// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <WebKit/WebKit.h>
#import <vector>
#import "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#import "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#import "base/test/ios/wait_util.h"
#import "base/values.h"
#import "ios/web/common/web_view_creation_util.h"
#import "ios/web/js_features/context_menu/context_menu_constants.h"
#import "ios/web/public/js_messaging/web_view_js_utils.h"
#import "ios/web/public/test/javascript_test.h"
#import "ios/web/public/test/js_test_util.h"
#import "ios/web/test/fakes/crw_fake_script_message_handler.h"
#import "net/base/apple/url_conversions.h"
#import "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#import "testing/gtest_mac.h"
#import "url/gurl.h"
// Unit tests for ios/web/web_state/js/resources/context_menu.js.
using base::test::ios::kWaitForJSCompletionTimeout;
using base::test::ios::WaitUntilConditionOrTimeout;
namespace {
// Request id used for __gCrWeb.findElementAtPoint call.
const char kRequestId[] = "UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER";
// The base url for loaded web pages.
const char kTestUrl[] = "https://chromium.test/";
// A point in the web view's coordinate space on the image returned by
// `GetHtmlForImage()`.
const CGPoint kPointOnImage = {50.0, 10.0};
// A point in the web view's coordinate space within the document bounds but not
// on the image returned by `GetHtmlForImage()`.
const CGPoint kPointOutsideImage = {50.0, 100.0};
// A point in the web view's coordinate space on the svg link returned by
// `GetHtmlForSvgLink()` and `GetHtmlForSvgXlink()`.
const CGPoint kPointOnSvgLink = {50.0, 75.0};
// A point in the web view's coordinate space within the svg element but not
// on the svg link returned by `GetHtmlForSvgLink()` and `GetHtmlForSvgXlink()`.
const CGPoint kPointOutsideSvgLink = {50.0, 10.0};
// A point in the web view's coordinate space on the shadow DOM link returned by
// `GetHtmlForShadowDomLink()`.
const CGPoint kPointOnShadowDomLink = {5.0, 2.0};
// A point in the web view's coordinate space within the shadow DOM returned by
// `GetHtmlForShadowDomLink()` but not on the link.
const CGPoint kPointOutsideShadowDomLink = {50.0, 75.0};
// A point in the web view's coordinate space outside of the document bounds.
const CGPoint kPointOutsideDocument = {150.0, 150.0};
// A base64 encoded gif image of a single white pixel.
const char kFallbackImageSource[] = ""
// A base64 encoded svg image of a 600x600 blue square.
const char kImageSource[] =
// Alt text on image element for accessibility.
const char kImageAlt[] = "Some alt text for an image";
// Style used to size the image returned by `GetHtmlForImage()`.
const char kImageSizeStyle[] = "width:100%;height:25%;";
// Style used to size a div with the background image set.
const char kBackgroundDivStyle[] = "width:100%;height:25px;";
// Style used to create an overlay div.
const char kOverlayDivStyle[] = "position:fixed;left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:"
// Returns HTML for a test webpage with the given `head` and `body`.
NSString* GetHtmlForPage(NSString* head, NSString* body) {
return [NSString
"<style>body { font-size:14em; }</style>"
"<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"user-scalable=no, width=100\">"
head ? head : @"", body];
// Returns HTML for a link to `href`, with `text`, `id` and inline `style`.
NSString* GetHtmlForLink(const char* id,
const char* href,
const char* text,
const char* style) {
std::string style_attribute =
style ? base::StringPrintf("style=\"%s\" ", style) : "";
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<a id=\"%s\" %shref=\"%s\">%s</a>", id,
style_attribute.c_str(), href, text];
// Returns HTML for a link to `href`, display `text`, and inline `style`.
NSString* GetHtmlForLink(const char* href,
const char* text,
const char* style) {
return GetHtmlForLink("link", href, text, style);
// Returns HTML for an SVG shape which links to `href`.
NSString* GetHtmlForSvgLink(const char* href) {
NSString* svg_shape = @"<rect y=\"50\" width=\"100\" height=\"50\"/>";
return [NSString
@"<svg width=\"100\" height=\"100\"><a href=\"%s\">%@</a></svg>",
href, svg_shape];
// Returns HTML for an SVG shape which links to `href` with an xlink:href.
NSString* GetHtmlForSvgXlink(const char* href) {
NSString* svg_shape = @"<rect y=\"50\" width=\"100\" height=\"50\"/>";
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<svg width=\"100\" height=\"100\"><a "
href, svg_shape];
// Returns HTML for a link to `href` and display text `text`.
NSString* GetHtmlForLink(const char* href, NSString* text) {
return GetHtmlForLink(href, base::SysNSStringToUTF8(text).c_str(),
// Returns HTML for a shadow DOM link to `href` and display text `text`.
NSString* GetHtmlForShadowDomLink(const char* href, NSString* text) {
NSString* shadow_html = [NSString
stringWithFormat:@"<div style=\"height:100px;font-size:20px\">%@</div>",
GetHtmlForLink(href, text)];
return [NSString
@"<div id='largeDiv' style='height:100px'></div>"
@"<script>var shadow = "
@"document.getElementById('largeDiv').attachShadow({mode: 'open'});"
@"shadow.innerHTML = '%@';"
// Returns html for an image styled to fill the width and top 25% of its
// container. `source` must be provided, but specifying an image `title` and
// inline `style` are optional.
NSString* GetHtmlForImage(const char* source,
const char* alt_text,
const char* title,
const char* style) {
const char* additional_css = style ? style : "";
NSString* image_title =
title ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"title='%s' ", title] : @"";
return [NSString
stringWithFormat:@"<img id='image' %@style='%s%s' src='%s' alt='%s'/>",
image_title, kImageSizeStyle, additional_css, source,
// Returns html for an image styled to fill the width and top 25% of its
// container.
NSString* GetHtmlForImage() {
return GetHtmlForImage(kImageSource, kImageAlt, /*title=*/nullptr,
// Returns html for an image styled to fill the width and top 25% of its
// container.
NSString* ImageHtmlWithSource(const char* source) {
return GetHtmlForImage(source, kImageAlt, /*title=*/nullptr,
} // namespace
namespace web {
// Test fixture to test __gCrWeb.findElementAtPoint function defined in
// context_menu.js.
class ContextMenuJsFindElementAtPointTest : public web::JavascriptTest {
: script_message_handler_([[CRWFakeScriptMessageHandler alloc] init]) {
web_view().frame = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0);
void SetUp() override {
// Returns details of the DOM element at the given `point` in the web view
// viewport's coordinate space.
base::Value::Dict FindElementAtPoint(CGPoint point) {
bool gCrWeb_injected = web::test::WaitForInjectedScripts(web_view());
if (!gCrWeb_injected) {
// This EXPECT_TRUE call will always fail. However, add the conditional to
// also return null and prevent further execution of this method.
return base::Value::Dict();
// Force layout
// Clear previous script message response.
script_message_handler_.lastReceivedScriptMessage = nil;
// Wait for response.
EXPECT_TRUE(WaitUntilConditionOrTimeout(kWaitForJSCompletionTimeout, ^{
return !!script_message_handler_.lastReceivedScriptMessage;
if (!script_message_handler_.lastReceivedScriptMessage) {
return base::Value::Dict();
return std::move(
// Finds the element at the given `point` and compares it against
// `expected_result`. Retries if there is a mismatch. Without
// the retry logic, these tests fail flakily, possibly because they attempt to
// find the element before the webview has completed layout and/or
// rendering. This occurs on all iOS versions, but seems to be worse on iOS
// 15. Adding a fixed delay seems to give the webview enough time to make
// itself ready for the test, but retrying allows for the delay to be as short
// as possible.
// TODO(crbug.com/40772520): Find a better "ready" signal for the webview and
// remove this retry logic.
void CheckElementResult(CGPoint point,
const base::Value::Dict& expected_result,
const std::vector<const char*>& ignored_keys = {}) {
constexpr int kNumTries = 13;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumTries; ++i) {
base::Value::Dict result = FindElementAtPoint(point);
for (const char* key : ignored_keys) {
if (result == expected_result) {
} else if (i == kNumTries - 1) {
ASSERT_EQ(result, expected_result);
void CheckElementResult(NSString* elementId,
const base::Value::Dict& expected_result,
const std::vector<const char*>& ignored_keys = {}) {
EXPECT_TRUE(WaitUntilConditionOrTimeout(kWaitForJSCompletionTimeout, ^{
base::Value::Dict result =
for (const char* key : ignored_keys) {
return result == expected_result;
// Returns web view's content size from the current web state.
CGSize GetWebViewContentSize() { return web_view().scrollView.contentSize; }
bool LoadHtml(NSString* html) {
return web::test::LoadHtml(web_view(), html, GetTestURL());
// Returns the test page URL.
NSURL* GetTestURL() { return net::NSURLWithGURL(GURL(kTestUrl)); }
// Executes __gCrWeb.findElementAtPoint script with the given `point` in the
// web view viewport's coordinate space.
id ExecuteFindElementFromPointJavaScript(CGPoint point) {
CGFloat scale = web_view().scrollView.zoomScale;
NSString* script = [NSString
@"s', %g, %g)",
kRequestId, point.x / scale, point.y / scale];
return web::test::ExecuteJavaScript(web_view(), script);
// Returns point for the given `elementId`.
CGPoint FindPointFromElement(NSString* elementId) {
NSString* script = [NSString
@"(function (){\n"
@"var bounds = "
@"return {x: bounds.x, y: bounds.y};\n"
NSDictionary* body = web::test::ExecuteJavaScript(web_view(), script);
return CGPointMake(
[body[@"x"] floatValue] * web_view().scrollView.zoomScale,
[body[@"y"] floatValue] * web_view().scrollView.zoomScale);
// Handles script message responses sent from `web_view()`.
CRWFakeScriptMessageHandler* script_message_handler_;
#pragma mark - Long press with Surrounding text
TEST_F(ContextMenuJsFindElementAtPointTest, FetchSurroundingText) {
NSString* html =
"<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"user-scalable=no, width=100\">"
"</head><body><div>This is the address's first line</div>"
"<p id=\"ips\">Lorem ipsum<span>dolor sit amet. 49 WEST</span>27TH "
"reprehenderit sed cumque magni ut omnis sint est deserunt eveniet non "
"omnis esse et debitis labore et Quis consequatur.</p>"
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "P")
"This is the address's first line Lorem ipsum "
"dolor sit amet. 49 WEST "
"27TH STREET reprehenderit sed cumque magni "
"ut omnis sint est des");
std::vector<const char*> ignored_keys;
CheckElementResult(@"ips", expected_value, ignored_keys);
#pragma mark - Surrounding text edge cases
TEST_F(ContextMenuJsFindElementAtPointTest, ExtractSurroundingText) {
NSString* elementId = @"parc";
NSString* html = [NSString
@"<html><body>X<p id=\"%@\">10 Rue du Parc</p>Y</body></html>",
NSString* script = [NSString
@"(function (){\n"
@"var range = document.createRange();\n"
@"var node = document.getElementById('%@').childNodes[0];\n"
@"range.setStart(node, 0);\n"
@"range.setEnd(node, 0);\n"
@"return __gCrWeb.contextMenuAllFrames.getSurroundingText(range);\n"
NSDictionary* body = web::test::ExecuteJavaScript(web_view(), script);
ASSERT_TRUE([body isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]);
EXPECT_NSEQ(@"X 10 Rue du Parc Y", body[@"text"]);
EXPECT_EQ(2, [body[@"position"] floatValue]);
#pragma mark - Image without link
// Tests that the correct src and referrer are found for an image.
TEST_F(ContextMenuJsFindElementAtPointTest, FindImageElementAtPoint) {
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(/*head=*/nil, GetHtmlForImage());
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementSource, kImageSource)
.Set(kContextMenuElementAlt, kImageAlt)
.Set(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy, "default")
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "img");
CheckElementResult(kPointOnImage, expected_value);
// Tests that the correct src is found for picture elements.
FindImageElementAtPointInPictureElement) {
NSString* backing_image_html = GetHtmlForImage(
kFallbackImageSource, kImageAlt, /*title=*/nullptr, /*style=*/nullptr);
NSString* html_for_picture = [NSString
stringWithFormat:@"<picture style='%s'><source media='(min-width:0px)' "
kImageSizeStyle, kImageSource, backing_image_html];
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(/*head=*/nil, html_for_picture);
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementSource, kImageSource)
.Set(kContextMenuElementAlt, kImageAlt)
.Set(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy, "default")
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "img");
CheckElementResult(kPointOnImage, expected_value);
// Tests that the correct src is found for elements with background-image.
FindImageElementAtPointBackgroundImageCSS) {
NSString* html_for_div =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"<div style='background-image:url(%s);%s' />",
kImageSource, kBackgroundDivStyle];
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(/*head=*/nil, html_for_div);
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementSource, kImageSource)
.Set(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy, "default")
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "img");
CheckElementResult(kPointOnImage, expected_value);
// Tests that the correct src is found for images behind transparent layers.
FindImageElementAtPointBehindTransparentLayer) {
NSString* html_for_img = GetHtmlForImage(
kImageSource, kImageAlt, /*title=*/nullptr, /*style=*/nullptr);
NSString* html_for_div =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@<div style='%sopacity:0;' />",
html_for_img, kOverlayDivStyle];
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(/*head=*/nil, html_for_div);
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementSource, kImageSource)
.Set(kContextMenuElementAlt, kImageAlt)
.Set(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy, "default")
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "img");
CheckElementResult(kPointOnImage, expected_value);
// Tests that opaque objects block image selection underneath.
FindImageElementAtPointBehindOpaqueLayer) {
NSString* html_for_img = GetHtmlForImage(
kImageSource, kImageAlt, /*title=*/nullptr, /*style=*/nullptr);
NSString* html_for_div =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@<div style='%sopacity:1;' />",
html_for_img, kOverlayDivStyle];
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(/*head=*/nil, html_for_div);
// Check that nothing was caught instead (no TagName).
auto expected_value =
base::Value::Dict().Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId);
std::vector<const char*> ignored_keys;
CheckElementResult(kPointOnImage, expected_value, ignored_keys);
// Tests that the correct title is found for an image.
TEST_F(ContextMenuJsFindElementAtPointTest, FindImageElementWithTitleAtPoint) {
const char image_title[] = "Hello world!";
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(
GetHtmlForImage(kImageSource, kImageAlt, image_title, /*style=*/nullptr));
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementSource, kImageSource)
.Set(kContextMenuElementAlt, kImageAlt)
.Set(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy, "default")
.Set(kContextMenuElementTitle, image_title)
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "img");
CheckElementResult(kPointOnImage, expected_value);
// Tests that the correct natural size is found for an image.
FindImageElementWithNaturalSizeAtPoint) {
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(/*head=*/nil, GetHtmlForImage());
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementSource, kImageSource)
.Set(kContextMenuElementAlt, kImageAlt)
.Set(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy, "default")
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "img");
CheckElementResult(kPointOnImage, expected_value);
// Tests that image details are not returned for a point outside of the document
// margins.
FindImageElementAtPointOutsideDocument) {
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(/*head=*/nil, GetHtmlForImage());
auto expected_value =
base::Value::Dict().Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId);
CheckElementResult(kPointOutsideDocument, expected_value);
// Tests that image details are not returned for a point outside of the element.
FindImageElementAtPointOutsideElement) {
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(/*head=*/nil, GetHtmlForImage());
auto expected_value =
base::Value::Dict().Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId);
CheckElementResult(kPointOutsideImage, expected_value);
#pragma mark - Image with link
// Tests that an image link returns details for both the image and the link
// destination when the image source is a file:// url.
TEST_F(ContextMenuJsFindElementAtPointTest, FindLinkImageAtPointForFileUrl) {
const char image_link[] = "file:///linky";
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(
/*head=*/nil, GetHtmlForLink(image_link, GetHtmlForImage()));
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementSource, kImageSource)
.Set(kContextMenuElementAlt, kImageAlt)
.Set(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy, "default")
.Set(kContextMenuElementHyperlink, image_link)
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "img");
CheckElementResult(kPointOnImage, expected_value);
// Tests that an image link does not return image and link details for a point
// outside the document.
FindLinkImageAtPointOutsideDocument) {
const char image_link[] = "file:///linky";
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(
/*head=*/nil, GetHtmlForLink(image_link, GetHtmlForImage()));
auto expected_value =
base::Value::Dict().Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId);
CheckElementResult(kPointOutsideDocument, expected_value);
// Tests that an image link does not return image and link details for a point
// outside the element.
FindLinkImageAtPointOutsideElement) {
const char image_link[] = "file:///linky";
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(
/*head=*/nil, GetHtmlForLink(image_link, GetHtmlForImage()));
auto expected_value =
base::Value::Dict().Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId);
CheckElementResult(kPointOutsideImage, expected_value);
// Tests that an image link returns details for both the image and the link
// destination when the image source is a relative url.
FindLinkImageAtPointForRelativeUrl) {
const char image_link[] = "http://destination/";
const char relative_image_path[] = "relativeImage";
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(
GetHtmlForLink(image_link, ImageHtmlWithSource(relative_image_path)));
std::string image_source =
base::StringPrintf("%s%s", kTestUrl, relative_image_path);
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementSource, image_source)
.Set(kContextMenuElementAlt, kImageAlt)
.Set(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy, "default")
.Set(kContextMenuElementHyperlink, image_link)
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "img");
CheckElementResult(kPointOnImage, expected_value);
// Tests that an image link returns details for both the image and the link when
// the link points to JavaScript that is not a NOP.
TEST_F(ContextMenuJsFindElementAtPointTest, FindImageLinkedToJavaScript) {
const char image_link[] = "javascript:console.log('whatever')";
const char relative_image_path[] = "relativeImage";
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(
GetHtmlForLink(image_link, ImageHtmlWithSource(relative_image_path)));
// A page with a link with some JavaScript that does not result in a NOP.
std::string image_source =
base::StringPrintf("%s%s", kTestUrl, relative_image_path);
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementSource, image_source)
.Set(kContextMenuElementAlt, kImageAlt)
.Set(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy, "default")
.Set(kContextMenuElementHyperlink, image_link)
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "img");
CheckElementResult(kPointOnImage, expected_value);
// Tests that an image link returns details for only the image and not the link
// when the link points to NOP JavaScript.
FindImageLinkedToNOPJavaScriptSemicolon) {
const char image_link[] = "javascript:;";
const char relative_image_path[] = "relativeImage";
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(
GetHtmlForLink(image_link, ImageHtmlWithSource(relative_image_path)));
std::string image_source =
base::StringPrintf("%s%s", kTestUrl, relative_image_path);
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementSource, image_source)
.Set(kContextMenuElementAlt, kImageAlt)
.Set(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy, "default")
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "img");
// Make sure the returned JSON does not have an 'href' key.
CheckElementResult(kPointOnImage, expected_value);
// Tests that an image link returns details for only the image and not the link
// when the link points to NOP JavaScript.
FindImageLinkedToNOPJavaScriptVoid) {
const char image_link[] = "javascript:void(0);";
const char relative_image_path[] = "relativeImage";
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(
GetHtmlForLink(image_link, ImageHtmlWithSource(relative_image_path)));
std::string image_source =
base::StringPrintf("%s%s", kTestUrl, relative_image_path);
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementSource, image_source)
.Set(kContextMenuElementAlt, kImageAlt)
.Set(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy, "default")
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "img");
// Make sure the returned JSON does not have an 'href' key.
CheckElementResult(kPointOnImage, expected_value);
// Tests that an image link returns details for only the image and not the link
// when the link points to NOP JavaScript.
FindImageLinkedToNOPJavaScriptMultipleVoid) {
const char image_link[] = "javascript:void(0); void(0); void(0)";
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(
/*head=*/nil, GetHtmlForLink(image_link, GetHtmlForImage()));
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementSource, kImageSource)
.Set(kContextMenuElementAlt, kImageAlt)
.Set(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy, "default")
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "img");
// Make sure the returned JSON does not have an 'href' key.
CheckElementResult(kPointOnImage, expected_value);
// Tests that only the parent link details are returned for an image with
// "-webkit-touch-callout:none" style and a parent link.
TEST_F(ContextMenuJsFindElementAtPointTest, LinkOfImageWithCalloutNone) {
const char image_link[] = "http://destination/";
NSString* image_html =
GetHtmlForImage(kImageSource, kImageAlt, /*title=*/nullptr,
NSString* html =
GetHtmlForPage(/*head=*/nil, GetHtmlForLink(image_link, image_html));
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementInnerText, "")
.Set(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy, "default")
.Set(kContextMenuElementHyperlink, image_link)
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "a");
CheckElementResult(kPointOnImage, expected_value);
#pragma mark - SVG shape links
// Tests that an SVG shape link returns details for the link.
TEST_F(ContextMenuJsFindElementAtPointTest, FindSvgLinkAtPoint) {
const char link[] = "file:///linky";
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(/*head=*/nil, GetHtmlForSvgLink(link));
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy, "default")
.Set(kContextMenuElementHyperlink, link)
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "a");
CheckElementResult(kPointOnSvgLink, expected_value);
// Tests that an SVG shape xlink returns details for the link.
TEST_F(ContextMenuJsFindElementAtPointTest, FindSvgXlinkAtPoint) {
const char link[] = "file:///linky";
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(/*head=*/nil, GetHtmlForSvgXlink(link));
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy, "default")
.Set(kContextMenuElementHyperlink, link)
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "a");
CheckElementResult(kPointOnSvgLink, expected_value);
// Tests that a point within an SVG element but outside a linked shape does not
// return details for the link.
TEST_F(ContextMenuJsFindElementAtPointTest, FindSvgLinkAtPointOutsideElement) {
const char link[] = "file:///linky";
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(/*head=*/nil, GetHtmlForSvgXlink(link));
// Check that nothing was caught instead (no TagName).
auto expected_value =
base::Value::Dict().Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId);
std::vector<const char*> ignored_keys;
CheckElementResult(kPointOutsideSvgLink, expected_value, ignored_keys);
#pragma mark -
// Tests that a text input field prevents returning details for an image behind
// the field.
TEST_F(ContextMenuJsFindElementAtPointTest, TextAreaStopsProximity) {
NSString* body = GetHtmlForImage();
// Cover the image with a text input.
NSString* text_area = [NSString
stringWithFormat:@"<input type='text' name='name' "
body = [body stringByAppendingString:text_area];
web_view(), GetHtmlForPage(/*head=*/nil, body), GetTestURL()));
auto expected_value =
base::Value::Dict().Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId);
CheckElementResult(kPointOnImage, expected_value);
// Tests that __gCrWeb.findElementAtPoint reports "never" as the referrer
// policy for pages that have an unsupported policy in a meta tag.
// TODO(crbug.com/351951385): Fix the flakiness in this test and re-enable.
DISABLED_UnsupportedReferrerPolicy) {
// A page with an unsupported referrer meta tag and an image.
NSString* const head =
@"<meta name=\"referrer\" content=\"unsupported-value\">";
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(head, GetHtmlForImage());
base::Value::Dict result = FindElementAtPoint(FindPointFromElement(@"image"));
auto* policy = result.FindString(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy);
EXPECT_STREQ("never", policy->c_str());
// Tests that __gCrWeb.findElementAtPoint finds an element at the bottom of a
// very long page.
// TODO(crbug.com/40772520): Fix on iOS 15 and reenable. This test appears to
// fail flakily if the webview is not in the view hierarchy.
TEST_F(ContextMenuJsFindElementAtPointTest, DISABLED_LinkOfTextFromTallPage) {
const char link[] = "http://destination/";
NSString* body = @"<div style='height:4000px'></div>";
body = [body stringByAppendingString:GetHtmlForLink(link, @"link")];
web_view(), GetHtmlForPage(/*head=*/nil, body), GetTestURL()));
// Force layout to ensure `content_height` below is correct.
// Scroll the webView to the bottom to make the link accessible.
CGFloat content_height = GetWebViewContentSize().height;
// Fail the test with a clear error if the content height can not be fetched.
ASSERT_GT(content_height, 0.0);
CGFloat scroll_view_height = CGRectGetHeight(web_view().scrollView.frame);
CGFloat offset = content_height - scroll_view_height;
web_view().scrollView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(0.0, offset);
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementInnerText, "link")
.Set(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy, "default")
.Set(kContextMenuElementHyperlink, link)
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "a");
// Link is at bottom of the page content.
CheckElementResult(CGPointMake(50.0, content_height - 100), expected_value);
// Tests that __gCrWeb.findElementAtPoint finds a link inside shadow DOM
// content.
TEST_F(ContextMenuJsFindElementAtPointTest, ShadowDomLink) {
const char link[] = "http://destination/";
GetHtmlForPage(/*head=*/nil, GetHtmlForShadowDomLink(link, @"link")),
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementInnerText, "link")
.Set(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy, "default")
.Set(kContextMenuElementHyperlink, link)
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "a");
CheckElementResult(kPointOnShadowDomLink, expected_value);
// Tests that a point within shadow DOM content but not on a link does not
// return details for the link.
TEST_F(ContextMenuJsFindElementAtPointTest, PointOutsideShadowDomLink) {
const char link[] = "http://destination/";
GetHtmlForPage(/*head=*/nil, GetHtmlForShadowDomLink(link, @"link")),
// Check that nothing was caught instead (no TagName).
auto expected_value =
base::Value::Dict().Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId);
std::vector<const char*> ignored_keys;
CheckElementResult(kPointOutsideShadowDomLink, expected_value, ignored_keys);
// Tests that a callout information about a link is displayed when
// -webkit-touch-callout property is not specified. Please see:
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/-webkit-touch-callout
TEST_F(ContextMenuJsFindElementAtPointTest, LinkOfTextWithoutCalloutProperty) {
const char link[] = "http://destination/";
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(/*head=*/nil, GetHtmlForLink(link, @"link"));
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementInnerText, "link")
.Set(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy, "default")
.Set(kContextMenuElementHyperlink, link)
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "a");
CheckElementResult(@"link", expected_value);
// Tests that a callout information about a link is displayed when
// -webkit-touch-callout property is set to default. Please see:
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/-webkit-touch-callout
TEST_F(ContextMenuJsFindElementAtPointTest, LinkOfTextWithCalloutDefault) {
const char link[] = "http://destination/";
const char link_style[] = "-webkit-touch-callout:default;";
NSString* html =
GetHtmlForPage(/*head=*/nil, GetHtmlForLink(link, "link", link_style));
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementInnerText, "link")
.Set(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy, "default")
.Set(kContextMenuElementHyperlink, link)
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "a");
CheckElementResult(@"link", expected_value);
// Tests that no callout information about a link is displayed when
// -webkit-touch-callout property is set to none. Please see:
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/-webkit-touch-callout
TEST_F(ContextMenuJsFindElementAtPointTest, LinkOfTextWithCalloutNone) {
const char link[] = "http://destination/";
const char link_style[] = "-webkit-touch-callout:none;";
NSString* html =
GetHtmlForPage(/*head=*/nil, GetHtmlForLink(link, "link", link_style));
// Check that nothing was caught instead (no TagName).
auto expected_value =
base::Value::Dict().Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId);
std::vector<const char*> ignored_keys;
CheckElementResult(@"link", expected_value, ignored_keys);
// Tests that -webkit-touch-callout property can be inherited from ancester
// if it's not specified. Please see:
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/-webkit-touch-callout
TEST_F(ContextMenuJsFindElementAtPointTest, LinkOfTextWithCalloutFromAncester) {
NSString* const head = @"<style>body { -webkit-touch-callout:none; }</style>";
const char link[] = "http://destination/";
NSString* html = GetHtmlForPage(head, GetHtmlForLink(link, @"link"));
// Check that nothing was caught instead (no TagName).
auto expected_value =
base::Value::Dict().Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId);
std::vector<const char*> ignored_keys;
CheckElementResult(@"link", expected_value, ignored_keys);
// Tests that setting -webkit-touch-callout property can override the value
// inherited from ancester. Please see:
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/-webkit-touch-callout
TEST_F(ContextMenuJsFindElementAtPointTest, LinkOfTextWithCalloutOverride) {
NSString* head = @"<style>body { -webkit-touch-callout:none; }</style>";
const char link[] = "http://destination/";
const char link_style[] = "-webkit-touch-callout:default;";
NSString* html =
GetHtmlForPage(head, GetHtmlForLink(link, "link", link_style));
auto expected_value = base::Value::Dict()
.Set(kContextMenuElementRequestId, kRequestId)
.Set(kContextMenuElementInnerText, "link")
.Set(kContextMenuElementReferrerPolicy, "default")
.Set(kContextMenuElementHyperlink, link)
.Set(kContextMenuElementTagName, "a");
CheckElementResult(@"link", expected_value);
} // namespace web