# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
source_set("js_messaging") {
deps = [
public_deps = [ "//base" ]
frameworks = [ "Foundation.framework" ]
sources = [
source_set("web_view_js_utils") {
frameworks = [ "Foundation.framework" ]
sources = [ "web_view_js_utils.h" ]
source_set("content_world_header") {
sources = [ "content_world.h" ]
compile_ts("frame_id") {
sources = [ "resources/frame_id.ts" ]
deps = [
compile_ts("util_scripts") {
sources = [ "resources/utils.ts" ]
deps = [ ":gcrweb" ]
# `compile_ts` and `optimize_js` targets are defined separately here instead of
# combined using `optimize_ts` because it allows `gcrweb` target's
# compiled TypeScript to be used as a dependency by other TypeScript targets.
compile_ts("gcrweb") {
sources = [ "resources/gcrweb.ts" ]
optimize_js("gcrweb_js") {
_script = filter_include(get_target_outputs(":gcrweb"), [ "*gcrweb.js" ])
primary_script = _script[0]
sources = _script
output_name = "gcrweb"
deps = [ ":gcrweb" ]