// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// CWVAutofillSuggestion suggestion type.
// Implementation comment: This enum mirrors autofill::SuggestionType,
// including the integer values. This allows an autofill:SuggestionType to
// be casted directly into a CWVSuggestionType.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, CWVSuggestionType) {
// Autocomplete suggestions.
CWVSuggestionTypeAutocompleteEntry = 0,
// Autofill profile suggestions.
// Fill the whole for the current address. On Desktop, it is triggered from
// the main (i.e. root popup) suggestion.
CWVSuggestionTypeAddressEntry = 1,
// Fills all address related fields, e.g ADDRESS_HOME_LINE1,
CWVSuggestionTypeFillFullAddress = 2,
// Fills all name related fields, e.g NAME_FIRST, NAME_MIDDLE, NAME_LAST
// etc.
CWVSuggestionTypeFillFullName = 3,
// Same as above, however it is triggered from the subpopup. This option
// is displayed once the users is on group filling level or field by field
// level. It is used as a way to allow users to go back to filling the whole
// form. We need it as a separate id from `kAddressEntry` because it has a
// different UI and for logging.
CWVSuggestionTypeFillEverythingFromAddressProfile = 4,
// When triggered from a phone number field this suggestion will fill every
// phone number field.
CWVSuggestionTypeFillFullPhoneNumber = 5,
// Same as above, when triggered from an email address field this suggestion
// will fill every email field.
CWVSuggestionTypeFillFullEmail = 6,
CWVSuggestionTypeAddressFieldByFieldFilling = 7,
CWVSuggestionTypeEditAddressProfile = 8,
CWVSuggestionTypeDeleteAddressProfile = 9,
CWVSuggestionTypeManageAddress = 10,
CWVSuggestionTypeManageCreditCard = 11,
CWVSuggestionTypeManageIban = 12,
CWVSuggestionTypeManagePlusAddress = 13,
// Compose popup suggestion shown when no Compose session exists.
CWVSuggestionTypeComposeProactiveNudge = 14,
// Compose popup suggestion shown when there is an existing Compose session.
CWVSuggestionTypeComposeResumeNudge = 15,
// Compose popup suggestion shown after the Compose dialog closes.
CWVSuggestionTypeComposeSavedStateNotification = 16,
// Compose sub-menu suggestions
CWVSuggestionTypeComposeDisable = 17,
CWVSuggestionTypeComposeGoToSettings = 18,
CWVSuggestionTypeComposeNeverShowOnThisSiteAgain = 19,
// Datalist suggestions.
CWVSuggestionTypeDatalistEntry = 20,
// Password suggestions.
CWVSuggestionTypePasswordEntry = 21,
CWVSuggestionTypeAllSavedPasswordsEntry = 22,
CWVSuggestionTypeGeneratePasswordEntry = 23,
CWVSuggestionTypeShowAccountCards = 24,
CWVSuggestionTypePasswordAccountStorageOptIn = 25,
CWVSuggestionTypePasswordAccountStorageOptInAndGenerate = 26,
CWVSuggestionTypeAccountStoragePasswordEntry = 27,
CWVSuggestionTypePasswordAccountStorageReSignin = 28,
CWVSuggestionTypePasswordAccountStorageEmpty = 29,
CWVSuggestionTypePasswordFieldByFieldFilling = 30,
CWVSuggestionTypeFillPassword = 31,
CWVSuggestionTypeViewPasswordDetails = 32,
// Payment suggestions.
CWVSuggestionTypeCreditCardEntry = 33,
CWVSuggestionTypeInsecureContextPaymentDisabledMessage = 34,
CWVSuggestionTypeScanCreditCard = 35,
CWVSuggestionTypeVirtualCreditCardEntry = 36,
CWVSuggestionTypeCreditCardFieldByFieldFilling = 37,
CWVSuggestionTypeIbanEntry = 38,
// Plus address suggestions.
CWVSuggestionTypeCreateNewPlusAddress = 39,
CWVSuggestionTypeFillExistingPlusAddress = 40,
// Promotion suggestions.
CWVSuggestionTypeMerchantPromoCodeEntry = 41,
CWVSuggestionTypeSeePromoCodeDetails = 42,
// Webauthn suggestions.
CWVSuggestionTypeWebauthnCredential = 43,
CWVSuggestionTypeWebauthnSignInWithAnotherDevice = 44,
// Other suggestions.
CWVSuggestionTypeTitle = 45,
CWVSuggestionTypeSeparator = 46,
CWVSuggestionTypeUndoOrClear = 47,
CWVSuggestionTypeMixedFormMessage = 48,
// Top level suggestion rendered when test addresses are available. Shown only
// when DevTools is open.
CWVSuggestionTypeDevtoolsTestAddresses = 49,
// Test address option that specifies a full address for a country
// so that users can test their form with it.
CWVSuggestionTypeDevtoolsTestAddressEntry = 50,
CWVSuggestionTypeUnknown = -1