
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>

#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h"

namespace web {

// TODO( Include web_task_traits.h directly when the
// migration to Get(UI|IO)ThreadTaskrunner() is complete and the cyclic
// dependency of web_task_traits.h on WebThread::ID is broken.
class WebTaskTraits;

class WebThreadDelegate;

// Use DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(WebThread::ID) to assert that a function can only be
// called on the named WebThread.
#define DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(thread_identifier)             \
  DCHECK(::web::WebThread::CurrentlyOn(thread_identifier)) \
      << ::web::WebThread::GetCurrentlyOnErrorMessage(thread_identifier)

// The main entry point to post tasks to the UI thread. Tasks posted with the
// same `traits` will run in posting order (i.e. according to the
// SequencedTaskRunner contract). Tasks posted with different `traits` can be
// re-ordered. You may keep a reference to this task runner, it's always
// thread-safe to post to it though it may start returning false at some point
// during shutdown when it definitely is no longer accepting tasks.
// In unit tests, there must be a WebTaskEnvironment in scope for this API to be
// available.
// TODO( Make default traits |{}| the default param when
// it's possible to include web_task_traits.h in this file (see note above on
// the WebTaskTraits fwd-decl).
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> GetUIThreadTaskRunner(
    const WebTaskTraits& traits);

// The WebThread::IO counterpart to GetUIThreadTaskRunner().
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> GetIOThreadTaskRunner(
    const WebTaskTraits& traits);

// WebThread
// Utility functions for threads that are known by name.
class WebThread {
  // An enumeration of the well-known threads.
  enum ID {
    // The main thread in the browser. It stops running tasks during shutdown
    // and is never joined.

    // This is the thread that processes non-blocking I/O, i.e. IPC and network.
    // Blocking I/O should happen in base::ThreadPool. It is joined on shutdown
    // (and thus any task posted to it may block shutdown).

    // NOTE: do not add new threads here. Instead you should just use
    // base::ThreadPool::Create*TaskRunner to run tasks on the base::ThreadPool.

    // This identifier does not represent a thread.  Instead it counts the
    // number of well-known threads.  Insert new well-known threads before this
    // identifier.

  WebThread(const WebThread&) = delete;
  WebThread& operator=(const WebThread&) = delete;

  // Callable on any thread.  Returns whether the given well-known thread is
  // initialized.
  [[nodiscard]] static bool IsThreadInitialized(ID identifier);

  // Callable on any thread.  Returns whether execution is currently on the
  // given thread.  To DCHECK this, use the DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON() macro above.
  [[nodiscard]] static bool CurrentlyOn(ID identifier);

  // If the current message loop is one of the known threads, returns true and
  // sets identifier to its ID.
  [[nodiscard]] static bool GetCurrentThreadIdentifier(ID* identifier);

  // Sets the delegate for WebThread::IO.
  // This only supports the IO thread.
  // Only one delegate may be registered at a time. Delegates may be
  // unregistered by providing a nullptr pointer.
  // The delegate can only be registered through this call before
  // WebThreadImpl(WebThread::IO) is created and unregistered after
  // it was destroyed and its underlying thread shutdown.
  static void SetIOThreadDelegate(WebThreadDelegate* delegate);

  // Returns an appropriate error message for when DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON() fails.
  static std::string GetCurrentlyOnErrorMessage(ID expected);

  friend class WebThreadImpl;
  friend class ContentThreadImpl;

  WebThread() = default;

}  // namespace web