
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#import "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "net/cert/cert_status_flags.h"

namespace net {
class X509Certificate;

namespace web {

class BrowserState;
class CertificatePolicyCache;

// Stores certificate policy decisions for a specific session.  The certificate
// policy decisions stored in this object are persisted along with their
// WebStates and are used to populate the CertificatePolicyCache of a restored
// BrowserState.  Must be accessed on the UI thread.
class SessionCertificatePolicyCache {
  // `browser_state` should be non-null.
  explicit SessionCertificatePolicyCache(BrowserState* browser_state);
  virtual ~SessionCertificatePolicyCache();

  SessionCertificatePolicyCache(const SessionCertificatePolicyCache&) = delete;
  SessionCertificatePolicyCache& operator=(
      const SessionCertificatePolicyCache&) = delete;

  // Transfers the allowed certificate information from this session to the
  // web::CertificatePolicyCache. Used as part of session restoration.
  virtual void UpdateCertificatePolicyCache() const = 0;

  // Stores certificate information that a user has indicated should be allowed
  // for this session. The web::CertificatePolicyCache will also be updated
  // when this method is called.
  virtual void RegisterAllowedCertificate(
      const scoped_refptr<net::X509Certificate>& certificate,
      const std::string& host,
      net::CertStatus status) = 0;

  // Get the web::CertificatePolicyCache for this session's BrowserState.
  // Must be called on UI thread.
  scoped_refptr<CertificatePolicyCache> GetCertificatePolicyCache() const;

  // The WebState's BrowserState used for retrieving the CertificatePolicyCache.
  raw_ptr<BrowserState> browser_state_;

}  // namespace web