// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/web/web_state/ui/crw_context_menu_element_fetcher.h"
#import <WebKit/WebKit.h>
#import "base/test/ios/wait_util.h"
#import "base/time/time.h"
#import "ios/testing/scoped_block_swizzler.h"
#import "ios/web/js_features/context_menu/context_menu_constants.h"
#import "ios/web/public/test/web_view_content_test_util.h"
#import "ios/web/test/web_test_with_web_controller.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/ui/crw_web_controller.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/web_state_impl.h"
#import "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#import "testing/gtest_mac.h"
namespace {
// This is the timeout used while waiting for the JavaScript to complete. The
// general kWaitForJSCompletionTimeout isn't used because one of the test is
// supposed to not complete and so will wait for the whole duration of the
// timeout. This constant is smaller to speed tests up. This constant is used in
// both the "successful" JavaScript calls and the "failing" JavaScript calls. It
// ensures that in the context of this test, the JavaScript completes in the
// given timespan (and so it ensures that if the "failing" JavaScript tests
// pass, it is because the JavaScript isn't called and not because it didn't
// have time to complete).
constexpr base::TimeDelta kFetcherJSTimeout = base::Seconds(1);
} // namespace
namespace web {
class CRWContextMenuElementFetcherTest : public WebTestWithWebController {
void SetUp() override {
WKWebView* web_view = [web_controller() ensureWebViewCreated];
fetcher_ =
[[CRWContextMenuElementFetcher alloc] initWithWebView:web_view
// Loads a page containing a link and waits until the link is present on the
// page, making sure that the HTML is correctly injected.
[[nodiscard]] bool LoadHtmlPage() {
NSString* html =
"<style>body { font-size:14em; }</style>"
"<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"user-scalable=no, width=100\">"
"</head><body><p><a id=\"linkID\" "
bool element_present = test::WaitForWebViewContainingElement(
web_state(), [ElementSelector selectorWithElementID:"linkID"]);
if (element_present) {
// If the element is present, we still need a small delay to let all the
// scripts be injected in the page.
return element_present;
CRWContextMenuElementFetcher* GetFetcher() { return fetcher_; }
std::unique_ptr<ScopedBlockSwizzler> swizzler_;
CRWContextMenuElementFetcher* fetcher_;
// Tests that the fetcher is triggering a callback for one element.
TEST_F(CRWContextMenuElementFetcherTest, FetchOneElement) {
CRWContextMenuElementFetcher* fetcher = GetFetcher();
__block bool callback_called = false;
[fetcher fetchDOMElementAtPoint:CGPointMake(10, 10)
completionHandler:^(const web::ContextMenuParams&) {
callback_called = true;
EXPECT_TRUE(base::test::ios::WaitUntilConditionOrTimeout(kFetcherJSTimeout, ^{
return callback_called;
// Tests that cancelled fetches don't trigger callback.
TEST_F(CRWContextMenuElementFetcherTest, CancelFetch) {
CRWContextMenuElementFetcher* fetcher = GetFetcher();
__block bool callback_called = false;
[fetcher fetchDOMElementAtPoint:CGPointMake(10, 10)
completionHandler:^(const web::ContextMenuParams&) {
callback_called = true;
[fetcher cancelFetches];
// The callback should never be called.
base::test::ios::WaitUntilConditionOrTimeout(kFetcherJSTimeout, ^{
return callback_called;
} // namespace web