// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "ios/web/public/js_messaging/web_frame.h"
namespace web {
// Frame id constants which can be used to initialize FakeWebFrame.
// Frame ids are base16 string of 128 bit numbers.
extern const char kMainFakeFrameId[];
extern const char kInvalidFrameId[];
extern const char kChildFakeFrameId[];
extern const char kChildFakeFrameId2[];
// A fake web frame to use for testing.
class FakeWebFrame : public WebFrame {
// Creates a web frame. `frame_id` must be a string representing a valid
// hexadecimal number.
static std::unique_ptr<FakeWebFrame> Create(const std::string& frame_id,
bool is_main_frame,
GURL security_origin);
// Creates a web frame representing the main frame with a frame id of
// `kMainFakeFrameId`.
static std::unique_ptr<FakeWebFrame> CreateMainWebFrame(GURL security_origin);
// Creates a web frame representing the main frame with a frame id of
// `kChildFakeFrameId`.
static std::unique_ptr<FakeWebFrame> CreateChildWebFrame(
GURL security_origin);
// Returns the most recent JavaScript call made to this frame.
virtual std::u16string GetLastJavaScriptCall() const = 0;
// Returns `javascript_calls`. Use LastJavaScriptCall() if possible.
virtual const std::vector<std::u16string>& GetJavaScriptCallHistory() = 0;
// Clears the history of javascript calls sent to this frame.
virtual void ClearJavaScriptCallHistory() = 0;
// Sets the browser state associated with this frame.
virtual void set_browser_state(BrowserState* browser_state) = 0;
// Sets `js_result` that will be passed into callback for `name` function
// call. The same result will be pass regardless of call arguments.
// NOTE: The caller is responsible for keeping `js_result` alive for as
// long as this instance lives.
virtual void AddJsResultForFunctionCall(base::Value* js_result,
const std::string& function_name) = 0;
// Sets `js_result` that will be passed into callback for `executed_js`
// call through ExecuteJavaScript API.
// NOTE: The caller is responsible for keeping `js_result` alive for as
// long as this instance lives.
virtual void AddResultForExecutedJs(base::Value* js_result,
const std::u16string& executed_js) = 0;
virtual void set_force_timeout(bool force_timeout) = 0;
// Sets a callback to be called at the start of `CallJavaScriptFunction()`.
virtual void set_call_java_script_function_callback(
base::RepeatingClosure callback) = 0;
} // namespace web