// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#import "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "ios/web/public/download/download_task.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace web {
// Fake implementation for DownloadTask interface. Can be used for testing.
class FakeDownloadTask final : public DownloadTask {
FakeDownloadTask(const GURL& original_url, const std::string& mime_type);
FakeDownloadTask(const FakeDownloadTask&) = delete;
FakeDownloadTask& operator=(const FakeDownloadTask&) = delete;
~FakeDownloadTask() final;
// DownloadTask finals:
WebState* GetWebState() final;
DownloadTask::State GetState() const final;
void Start(const base::FilePath& path) final;
void Cancel() final;
void GetResponseData(ResponseDataReadCallback callback) const final;
const base::FilePath& GetResponsePath() const final;
NSString* GetIdentifier() const final;
const GURL& GetOriginalUrl() const final;
NSString* GetHttpMethod() const final;
bool IsDone() const final;
int GetErrorCode() const final;
int GetHttpCode() const final;
int64_t GetTotalBytes() const final;
int64_t GetReceivedBytes() const final;
int GetPercentComplete() const final;
std::string GetContentDisposition() const final;
std::string GetOriginalMimeType() const final;
std::string GetMimeType() const final;
base::FilePath GenerateFileName() const final;
bool HasPerformedBackgroundDownload() const final;
void AddObserver(DownloadTaskObserver* observer) final;
void RemoveObserver(DownloadTaskObserver* observer) final;
// Setters for task properties. Setters invoke OnDownloadUpdated callback.
void SetWebState(WebState* web_state);
void SetState(DownloadTask::State state);
void SetDone(bool done);
void SetErrorCode(int error_code);
void SetHttpCode(int http_code);
void SetTotalBytes(int64_t total_bytes);
void SetReceivedBytes(int64_t received_bytes);
void SetPercentComplete(int percent_complete);
void SetContentDisposition(const std::string& content_disposition);
void SetMimeType(const std::string& mime_type);
void SetResponseData(NSData* response_data);
void SetGeneratedFileName(const base::FilePath& generated_file_name);
void SetPerformedBackgroundDownload(bool flag);
// Called when download task was updated.
void OnDownloadUpdated();
base::ObserverList<DownloadTaskObserver, true> observers_;
raw_ptr<WebState> web_state_ = nullptr;
State state_ = State::kNotStarted;
GURL original_url_;
int error_code_ = 0;
int http_code_ = -1;
std::string content_disposition_;
int64_t total_bytes_ = -1;
int64_t received_bytes_ = 0;
int percent_complete_ = -1;
std::string original_mime_type_;
std::string mime_type_;
base::FilePath generated_file_name_;
bool has_performed_background_download_ = false;
__strong NSString* identifier_ = nil;
base::FilePath response_path_;
__strong NSData* response_data_ = nil;
} // namespace web