# Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Defines a target that compiles one or more TypeScript and JavaScript input
# files.
# Variables
# sources:
# The full list of source scripts including |primary_script| and others
# referenced from within |primary_script|. Listing all these files here
# ensures this target is rebuilt if any of the files are changed.
# allow_js (optional):
# Whether or not JavaScript files are allowed. Defaults to false.
# deps (optional):
# The dependent targets which produce typescript compiler manifest files.
# These manifest files will be used to resolve script imports.
template("compile_ts") {
assert(defined(invoker.sources), "sources must be set")
if (defined(invoker.allow_js) && invoker.allow_js) {
_is_sources_only_js_and_ts = filter_exclude(invoker.sources,
]) == []
assert(_is_sources_only_js_and_ts, "all sources must be .ts or .js files")
} else {
_is_sources_only_ts = filter_exclude(invoker.sources, [ "*.ts" ]) == []
"all sources must be .ts (to allow .js, set allow_js to true)")
compiled_scripts_dir = "$target_gen_dir" + "/tsc"
src_dir = rebase_path(root_build_dir + "/../../")
all_compiled_outputs = []
foreach(js_file, rebase_path(invoker.sources)) {
all_compiled_outputs +=
[ "$compiled_scripts_dir/" +
rebase_path(get_path_info(js_file, "dir"), src_dir) + "/" +
get_path_info(js_file, "name") + ".js" ]
# Compile the scripts and output them into `compiled_scripts_dir` in the same
# directory structure to maintain path imports specified in the tsc manifest
# file.
ts_library(target_name) {
composite = true
# The root must be the src directory since it must contain all scripts.
# Ref: TS6059 (Some scripts will be within `root_build_dir`, but others
# will be directly checked in as source files.)
root_dir = src_dir
out_dir = compiled_scripts_dir
path_mappings = []
foreach(js_file, invoker.sources) {
js_import_path = get_path_info(js_file, "dir") + "/" +
get_path_info(js_file, "name") + ".js"
file_from_src = rebase_path(rebase_path(js_import_path), src_dir)
path_mappings += [ "//" + file_from_src + "|./" +
rebase_path(rebase_path(js_file), target_gen_dir) ]
path_mappings += [ "//*|" + rebase_path("//*", target_gen_dir) ]
# in_files are defined relative to root_dir as described in ts_library.py
in_files = rebase_path(rebase_path(invoker.sources), root_dir)