
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#include <memory>

#include "ios/web/public/webui/web_ui_ios.h"

class GURL;

namespace web {

class WebUIIOSController;

// Interface for an object that controls which URLs are considered WebUIIOS
// URLs and creates WebUIIOSController instances for given URLs.
class WebUIIOSControllerFactory {
  virtual ~WebUIIOSControllerFactory() {}

  // Call to register a factory.
  static void RegisterFactory(WebUIIOSControllerFactory* factory);

  // Call to deregister a factory.
  static void DeregisterFactory(WebUIIOSControllerFactory* factory);

  // Returns 0 if there is a controller associated with `url`. Otherwise,
  // returns an error code in NSURLErrorDomain associated with this `url`.
  virtual NSInteger GetErrorCodeForWebUIURL(const GURL& url) const = 0;

  // Returns a WebUIIOSController instance for the given URL, or NULL if the URL
  // doesn't correspond to a WebUIIOS.
  virtual std::unique_ptr<WebUIIOSController> CreateWebUIIOSControllerForURL(
      WebUIIOS* web_ui,
      const GURL& url) const = 0;

}  // namespace web