
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <memory>

#include "ios/web/public/download/download_task.h"

namespace web {

class DownloadController;
class WebState;

// DownloadController delegate. All methods are called on UI thread.
class DownloadControllerDelegate {
  // Called when renderer-initiated download was created or when client is
  // resuming after the application relaunch by calling
  // `DownloadController::CreateNativeDownloadTask` or
  // `DownloadController::CreateWebStateDownloadTask`.
  // Downloads do not start automatically. If the client wants to start the
  // download it should call `DownloadTask::Start`.
  // Clients may call `DownloadTask::GetSuggestedFilename` to get the filename
  // for the download and `DownloadTask::GetTotalBytes` to get the estimated
  // size.
  virtual void OnDownloadCreated(DownloadController* download_controller,
                                 WebState* web_state,
                                 std::unique_ptr<DownloadTask> task) {}

  // Called when DownloadController is about to be destroyed. Delegate should
  // be set to null inside this method. All started DownloadTasks will stop the
  // download. Clients should not call DownloadTask::Start() on the remaining
  // alive tasks.
  virtual void OnDownloadControllerDestroyed(
      DownloadController* download_controller) {}

  DownloadControllerDelegate() = default;

  DownloadControllerDelegate(const DownloadControllerDelegate&) = delete;
  DownloadControllerDelegate& operator=(const DownloadControllerDelegate&) =

  virtual ~DownloadControllerDelegate() = default;

}  // namespace web