrome_annotation>def</chrome_annotation>' +
'ghijk' +
'<chrome_annotation>lm</chrome_annotation></div>' +
'<div id="d2">' +
'<chrome_annotation>no</chrome_annotation>' +
expectEq(redecoratedHTML, document.body.innerHTML);
expectEq(html, document.body.innerHTML);
testTextDecoratorDeadNode() {
const html = '<div id="d1">abcdefghijklm</div>' +
'<div id="d2">nopqrstuvwxyz</div>';
let d1: Node|null = document.querySelector('#d1')!;
const d2 = document.querySelector('#d2')!;
const sections = [
new TextSection(d1!.childNodes[0] as Text, 0),
new TextSection(d2.childNodes[0] as Text, 13),
const chunk = new TextChunk(0, 0, 26);
// 11111111112222222
// 012345678901234567890123456
chunk.add(sections, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
const list = new TextAnnotationList([
this.annotation(11, 15, 'lmno', 'address'),
// Remove from DOM
(d1 as HTMLElement).remove();
d1 = null;
const styler = new InertTextStyler();
const decorator = new TextDecorator(styler);
decorator.decorateChunk(chunk, list);
expectEq(1, list.successes, 'successes 1: ');
expectEq(0, list.failures, 'failures 1: ');
expectEq(0, list.cancelled.length);
const decoratedHTML = '<div id="d2">' +
'<chrome_annotation>no</chrome_annotation>' +
expectEq(decoratedHTML, document.body.innerHTML);
const newHTML = '<div id="d2">nopqrstuvwxyz</div>';
expectEq(newHTML, document.body.innerHTML);
export {TestTextDecorator}