// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/web/public/browsing_data/browsing_data_removing_util.h"
#import <WebKit/WebKit.h>
#import "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#import "base/time/time.h"
#import "ios/web/common/uikit_ui_util.h"
#import "ios/web/public/browser_state.h"
#import "ios/web/public/browser_state_utils.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/ui/wk_web_view_configuration_provider.h"
namespace web {
namespace {
// Converts ClearBrowsingDataMask to WKWebsiteDataStore strings.
NSSet<NSString*>* ConvertClearBrowsingDataMask(ClearBrowsingDataMask types) {
NSMutableSet<NSString*>* result = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
if (IsRemoveDataMaskSet(types, ClearBrowsingDataMask::kRemoveCacheStorage)) {
[result addObject:WKWebsiteDataTypeDiskCache];
[result addObject:WKWebsiteDataTypeMemoryCache];
if (IsRemoveDataMaskSet(types, ClearBrowsingDataMask::kRemoveAppCache)) {
[result addObject:WKWebsiteDataTypeOfflineWebApplicationCache];
if (IsRemoveDataMaskSet(types, ClearBrowsingDataMask::kRemoveLocalStorage)) {
[result addObject:WKWebsiteDataTypeSessionStorage];
[result addObject:WKWebsiteDataTypeLocalStorage];
if (IsRemoveDataMaskSet(types, ClearBrowsingDataMask::kRemoveWebSQL)) {
[result addObject:WKWebsiteDataTypeWebSQLDatabases];
if (IsRemoveDataMaskSet(types, ClearBrowsingDataMask::kRemoveIndexedDB)) {
[result addObject:WKWebsiteDataTypeIndexedDBDatabases];
if (IsRemoveDataMaskSet(types, ClearBrowsingDataMask::kRemoveCookies)) {
[result addObject:WKWebsiteDataTypeCookies];
return result;
} // anonymous namespace
void ClearBrowsingData(BrowserState* browser_state,
ClearBrowsingDataMask types,
base::Time modified_since,
base::OnceClosure closure) {
NSSet<NSString*>* types_to_remove = ConvertClearBrowsingDataMask(types);
if (![types_to_remove count]) {
if (IsRemoveDataMaskSet(types, ClearBrowsingDataMask::kRemoveVisitedLinks)) {
// TODO(crbug.com/41219991): Purging the WKProcessPool is a workaround for
// the fact that there is no public API to clear visited links in
// WKWebView. Remove this workaround if/when that API is made public.
// Note: Purging the WKProcessPool for clearing visisted links does have
// the side-effect of also losing the in-memory cookies of WKWebView but
// it is not a problem in practice since there is no UI to only have
// visited links be removed but not cookies.
base::OnceClosure purge_process_pool = base::BindOnce(
closure = std::move(purge_process_pool).Then(std::move(closure));
if (IsRemoveDataMaskSet(types, ClearBrowsingDataMask::kRemoveCookies)) {
// TODO(crbug.com/40491729): Create a dummy WKWebView to allow the APO
// -[WKWebsiteDataStore removeDataOfType:] to access the cookie store
// and clear cookies. This is a workaround that for the WebKit bug
// https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=149078 and needs to be
// removed when no longer necessary.
WKWebView* dummy_web_view;
dummy_web_view = [[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
dummy_web_view.hidden = YES;
// It seems that the WKWebView needs to be part of the view hierarchy to
// prevent its out-of-process process from being suspended. If it is not
// added to the view hierarchy, tests are failing when trying to
// remove/check the cookies which indicates that we might have the same
// issue with cookies. Adding the web view to the view hierarchy as a safe
// guard.
[GetAnyKeyWindow() insertSubview:dummy_web_view atIndex:0];
base::OnceClosure remove_dummy_web_view = base::BindOnce(^{
[dummy_web_view removeFromSuperview];
closure = std::move(remove_dummy_web_view).Then(std::move(closure));
WKWebsiteDataStore* data_store = GetDataStoreForBrowserState(browser_state);
[data_store removeDataOfTypes:types_to_remove
} // namespace web