// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "base/observer_list.h"
#import "base/values.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state_observer.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state_user_data.h"
@protocol CRWWebViewHandlerDelegate;
namespace web {
class AnnotationsTextObserver;
class WebState;
* Class in charge of annotations in text.
class AnnotationsTextManager : public WebStateUserData<AnnotationsTextManager> {
// Overload as the default implementation to create impl.
static void CreateForWebState(WebState* web_state);
// Returns the content world associated with the JavaScript called by this
// feature.
static ContentWorld GetFeatureContentWorld();
AnnotationsTextManager() = default;
AnnotationsTextManager(const AnnotationsTextManager&) = delete;
AnnotationsTextManager& operator=(const AnnotationsTextManager&) = delete;
// Observers registered after web page is loaded will miss some notifications.
virtual void AddObserver(AnnotationsTextObserver* observer) = 0;
virtual void RemoveObserver(AnnotationsTextObserver* observer) = 0;
// Triggers the JS decoration code with given `annotations`. JS will async
// calls `OnDecorated` when done and `OnClick` when an annotation is tapped
// on. `seq_id` must be the one passed to an observer `OnTextExtracted`.
virtual void DecorateAnnotations(WebState* web_state,
base::Value& annotations,
int seq_id) = 0;
// Removes all decorations added to the page. Call only if it needs to be done
// before the page is navigated away from (i.e. at user's request).
virtual void RemoveDecorations() = 0;
// Removes all decorations of one type added to the page. Call only if it
// needs to be done before the page is navigated away from (i.e. at user's
// request).
virtual void RemoveDecorationsWithType(const std::string& type) = 0;
// Removes any highlight added by a tap.
virtual void RemoveHighlight() = 0;
// Sets the supported typed for the annotation extraction.
virtual void SetSupportedTypes(NSTextCheckingType supported_types) = 0;
~AnnotationsTextManager() override = default;
} // namespace web