
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


if (enable_library_cdms) {

if (is_ios) {

buildflag_header("media_buildflags") {
  header = "media_buildflags.h"

  enable_passthrough_audio_codecs =
      enable_platform_dts_audio && (is_win || is_linux)

  flags = [

  if (enable_library_cdms) {
    flags += [

if (proprietary_codecs && media_use_ffmpeg) {
      ffmpeg_branding != "Chromium",
      "proprietary codecs and ffmpeg_branding set to Chromium are incompatible")

# Common configuration for targets in the media directory; these must not be
# exported since things like USE_NEON have different meanings elsewhere in the
# code base.
config("media_config") {
  defines = []
  if (current_cpu == "arm64" || (current_cpu == "arm" && arm_use_neon)) {
    defines += [ "USE_NEON" ]
  if (use_pulseaudio) {
    defines += [ "USE_PULSEAUDIO" ]
    if (!link_pulseaudio) {
      defines += [ "DLOPEN_PULSEAUDIO" ]

# Internal grouping of the configs necessary to support sub-folders having their
# own files; only targets which roll up into the "media" target should
# include this config. I.e., not "test_support" or "unit_tests" targets.
# Without these configs having individual sub-folders take a //media/base DEP
# (or others) can yield incorrectly imported and exported symbols on Windows:
#    fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found.
config("subcomponent_config") {
  visibility = media_subcomponent_deps
  if (is_apple) {
    visibility += [ "//media/base/mac" ]
  defines = [ "IS_MEDIA_IMPL" ]
  configs = [

component("media") {
  libs = []

  deps = [

  public_configs = [ "//third_party/libwebm:libwebm_config" ]
  public_deps = media_subcomponent_deps
  public_deps += [

  # This must be included here since it actually depends on //media/base.
  if (is_mac || (use_blink && is_ios)) {
    public_deps += [ "//media/base/mac" ]

  if (use_ozone) {
    deps += [ "//ui/ozone" ]

# Note: This can't be a static_library since it does not have any sources.
source_set("test_support") {
  testonly = true
  public_deps = [

if (is_ios) {
  bundle_data_from_filelist("unit_tests_bundle_data") {
    testonly = true
    filelist_name = "unit_tests_bundle_data.filelist"

# Contains tests for all targets in the "media" folder.
# TODO(xhwang): Move mojo/capture/remoting tests here where applicable.
test("media_unittests") {
  use_xvfb = use_xvfb_in_this_config

  deps = [

  data = [

  data_deps = [ "//testing/buildbot/filters:media_unittests_filters" ]

  if (is_android && enable_chrome_android_internal) {
    data_deps += [ "//clank/build/bot/filters:media_unittests_filters" ]

  if (media_use_ffmpeg) {
    deps += [ "//media/ffmpeg:unit_tests" ]

  if (is_android) {
    deps += [
      # The test needs the java dependencies to add the java classes for their
      # native counterparts to the test apk.

  if (is_fuchsia) {
    deps += [ "//media/fuchsia/video:unittests" ]

    # PaintCanvasVideoRendererWithGLTest.* uses SwiftShader, which generates
    # machine code.
    test_runner_shard = "//build/config/fuchsia/test/elf_test_ambient_exec_runner.shard.test-cml"

    additional_manifest_fragments = [

    if (enable_library_cdms) {
      excluded_files = [ "lib.unstripped/" ]

  if (enable_media_remoting) {
    deps += [ "//media/remoting:media_remoting_tests" ]

  # The test needs OPUS_FIXED_POINT conditional define.
  configs += [ "//third_party/opus:opus_config" ]

  if (is_ios) {
    deps += [ ":unit_tests_bundle_data" ]

test("media_perftests") {
  configs += [ ":media_config" ]
  deps = [
  if (media_use_ffmpeg) {
    # Direct dependency required to inherit config.
    deps += [ "//third_party/ffmpeg" ]

  # This target should not require the Chrome executable to run.
  assert_no_deps = [ "//chrome" ]

  data = [ "test/data/" ]

  data_deps = [
    # Needed for isolate script to execute.

  if (enable_av1_decoder &&
      ((is_chromeos && (use_v4l2_codec || use_vaapi)) || is_win)) {
    data_deps += [ "//media/gpu/test/:video_encode_accelerator_tests" ]

# Note: Most external components should just depend on //media unless they
# specifically need this pared own target (NaCl, PPAPI, etc). Internal targets
# should just depend on //media/base which will propagate this target to them.
component("shared_memory_support") {
  sources = [
  if (is_mac) {
    # These need to be included here because depends on them.
    sources += [

  # Do not use "subcomponent_config" here since these files are in their own
  # component target and thus can't share the standard export macros.
  configs += [ ":media_config" ]

  if (!is_debug) {
    configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_optimization" ]
    configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
  deps = [

# TODO(watk): Refactor tests that could be made to run on Android. See
if (media_use_ffmpeg && !is_android) {
  test("ffmpeg_regression_tests") {
    configs += [ "//media:media_config" ]

    deps = [

if (proprietary_codecs) {
  fuzzer_test("media_cenc_utils_fuzzer") {
    sources = [ "cdm/" ]
    deps = [ ":media" ]

fuzzer_test("media_vpx_video_decoder_fuzzer") {
  sources = [ "filters/" ]
  deps = [
  libfuzzer_options = [ "max_len = 400000" ]
  seed_corpus = "//media/test/data"

fuzzer_test("media_webm_muxer_fuzzer") {
  sources = [ "muxers/" ]
  deps = [

fuzzer_test("cbcs_decryptor_fuzzer") {
  sources = [ "cdm/" ]
  deps = [

fuzzer_test("cenc_decryptor_fuzzer") {
  sources = [ "cdm/" ]
  deps = [

fuzzer_test("json_web_key_fuzzer") {
  sources = [ "cdm/" ]
  deps = [

if (proprietary_codecs) {
  fuzzer_test("media_mp4_avcc_parser_fuzzer") {
    sources = [ "formats/mp4/" ]
    deps = [

  fuzzer_test("media_mp4_box_reader_fuzzer") {
    sources = [ "formats/mp4/" ]
    deps = [
    libfuzzer_options = [ "max_len=500" ]
    dict = "test/mp4.dict"

if (enable_mse_mpeg2ts_stream_parser) {
  fuzzer_test("media_es_parser_adts_fuzzer") {
    sources = [ "formats/mp2t/" ]
    deps = [

  fuzzer_test("media_es_parser_h264_fuzzer") {
    sources = [ "formats/mp2t/" ]
    deps = [

  fuzzer_test("media_es_parser_mpeg1audio_fuzzer") {
    sources = [ "formats/mp2t/" ]
    deps = [