// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Interface used to extract visible text on the page, add extra
* at the ends, and pass it on to the a consumer.
import {nextLeaf, previousLeaf, TextWithSymbolIndex} from '//ios/web/annotations/resources/text_dom_utils.js';
import {TextNodeVisitor} from '//ios/web/annotations/resources/text_intersection_observer.js';
// TODO(crbug.com/40936184): investigate concatening of nodes and RTL languages.
// Character added to the extracted text that intent detection should not cross.
const SECTION_BREAK = ' ‡ ';
// Minimum number of characters to add at ends of sections.
const KNOWN_INLINE_ELEMENTS: Set<string> = new Set([
'A', 'ABBR', 'B', 'CITE', 'CODE', 'I', 'DFN', 'EM', 'MARK', 'SMALL', 'SPAN',
// A section is a `textNode` and an index. The index is the position when this
// node's text is in the full extracted text. Note that some text, like breaks
// and spaces, are not in `TextSection`s. Neither are text nodes with no text or
// with only spaces and newlines.
class TextSection {
private sourceTextNode: WeakRef<TextWithSymbolIndex>;
constructor(textNode: TextWithSymbolIndex, public index: number) {
this.sourceTextNode = new WeakRef<TextWithSymbolIndex>(textNode);
get textNode(): TextWithSymbolIndex|null {
return this.sourceTextNode.deref() || null;
// Consumer of `TextChunk` callback.
type TextChunkConsumer = {
(chunk: TextChunk): void;
// A piece of extracted text and the sections needed to locate back the nodes
// from which the text, at a given index, comes from.
class TextChunk {
text: string = '';
sections: TextSection[] = [];
// `firstNodeOffset` is the offset to the first character in the first
// `TextSection`. The text before the offset is not included in `text`.
// The offset will be subtracted to index of the first node when calling
// the section enumerator. `visibleStart` and `visibleEnd` define the range
// in which any annotation having at least one character in will be decorated.
public firstNodeOffset: number, public visibleStart: number,
public visibleEnd: number) {}
// Adds a list of `sections` at the end of the current list. Adds the given
// `text` at the end of the current text.
add(sections: TextSection[], text: string): void {
// The new section needs to be offsetted based on how much text is here
// already. Note that `firstNodeOffset` is indepedant of this.
const offset = this.text.length;
for (const section of sections) {
section.index += offset;
this.text += text;
// A `TextNodeVisitor` that assembles the text. It adds breaks where needed and
// concatenates prefix and suffix text (of at most `extraCharactersAtEnd`) at
// each end.
class TextExtractor implements TextNodeVisitor {
private consumer: TextChunkConsumer,
private extraCharactersAtEnd = EXTRA_CHARACTERS_AT_END,
private sectionBreak = SECTION_BREAK) {}
private parts: string[] = [];
private sections: TextSection[] = [];
// `true` when a text break has been added. A text break is meant to replace
// non visible or invalid nodes to avoid creating false context by combining
// text before and after the break.
private broken = true;
// Current index, it is equivalent to `''.concat(...this.parts).length`.
private index = 0;
// `true` when a space has already been added between text.
spaced = true;
// Mark: TextNodeVisitor
begin(): void {
this.parts = [];
this.sections = [];
this.broken = true;
this.spaced = true;
this.index = 0;
visibleTextNode(textNode: Text): void {
if (textNode.textContent!.trim()) {
this.sections.push(new TextSection(textNode, this.index));
this.index += textNode.textContent!.length;
this.broken = false;
this.spaced = false;
} else {
enterVisibleNode(node: Node): void {
if (node instanceof Element && !KNOWN_INLINE_ELEMENTS.has(node.nodeName)) {
leaveVisibleNode(node: Node): void {
if (node instanceof Element && !KNOWN_INLINE_ELEMENTS.has(node.nodeName)) {
invisibleNode(node: Node): void {
if (node.nodeType === Node.COMMENT_NODE) {
// Completely ignore comments.
} else if (
node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE &&
(!node.textContent || !node.textContent.trim())) {
// Skip empty text nodes. They are not real breaks.
} else if (!this.broken) {
// Text section break, no section registered.
this.index += this.sectionBreak.length;
this.broken = true;
this.spaced = false;
end(): void {
// If there's no new text, cancel extraction. It doesn't make sense
// to send prefix and suffix characters and send those two ends.
if (this.sections.length === 0) {
// To catch an address on multiple line scrolling in, the extra 'window'
// (rootMargin) isn't enough, it just pushes the problem below or above the
// viewport. This solves the issue by always adding extra text before
// and after, regardless of that text's visibility and not removing it
// from the DOM observer or intersection observer.
const firstNode: Node = this.sections[0]!.textNode!;
const [firstNodeOffset, prefixText, prefixSections] =
const lastNode: Node = this.sections[this.sections.length - 1]!.textNode!;
const [postfixText, postfixSections] =
this.extractPostfix(lastNode, this.spaced);
const text = ''.concat(...this.parts);
const chunk = new TextChunk(
firstNodeOffset, prefixText.length, prefixText.length + text.length);
chunk.add(prefixSections, prefixText);
chunk.add(this.sections, text);
chunk.add(postfixSections, postfixText);
// Mark: Private API
// Adds a single space between parts if there was none.
private addSpaceIfNeeded() {
if (!this.spaced) {
// Spacer, no section registered.
this.parts.push(' ');
this.spaced = true;
// Extracts up to `extraCharactersAtEnd` before `beforeNode`. Returns
// an array of `TextSection`, its combined text and the offset to
// the first character in the first section. In case nothing can be found,
// empty text and sections are returned.
private extractPrefix(beforeNode: Node): [number, string, TextSection[]] {
let sections: TextSection[] = [];
let parts: string[] = [' '];
// Leave space for a space and start `index` at 1 from the end.
let index = this.extraCharactersAtEnd - 1;
// Keep track of latest offset and since the traversal if backward, the
// last value will be for the first node.
let offset = 0;
let spaced = true;
let node: Node|null = previousLeaf(beforeNode, /* breakAtInvalid= */ true);
while (node && index > 0) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && node.textContent &&
node.textContent.trim()) {
const textLength = node.textContent.length;
const minLength = Math.min(index, textLength);
offset = textLength - minLength;
sections.push(new TextSection(node as Text, index - minLength));
index -= minLength;
spaced = false;
} else if (!spaced) {
parts.push(' ');
spaced = true;
node = previousLeaf(node, /* breakAtInvalid= */ true);
if (sections.length > 0) {
sections = sections.reverse();
parts = parts.reverse();
const text = ''.concat(...parts);
// index will be > 0 if there wasn't enough text, so adjust the
// sections to match the `text`.
if (index > 0) {
for (const section of sections) {
section.index -= index;
return [offset, text, sections];
return [0, '', []];
// Extracts up to `extraCharactersAtEnd` after `afterNode`. Returns
// an array of `TextSection` and its combined text. In case nothng can
// be found, empty text and sections are returned.
private extractPostfix(afterNode: Node, alreadySpaced: boolean):
[string, TextSection[]] {
const sections: TextSection[] = [];
const parts: string[] = [];
let index = 0;
let spaced = alreadySpaced;
if (!alreadySpaced) {
parts.push(' ');
spaced = true;
const maxChars = alreadySpaced ? this.extraCharactersAtEnd :
this.extraCharactersAtEnd - 1;
let node: Node|null = nextLeaf(afterNode, /* breakAtInvalid= */ true);
while (node && index < maxChars) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && node.textContent &&
node.textContent.trim()) {
const textLength = node.textContent.length;
const minLength = Math.min(maxChars - index, textLength);
parts.push(node.textContent.substring(0, minLength));
sections.push(new TextSection(node as Text, index));
index += minLength;
spaced = false;
} else if (!spaced) {
parts.push(' ');
spaced = true;
node = nextLeaf(node, /* breakAtInvalid= */ true);
if (sections.length > 0) {
const text = ''.concat(...parts);
return [text, sections];
return ['', []];
export {