
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#import "ios/web/js_features/context_menu/context_menu_constants.h"

namespace web {

const char kContextMenuElementRequestId[] = "requestId";
const char kContextMenuElementTagName[] = "tagName";
const char kContextMenuElementHyperlink[] = "href";
const char kContextMenuElementSource[] = "src";
const char kContextMenuElementTitle[] = "title";
const char kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy[] = "referrerPolicy";
const char kContextMenuElementInnerText[] = "innerText";
const char kContextMenuElementTextOffset[] = "textOffset";
const char kContextMenuElementAlt[] = "alt";
const char kContextMenuElementSurroundingText[] = "surroundingText";
const char kContextMenuElementSurroundingTextOffset[] = "surroundingTextOffset";

}  // namespace web