
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "ios/web/public/thread/web_thread.h"

namespace web {
class WebThreadImpl;

namespace web {

// A WebSubThread is a physical thread backing a WebThread.
class WebSubThread : public base::Thread {
  // Constructs a WebSubThread for `identifier`.
  explicit WebSubThread(WebThread::ID identifier);

  WebSubThread(const WebSubThread&) = delete;
  WebSubThread& operator=(const WebSubThread&) = delete;

  ~WebSubThread() override;

  // Registers this thread to represent `identifier_` in the web_thread.h
  // API. This thread must already be running when this is called. This can only
  // be called once per WebSubThread instance.
  void RegisterAsWebThread();

  // Ideally there wouldn't be a special blanket allowance to block the
  // WebThreads in tests but TestWebThreadImpl previously bypassed
  // WebSubThread and hence wasn't subject to ThreadRestrictions...
  // Flipping that around in favor of explicit scoped allowances would be
  // preferable but a non-trivial amount of work. Can only be called before
  // starting this WebSubThread.
  void AllowBlockingForTesting();

  void Init() override;
  void Run(base::RunLoop* run_loop) override;
  void CleanUp() override;

  // These methods merely forwards to Thread::Run() but are useful to identify
  // which WebThread this represents in stack traces.
  void UIThreadRun(base::RunLoop* run_loop);
  void IOThreadRun(base::RunLoop* run_loop);

  const WebThread::ID identifier_;

  // WebThreads are not allowed to do file I/O nor wait on synchronization
  // primitives except when explicitly allowed in tests.
  bool is_blocking_allowed_for_testing_ = false;

  // The WebThread registration for this `identifier_`, initialized in
  // RegisterAsWebThread().
  std::unique_ptr<WebThreadImpl> web_thread_;


}  // namespace web