// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
@class NSString;
namespace web {
class FindInPageManagerDelegate;
// Indicates what action the FindinPageManager should take.
enum class FindInPageOptions {
// Searches for a string. Highlights all matches. Selects and scrolls to the
// first result if string is found. Selecting refers to highlighting in a
// unique manner different from the other matches.
FindInPageSearch = 1,
// Selects and scrolls to the next result if there is one. Otherwise, nothing
// will change. Loop back to the first result if currently on last result. If
// passed before a Find() with FindInPageSearch call, nothing will change.
// Selects and scrolls to the previous result if there is one. Otherwise,
// nothing will change. Loop to last result if currently on first result. If
// passed before a Find() with FindInPageSearch call, nothing will change.
class AbstractFindInPageManager {
// Searches for string `query`. Executes new search or traverses results based
// on `options`. `query` must not be null if `options` is `FindInPageSearch`.
// `query` is ignored if `options` is not `FindInPageSearch`. If new search is
// started before previous search finishes, old request will be discarded.
// Check CanSearchContent() before calling Find().
// FindInPageManagerDelegate::DidHighlightMatches() will be called to return
// the total matches found if FindInPageSearch is passed, assuming it hasn't
// been discarded. FindInPageManagerDelegate::DidSelectMatch() will also be
// called if matches were found to inform client of the new match that was
// highlighted for all FindInPageOptions.
virtual void Find(NSString* query, FindInPageOptions options) = 0;
// Removes any highlighting. Does nothing if Find() with
// FindInPageOptions::FindInPageSearch is never called.
virtual void StopFinding() = 0;
// Returns false if page content can not be searched.
virtual bool CanSearchContent() = 0;
virtual FindInPageManagerDelegate* GetDelegate() = 0;
virtual void SetDelegate(FindInPageManagerDelegate* delegate) = 0;
virtual ~AbstractFindInPageManager() = default;
} // namespace web