// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "cwv_export.h"
@class CWVAutofillProfile;
@class CWVCreditCard;
@class CWVPassword;
@protocol CWVAutofillDataManagerObserver;
// Exposes saved autofill data such as address profiles and credit cards.
@interface CWVAutofillDataManager : NSObject
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
// Adds |observer| for data changes.
- (void)addObserver:(__weak id<CWVAutofillDataManagerObserver>)observer;
// Removes |observer| that was previously added with |addObserver|.
- (void)removeObserver:(__weak id<CWVAutofillDataManagerObserver>)observer;
// Returns all saved profiles for address autofill in |completionHandler|.
- (void)fetchProfilesWithCompletionHandler:
(void (^)(NSArray<CWVAutofillProfile*>* profiles))completionHandler;
// Updates the profile.
- (void)updateProfile:(CWVAutofillProfile*)profile;
// Deletes the profile.
- (void)deleteProfile:(CWVAutofillProfile*)profile;
// Returns all saved credit cards for payment autofill in |completionHandler|.
- (void)fetchCreditCardsWithCompletionHandler:
(void (^)(NSArray<CWVCreditCard*>* creditCards))completionHandler;
// Returns all saved passwords for password autofill in |completionHandler|.
- (void)fetchPasswordsWithCompletionHandler:
(void (^)(NSArray<CWVPassword*>* passwords))completionHandler;
// Updates a |password| with a new username and password.
// |password| The password to update.
// |newUsername| The new username to set for |password|. Ignored if nil.
// |newPassword| The new password to set for |password|. Ignored if nil.
- (void)updatePassword:(CWVPassword*)password
newUsername:(nullable NSString*)newUsername
newPassword:(nullable NSString*)newPassword;
// Deletes the password.
- (void)deletePassword:(CWVPassword*)password;
// Adds a new password.
// |username| The desired username. For example an email address.
// |password| The desired password.
// |site| The website this password is used for. For example
// "https://www.chromium.org/".
- (void)addNewPasswordForUsername:(NSString*)username
// Adds a new password created from the iOS credential provider extension.
// |username| The login username for this password.
// |serviceIdentifier| The service for which this password is for. This should
// be derived from a -[ASCredentialServiceIdentifier identifier].
// |keychainIdentifier| Used to retrieve the password value from the keychain.
// This should identify a password previously stored using the APIs in
// CWVCredentialProviderUtils.
- (void)addNewPasswordForUsername:(NSString*)username