# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
buildflag_header("ipc_buildflags") {
header = "ipc_buildflags.h"
flags = [ "IPC_MESSAGE_LOG_ENABLED=$enable_ipc_logging" ]
component("ipc") {
sources = [
# These are the param_traits sources needed by all platforms,
# including ios. The rest are added in a conditional block below.
if (use_blink) {
sources += [
# Most sources go here since ios only needs the param_traits
# code.
if (is_nacl) {
sources += [
} else {
sources += [ "ipc_channel.cc" ]
defines = [ "IS_IPC_IMPL" ]
public_deps = [
deps = [ "//base" ]
if (enable_ipc_fuzzer) {
public_configs = [ "//tools/ipc_fuzzer:ipc_fuzzer_config" ]
component("message_support") {
sources = [
if (is_win) {
sources += [
if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) {
sources += [
if (is_apple) {
sources += [
if (is_fuchsia) {
sources += [
public_deps = [
if (is_win || is_mac) {
# On Windows HandleAttachmentWin needs to generate random IDs.
# On Mac MachPortAttachmentMac needs to generate random IDs.
deps = [ "//crypto" ]
source_set("native_handle_type_converters") {
sources = [
public_deps = [
mojom("test_mojom") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "ipc_channel_mojo_unittest.test-mojom" ]
public_deps = [ "//mojo/public/mojom/base" ]
mojom_component("mojom") {
output_prefix = "ipc_mojom"
macro_prefix = "IPC_MOJOM"
sources = [ "ipc.mojom" ]
public_deps = [
cpp_typemaps = [
types = [
mojom = "IPC.mojom.Message"
cpp = "::IPC::MessageView"
move_only = true
traits_headers = [ "//ipc/message_mojom_traits.h" ]
traits_sources = [
traits_public_deps = [ "//ipc:message_support" ]
# Don't generate a variant sources since we depend on generated internal
# bindings types and we don't generate or build variants of those.
disable_variants = true
mojom("mojom_constants") {
sources = [ "constants.mojom" ]
mojom("test_interfaces") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "ipc_test.mojom" ]
# This is provided as a separate target so other targets can provide param
# traits implementations without necessarily linking to all of IPC.
source_set("param_traits") {
public = [ "ipc_param_traits.h" ]
# This is provided as a separate target so other targets can use IPC without
# necessarily linking to protobuf.
source_set("protobuf_support") {
public = [ "ipc_message_protobuf_utils.h" ]
public_deps = [
static_library("test_sink") {
testonly = true
sources = [
public_deps = [ ":ipc" ]
deps = [
if (use_blink) {
source_set("run_all_unittests") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "run_all_unittests.cc" ]
deps = [
proto_library("test_proto") {
sources = [ "test_proto.proto" ]
test("ipc_tests") {
sources = [
if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) {
sources += [ "ipc_message_attachment_set_posix_unittest.cc" ]
if (!is_ios) {
sources += [ "ipc_send_fds_test.cc" ]
deps = [
if (is_mac) {
deps += [ "//sandbox/mac:seatbelt" ]
test("ipc_perftests") {
sources = [
deps = [
static_library("test_support") {
testonly = true
sources = [
public_deps = [
deps = [