
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#import "ios/web/navigation/crw_wk_navigation_states.h"

#import "base/check.h"
#import "base/feature_list.h"
#import "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#import "ios/web/common/features.h"
#import "ios/web/navigation/navigation_context_impl.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_client.h"

// Holds a pair of state and creation order index.
@interface CRWWKNavigationsStateRecord : NSObject {
  // Backs up `context` property.
  std::unique_ptr<web::NavigationContextImpl> _context;
// Navigation state.
@property(nonatomic, assign) web::WKNavigationState state;
// Numerical index representing creation order (smaller index denotes earlier
// navigations).
@property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSUInteger index;

// didCommitNavigation: can be called multiple times for the same navigation.
@property(nonatomic, assign, getter=isCommitted) BOOL committed;

- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;

// Initializes record with state and index values.
- (instancetype)initWithState:(web::WKNavigationState)state
                        index:(NSUInteger)index NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;

// Initializes record with context and index values.
- (instancetype)initWithContext:
                          index:(NSUInteger)index NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;

// web::NavigationContextImpl for this navigation.
- (web::NavigationContextImpl*)context;
- (void)setContext:(std::unique_ptr<web::NavigationContextImpl>)context;
- (std::unique_ptr<web::NavigationContextImpl>)releaseContext;


@implementation CRWWKNavigationsStateRecord
@synthesize state = _state;
@synthesize index = _index;
@synthesize committed = _committed;

#ifndef NDEBUG
- (NSString*)description {
  return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"state: %d, index: %ld, context: %@",
#endif  // NDEBUG

- (instancetype)initWithState:(web::WKNavigationState)state
                        index:(NSUInteger)index {
  if ((self = [super init])) {
    _state = state;
    _index = index;
  return self;

- (instancetype)initWithContext:
                          index:(NSUInteger)index {
  if ((self = [super init])) {
    _context = std::move(context);
    _index = index;
  return self;

- (void)setContext:(std::unique_ptr<web::NavigationContextImpl>)context {
  _context = std::move(context);

- (web::NavigationContextImpl*)context {
  return _context.get();

- (std::unique_ptr<web::NavigationContextImpl>)releaseContext {
  return std::move(_context);


@interface CRWWKNavigationStates () {
  NSMapTable* _records;
  NSUInteger _lastStateIndex;
  WKNavigation* _nullNavigation;

// Returns key to use for storing navigation in records table.
- (id)keyForNavigation:(WKNavigation*)navigation;

// Returns last added navigation and record.
- (void)getLastAddedNavigation:(WKNavigation**)outNavigation


@implementation CRWWKNavigationStates

- (instancetype)init {
  if ((self = [super init])) {
    _records = [NSMapTable weakToStrongObjectsMapTable];
    _nullNavigation = static_cast<WKNavigation*>([NSNull null]);
  return self;

- (NSString*)description {
  return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"records: %@, lastAddedNavigation: %@",
                                    _records, self.lastAddedNavigation];

- (void)setState:(web::WKNavigationState)state
    forNavigation:(WKNavigation*)navigation {
  id key = [self keyForNavigation:navigation];
  CRWWKNavigationsStateRecord* record = [_records objectForKey:key];
  if (!record) {
    record =
        [[CRWWKNavigationsStateRecord alloc] initWithState:state
  } else {
    DCHECK(record.state < state ||
           // Redirect can be called multiple times.
           (record.state == state &&
            state == web::WKNavigationState::REDIRECTED) ||
           // didFinishNavigation can be called before didCommitNvigation.
           (record.state == web::WKNavigationState::FINISHED &&
            state == web::WKNavigationState::COMMITTED) ||
           // `navigation` can be nil for same-document navigations.
    record.state = state;
  if (state == web::WKNavigationState::COMMITTED) {
    record.committed = YES;

  // Workaround for a WKWebView bug where WKNavigation's can leak, leaving a
  // permanent pending URL, thus breaking the omnibox.  While it is possible
  // for navigations to finish out-of-order, it's an edge case that should be
  // handled gracefully, as last committed will appear in the omnibox instead
  // of the pending URL.  See for details and a reproducible
  // example.
  if (state == web::WKNavigationState::FINISHED &&
          web::features::kClearOldNavigationRecordsWorkaround)) {
    NSUInteger finishedIndex = record.index;
    NSMutableSet* navigationsToRemove = [NSMutableSet set];
    for (id recordKey in _records) {
      CRWWKNavigationsStateRecord* recordObject =
          [_records objectForKey:recordKey];
      if (recordObject.index < finishedIndex) {
        [navigationsToRemove addObject:recordKey];
    for (id recordKey in navigationsToRemove) {
      [_records removeObjectForKey:recordKey];

  [_records setObject:record forKey:key];

- (web::WKNavigationState)stateForNavigation:(WKNavigation*)navigation {
  id key = [self keyForNavigation:navigation];
  CRWWKNavigationsStateRecord* record = [_records objectForKey:key];
  return record ? record.state : web::WKNavigationState::NONE;

- (std::unique_ptr<web::NavigationContextImpl>)removeNavigation:
    (WKNavigation*)navigation {
  id key = [self keyForNavigation:navigation];
  CRWWKNavigationsStateRecord* record = [_records objectForKey:key];
  std::unique_ptr<web::NavigationContextImpl> context = [record releaseContext];
  [_records removeObjectForKey:key];
  return context;

- (void)setContext:(std::unique_ptr<web::NavigationContextImpl>)context
     forNavigation:(WKNavigation*)navigation {
  id key = [self keyForNavigation:navigation];
  CRWWKNavigationsStateRecord* record = [_records objectForKey:key];
  if (!record) {
    record =
        [[CRWWKNavigationsStateRecord alloc] initWithContext:std::move(context)
  } else {
    [record setContext:std::move(context)];
  [_records setObject:record forKey:key];

- (web::NavigationContextImpl*)contextForNavigation:(WKNavigation*)navigation {
  id key = [self keyForNavigation:navigation];
  CRWWKNavigationsStateRecord* record = [_records objectForKey:key];
  return [record context];

- (WKNavigation*)lastAddedNavigation {
  WKNavigation* result = nil;
  CRWWKNavigationsStateRecord* unused = nil;
  [self getLastAddedNavigation:&result record:&unused];
  return result;

- (WKNavigation*)lastNavigationWithPendingItemInNavigationContext {
  NSUInteger lastAddedIndex = 0;  // record indices start with 1.
  WKNavigation* result = nullptr;
  for (id navigation in _records) {
    CRWWKNavigationsStateRecord* record = [_records objectForKey:navigation];
    web::NavigationContextImpl* context = [record context];
    if (context && context->GetItem() && lastAddedIndex < record.index) {
      result = navigation;
      lastAddedIndex = record.index;
  return result;

- (web::WKNavigationState)lastAddedNavigationState {
  CRWWKNavigationsStateRecord* result = nil;
  WKNavigation* unused = nil;
  [self getLastAddedNavigation:&unused record:&result];
  return result.state;

- (NSSet*)pendingNavigations {
  NSMutableSet* result = [NSMutableSet set];
  for (id navigation in _records) {
    CRWWKNavigationsStateRecord* record = [_records objectForKey:navigation];
    if (record.state == web::WKNavigationState::REQUESTED ||
        record.state == web::WKNavigationState::STARTED ||
        record.state == web::WKNavigationState::REDIRECTED) {
      [result addObject:navigation];
  return [result copy];

- (id)keyForNavigation:(WKNavigation*)navigation {
  return navigation ? navigation : _nullNavigation;

- (void)getLastAddedNavigation:(WKNavigation**)outNavigation
                        record:(CRWWKNavigationsStateRecord**)outRecord {
  NSUInteger lastAddedIndex = 0;  // record indices start with 1.
  for (WKNavigation* navigation in _records) {
    CRWWKNavigationsStateRecord* record = [_records objectForKey:navigation];
    if (lastAddedIndex < record.index) {
      *outNavigation = navigation;
      *outRecord = record;
      lastAddedIndex = record.index;

  if (*outNavigation == _nullNavigation) {
    // `_nullNavigation` is a key for storing null navigations.
    *outNavigation = nil;

- (BOOL)isCommittedNavigation:(WKNavigation*)navigation {
  id key = [self keyForNavigation:navigation];
  CRWWKNavigationsStateRecord* record = [_records objectForKey:key];
  return record.committed;
