// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class NSString;
namespace web {
class WebFrame;
// Keeps track of the state of a JavaScriptFindInPageManager::Find() request.
class JavaScriptFindInPageRequest {
// Clears properties and sets new `query` and `pending_frame_call_count`.
void Reset(NSString* query, int pending_frame_call_count);
int GetTotalMatchCount() const;
int GetRequestId() const;
NSString* GetRequestQuery() const;
// Sets `selected_frame_id` and `selected_match_index_in_selected_frame` to
// the first match on the page. No-op if no known matches exist. Returns
// true if selected a match, false otherwise.
bool GoToFirstMatch();
// Sets `selected_frame_id` and `selected_match_index_in_selected_frame` to
// the next match on the page. No-op if no known matches exist. Returns true
// if selected a match, false otherwise.
bool GoToNextMatch();
// Sets `selected_frame_id` and `selected_match_index_in_selected_frame` to
// the previous match on the page. No-op if no known matches exist. Returns
// true if selected a match, false otherwise.
bool GoToPreviousMatch();
// Returns the number of matches in `selected_frame_id`. If no match is
// currently selected, then returns -1;
int GetMatchCountForSelectedFrame();
// Sets `match_count` for `selected_frame_id`, if one exists.
void SetMatchCountForSelectedFrame(int match_count);
// Returns the index of the currently selected match for all matches on the
// page. If no match is selected, then returns -1.
int GetCurrentSelectedMatchPageIndex();
// Returns the id of the WebFrame containing the currently selected match.
// Returns empty string if no currently selected match.
std::string GetSelectedFrameId();
// Returns the index of the currently selected match relative to the matches
// within its frame. If no match is selected, then returns -1.
int GetCurrentSelectedMatchFrameIndex() const;
// Sets `index` as the currently selected index relative to the selected
// frame.
void SetCurrentSelectedMatchFrameIndex(int index);
// Returns the number of matches in `frame_id`. If `frame_id` is invalid,
// then returns -1.
int GetMatchCountForFrame(const std::string& frame_id);
// Sets `match_count` for `frame_id`.
void SetMatchCountForFrame(int match_count, const std::string& frame_id);
// Removes frame with Id `frame_id` from `frame_order` and
// `frame_match_count`. Resets `selected_frame_id` and
// `selected_match_index_in_selected_frame` if the frame with `frame_id`
// contains the currently selected match.
void RemoveFrame(const std::string& frame_id);
// Adds new frame to `frame_order_` and `frame_match_count_`.
void AddFrame(WebFrame* web_frame);
// After each frame's Find request has finished, call this method to
// decrement `pending_frame_counts` to indicate to the receiver of the
// request completion.
void DidReceiveFindResponseFromOneFrame();
// Returns true if there are no more pending Find requests, false
// otherwise.
bool AreAllFindResponsesReturned();
// Unique identifier for each find used to check that it is the most recent
// find. This ensures that an old find doesn't decrement
// `pending_frame_calls_count` after it has been reset by the new find.
int unique_id_ = 0;
// Query string of find request. NSString type to ensure query passed to
// delegate methods is the same type as what is passed into Find().
NSString* query_ = nil;
// Counter to keep track of pending frame JavaScript calls.
int pending_frame_call_count_ = 0;
// Holds number of matches found for each frame keyed by frame_id.
std::map<std::string, int> frame_match_count_;
// List of frame_ids used for sorting matches.
std::list<std::string> frame_order_;
// Id of frame which has the currently selected match. Set to
// frame_order.end() if there is no currently selected match. All matches
// from the last find will be highlighted. However, the match at
// `selected_match_index_in_selected_frame` will be highlighted in a
// visually unique manner. This match is referred to as the "selected match"
// and can be changed with the FindInPageNext and FindInPagePrevious
// commands.
std::list<std::string>::iterator selected_frame_id_ = frame_order_.end();
// Index of the currently selected match or -1 if there is none.
int selected_match_index_in_selected_frame_ = -1;
// Returns true if `frame_id` contains the currently selected match, false
// otherwise.
bool IsSelectedFrame(const std::string& frame_id);
} // namespace web