// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#import "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/supports_user_data.h"
#import "ios/web/js_messaging/java_script_content_world.h"
//@class WKUserContentController;
namespace web {
class BrowserState;
class JavaScriptFeature;
// Configures JavaScriptFeatures for `browser_state`. The features will be
// added to either `page_content_world_` or `isolated_world_` based on
// JavaScriptFeature::GetSupportedContentWorld() and the operating system of the
// user's device (which determines if isolated worlds are supported).
class JavaScriptFeatureManager : public base::SupportsUserData::Data {
~JavaScriptFeatureManager() override;
JavaScriptFeatureManager(const JavaScriptFeatureManager&) = delete;
JavaScriptFeatureManager& operator=(const JavaScriptFeatureManager&) = delete;
// Returns the JavaScriptFeatureManager associated with `browser_state`.
// If a JavaScriptFeatureManager does not already exist, one will be created
// and associated with `browser_state`. `browser_state` must not be null.
static JavaScriptFeatureManager* FromBrowserState(
BrowserState* browser_state);
// Returns the JavaScriptContentWorld for the page content world associated
// with `browser_state`. If a JavaScriptFeatureManager does not already exist,
// one will be created and associated with `browser_state`. `browser_state`
// must not be null.
static JavaScriptContentWorld* GetPageContentWorldForBrowserState(
BrowserState* browser_state);
// Configures `features` on `user_content_controller_` by adding user scripts
// and script message handlers.
// NOTE: `page_content_world_` and `isolated_world_` will be recreated.
void ConfigureFeatures(std::vector<JavaScriptFeature*> features);
// Returns the content world associated with `feature` or null if the feature
// has not be added to the associated `browser_state_`.
JavaScriptContentWorld* GetContentWorldForFeature(JavaScriptFeature* feature);
// Returns a list of all the content worlds used by features.
std::vector<JavaScriptContentWorld*> GetAllContentWorlds();
// Returns a list of all the content worlds enum values used by features.
std::vector<ContentWorld> GetAllContentWorldEnums();
JavaScriptFeatureManager(BrowserState* browser_state);
raw_ptr<BrowserState> browser_state_;
// The content world shared with the page content JavaScript.
std::unique_ptr<JavaScriptContentWorld> page_content_world_;
// A content world isolated from the page content JavaScript for application
// JavaScript execution.
std::unique_ptr<JavaScriptContentWorld> isolated_world_;
} // namespace web