
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include "media/audio/simple_sources.h"

#include <stddef.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <numbers>
#include <string_view>

#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "media/audio/wav_audio_handler.h"
#include "media/base/audio_bus.h"

namespace media {
namespace {
// Opens |wav_filename|, reads it and loads it as a wav file. This function will
// return a null pointer if we can't read the file or if it's malformed. The
// caller takes ownership of the returned data. The size of the data is stored
// in |read_length|.
std::unique_ptr<char[]> ReadWavFile(const base::FilePath& wav_filename,
                                    size_t* read_length) {}

// These values are based on experiments for local-to-local
// PeerConnection to demonstrate audio/video synchronization.
static const int kBeepDurationMilliseconds =;
static const int kBeepFrequency =;

// Intervals between two automatic beeps.
static const int kAutomaticBeepIntervalInMs =;

// Automatic beep will be triggered every |kAutomaticBeepIntervalInMs| unless
// users explicitly call BeepOnce(), which will disable the automatic beep.
class BeepContext {};

BeepContext* GetBeepContext() {}

}  // namespace

// SineWaveAudioSource implementation.

SineWaveAudioSource::SineWaveAudioSource(int channels,
                                         double freq,
                                         double sample_freq)

SineWaveAudioSource::~SineWaveAudioSource() = default;

// The implementation could be more efficient if a lookup table is constructed
// but it is efficient enough for our simple needs.
int SineWaveAudioSource::OnMoreData(base::TimeDelta /* delay */,
                                    base::TimeTicks /* delay_timestamp */,
                                    const AudioGlitchInfo& /* glitch_info */,
                                    AudioBus* dest) {}

void SineWaveAudioSource::OnError(ErrorType type) {}

void SineWaveAudioSource::CapSamples(int cap) {}

void SineWaveAudioSource::Reset() {}

FileSource::FileSource(const AudioParameters& params,
                       const base::FilePath& path_to_wav_file,
                       bool loop)

FileSource::~FileSource() = default;

void FileSource::LoadWavFile(const base::FilePath& path_to_wav_file) {}

int FileSource::OnMoreData(base::TimeDelta /* delay */,
                           base::TimeTicks /* delay_timestamp */,
                           const AudioGlitchInfo& /* glitch_info */,
                           AudioBus* dest) {}

void FileSource::Rewind() {}

double FileSource::ProvideInput(AudioBus* audio_bus_into_converter,
                                uint32_t frames_delayed,
                                const AudioGlitchInfo&) {}

void FileSource::OnError(ErrorType type) {}

BeepingSource::BeepingSource(const AudioParameters& params)

BeepingSource::~BeepingSource() = default;

int BeepingSource::OnMoreData(base::TimeDelta /* delay */,
                              base::TimeTicks /* delay_timestamp */,
                              const AudioGlitchInfo& /* glitch_info */,
                              AudioBus* dest) {}

void BeepingSource::OnError(ErrorType type) {}

void BeepingSource::BeepOnce() {}

}  // namespace media