// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <WebKit/WebKit.h>
#import <vector>
namespace web {
class BrowserState;
class JavaScriptFeature;
class WebState;
namespace test {
// These functions synchronously execute JavaScript and return result as id.
// id will be backed up by different classes depending on resulting JS type:
// NSString (string), NSNumber (number or boolean), NSDictionary (object),
// NSArray (array), NSNull (null), NSDate (Date), nil (undefined or execution
// exception).
// Executes JavaScript on `web_view` and returns the result as an id.
// `error` can be null and will be updated only if script execution fails.
id ExecuteJavaScript(WKWebView* web_view,
NSString* script,
NSError* __autoreleasing* error);
// Executes JavaScript on `web_view` and returns the result as an id.
// Fails if there was an error during script execution.
id ExecuteJavaScript(WKWebView* web_view, NSString* script);
// Synchronously executes JavaScript in the content world associated with
// `feature` and returns the result as id.
id ExecuteJavaScriptForFeature(web::WebState* web_state,
NSString* script,
JavaScriptFeature* feature);
// Synchronously loads `html` into `web_view`. Returns true is successful or
// false if the `web_view` never finishes loading.
[[nodiscard]] bool LoadHtml(WKWebView* web_view,
NSString* html,
NSURL* base_url);
// Waits until custom javascript is injected into __gCrWeb.
[[nodiscard]] bool WaitForInjectedScripts(WKWebView* web_view);
// Returns an autoreleased string containing the JavaScript loaded from a
// bundled resource file with the given name (excluding extension).
NSString* GetPageScript(NSString* script_file_name);
// Returns the JavaScript which defines __gCrWeb, __gCrWeb.common, and
// __gCrWeb.message.
NSString* GetSharedScripts();
// Manually overrides the built in JavaScriptFeatures and those from
// `GetWebClient()::GetJavaScriptFeatures()`. This is intended to be used to
// replace an instance of a built in feature with one created by the test.
// NOTE: Do not call this when using a WebClient with features you rely on or
// `FakeWebClient::SetJavaScriptFeatures` as this will override those
// features.
void OverrideJavaScriptFeatures(web::BrowserState* browser_state,
std::vector<JavaScriptFeature*> features);
} // namespace test
} // namespace web