// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ios/web/navigation/navigation_initiation_type.h"
#include "ios/web/public/favicon/favicon_status.h"
#import "ios/web/public/navigation/navigation_item.h"
#include "ios/web/public/navigation/referrer.h"
#include "ios/web/public/security/ssl_status.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace web {
namespace proto {
class NavigationItemStorage;
} // namespace proto
enum class NavigationInitiationType;
// Implementation of NavigationItem.
class NavigationItemImpl : public web::NavigationItem {
// Creates a default NavigationItemImpl.
~NavigationItemImpl() override;
// Creates a NavigationItemImpl from serialized representation.
explicit NavigationItemImpl(const proto::NavigationItemStorage& storage);
// Serializes the NavigationItemImpl into `storage`.
void SerializeToProto(proto::NavigationItemStorage& storage) const;
// Clones the current object.
std::unique_ptr<NavigationItemImpl> Clone();
// NavigationItem implementation:
int GetUniqueID() const override;
void SetOriginalRequestURL(const GURL& url) override;
const GURL& GetOriginalRequestURL() const override;
void SetURL(const GURL& url) override;
const GURL& GetURL() const override;
void SetReferrer(const web::Referrer& referrer) override;
const web::Referrer& GetReferrer() const override;
void SetVirtualURL(const GURL& url) override;
const GURL& GetVirtualURL() const override;
void SetTitle(const std::u16string& title) override;
const std::u16string& GetTitle() const override;
const std::u16string& GetTitleForDisplay() const override;
void SetTransitionType(ui::PageTransition transition_type) override;
ui::PageTransition GetTransitionType() const override;
const FaviconStatus& GetFaviconStatus() const override;
void SetFaviconStatus(const FaviconStatus& favicon_status) override;
const SSLStatus& GetSSL() const override;
SSLStatus& GetSSL() override;
void SetTimestamp(base::Time timestamp) override;
base::Time GetTimestamp() const override;
void SetUserAgentType(UserAgentType type) override;
UserAgentType GetUserAgentType() const override;
bool HasPostData() const override;
HttpRequestHeaders* GetHttpRequestHeaders() const override;
void AddHttpRequestHeaders(HttpRequestHeaders* additional_headers) override;
void SetHttpsUpgradeType(HttpsUpgradeType https_upgrade_type) override;
HttpsUpgradeType GetHttpsUpgradeType() const override;
// Serialized representation of the state object that was used in conjunction
// with a JavaScript window.history.pushState() or
// window.history.replaceState() call that created or modified this
// NavigationItem. Intended to be used for JavaScript history operations and
// will be nil in most cases.
void SetSerializedStateObject(NSString* serialized_state_object);
NSString* GetSerializedStateObject() const;
// Whether this navigation is the result of a hash change.
void SetIsCreatedFromHashChange(bool hash_change);
bool IsCreatedFromHashChange() const;
// Initiation type of this pending navigation. Resets to NONE after commit.
void SetNavigationInitiationType(
web::NavigationInitiationType navigation_initiation_type);
web::NavigationInitiationType NavigationInitiationType() const;
// Whether or not to bypass serializing this item to session storage. Set to
// YES to skip saving this page (and therefore restoring this page).
void SetShouldSkipSerialization(bool skip);
// Returns whether the page should be skipped when serializing. Will return
// true if `SetShouldSkipSerialization(YES)` was called but may return true
// in other circumstances (e.g. URL too long, ...).
bool ShouldSkipSerialization() const;
// Data submitted with a POST request, persisted for resubmits.
void SetPostData(NSData* post_data);
NSData* GetPostData() const;
// Removes the header for `key` from `http_request_headers_`.
void RemoveHttpRequestHeaderForKey(NSString* key);
// Removes all http headers from `http_request_headers_`.
void ResetHttpRequestHeaders();
// Once a navigation item is committed, we should no longer track
// non-persisted state, as documented on the members below.
void ResetForCommit();
// Returns the title string to be used for a page with `url` if that page
// doesn't specify a title.
static std::u16string GetDisplayTitleForURL(const GURL& url);
// Used only by NavigationManagerImpl. SetUntrusted() is only used for
// Visible or LastCommitted NavigationItems where the `url_` may be incorrect
// due to timining problems or bugs in WKWebView.
void SetUntrusted();
bool IsUntrusted();
// Restores the state of the `other` navigation item in this item.
void RestoreStateFromItem(NavigationItem* other);
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Returns a human-readable description of the state for debugging purposes.
NSString* GetDescription() const;
// Explicit copy constructor since the super class is not copyable.
// Used to implement Clone().
NavigationItemImpl(const NavigationItemImpl& item);
const int unique_id_;
GURL original_request_url_;
GURL url_;
Referrer referrer_;
GURL virtual_url_;
std::u16string title_;
ui::PageTransition transition_type_ = ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK;
FaviconStatus favicon_status_;
SSLStatus ssl_;
base::Time timestamp_;
UserAgentType user_agent_type_ = UserAgentType::NONE;
NSMutableDictionary* http_request_headers_ = nil;
NSString* serialized_state_object_ = nil;
bool is_created_from_hash_change_ = false;
bool should_skip_serialization_ = false;
NSData* post_data_ = nil;
// The navigation initiation type of the item. This decides whether the URL
// should be displayed before the navigation commits. It is cleared in
// `ResetForCommit` and not persisted.
web::NavigationInitiationType navigation_initiation_type_ =
// Used only by NavigationManagerImpl. `is_untrusted_` is only `true` for
// Visible or LastCommitted NavigationItems where the `url_` may be incorrect
// due to timining problems or bugs in WKWebView.
bool is_untrusted_ = false;
// This is a cached version of the result of GetTitleForDisplay. When the URL,
// virtual URL, or title is set, this should be cleared to force a refresh.
mutable std::u16string cached_display_title_;
// Type of the HTTPS upgrade applied to this navigation, if any.
HttpsUpgradeType https_upgrade_type_ = HttpsUpgradeType::kNone;
} // namespace web