// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// Possible error codes that can result from |CWVSyncControllerDataSource|'s
// access token fetches.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, CWVSyncError) {
// The credentials supplied to GAIA were either invalid, or the locally
// cached credentials have expired.
CWVSyncErrorInvalidGAIACredentials = -100,
// The GAIA user is not authorized to use the service.
CWVSyncErrorUserNotSignedUp = -200,
// Could not connect to server to verify credentials. This could be in
// response to either failure to connect to GAIA or failure to connect to
// the service needing GAIA tokens during authentication.
CWVSyncErrorConnectionFailed = -300,
// The service is not available; try again later.
CWVSyncErrorServiceUnavailable = -400,
// The requestor of the authentication step cancelled the request
// prior to completion.
CWVSyncErrorRequestCanceled = -500,
// Indicates the service responded to a request, but we cannot
// interpret the response.
CWVSyncErrorUnexpectedServiceResponse = -600,