// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.media;
import android.media.MediaCodecInfo;
import android.media.MediaCodecInfo.CodecProfileLevel;
import android.media.MediaCodecList;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.Range;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import org.jni_zero.CalledByNative;
import org.jni_zero.JNINamespace;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* A collection of SDK based helper functions for retrieving supported profiles
* for accelerated encoders and decoders from MediaCodecInfo. Only called from
* the GPU process, so doesn't need to be tagged with MainDex.
class VideoAcceleratorUtil {
private static final String TAG = "VAUtil";
private static final String[] SUPPORTED_ENCODER_TYPES = {
private static final String[] SUPPORTED_DECODER_TYPES = {
// Encoders known to support temporal layers.
private static final Set<String> TEMPORAL_SVC_SUPPORTING_ENCODERS =
Set.of("c2.qti.avc.encoder", "c2.exynos.h264.encoder");
private static class SupportedProfileAdapter {
public int profile;
public int level;
public int maxWidth;
public int maxHeight;
public int minWidth;
public int minHeight;
public int maxFramerateNumerator;
public int maxFramerateDenominator;
public boolean supportsCbr;
public boolean supportsVbr;
public String name;
public boolean isSoftwareCodec;
public boolean supportsSecurePlayback;
public boolean requiresSecurePlayback;
public int maxNumberOfTemporalLayers;
public int getProfile() {
return this.profile;
public int getLevel() {
return this.level;
public int getMaxWidth() {
return this.maxWidth;
public int getMaxHeight() {
return this.maxHeight;
public int getMinWidth() {
return this.minWidth;
public int getMinHeight() {
return this.minHeight;
public int getMaxFramerateNumerator() {
return this.maxFramerateNumerator;
public int getMaxFramerateDenominator() {
return this.maxFramerateDenominator;
public boolean supportsCbr() {
return this.supportsCbr;
public boolean supportsVbr() {
return this.supportsVbr;
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public boolean isSoftwareCodec() {
return this.isSoftwareCodec;
public boolean supportsSecurePlayback() {
return this.supportsSecurePlayback;
public boolean requiresSecurePlayback() {
return this.requiresSecurePlayback;
public int getMaxNumberOfTemporalLayers() {
return this.maxNumberOfTemporalLayers;
// Currently our encoder only supports NV12.
private static boolean hasSupportedColorFormat(int[] colorFormats) {
for (int format : colorFormats) {
if (format == MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar) {
return true;
return false;
// Chromium doesn't bundle a software encoder or decoder for H.264 or H.265 so allow
// usage of software codecs through MediaCodec for those codecs.
private static boolean requiresHardware(String type) {
return !type.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaCodecUtil.MimeTypes.VIDEO_H264)
&& !type.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaCodecUtil.MimeTypes.VIDEO_HEVC);
// H.264 high profile isn't required by Android platform, so we can only add support if
// we know its supported by the underlying codec.
private static boolean hasHighProfileSupport(String name) {
var lowerName = name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
// Some platforms seem to have a trailing `.` in the name...
return lowerName.startsWith("omx.google.h264.decoder")
|| lowerName.startsWith("c2.android.avc.decoder");
// Return true if and only if this is a low latency decoder.
private static boolean isLowLatency(String name) {
var lowerName = name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
// This is usually a hw decoder provided by the OEM vendors.
return lowerName.endsWith(".low_latency");
private static int getNumberOfTemporalLayers(String name) {
return 1;
return 3;
return 1;
* Returns an array of SupportedProfileAdapter entries since the NDK
* doesn't provide this functionality :/
private static SupportedProfileAdapter[] getSupportedEncoderProfiles() {
MediaCodecInfo[] codecList;
try {
codecList = new MediaCodecList(MediaCodecList.REGULAR_CODECS).getCodecInfos();
} catch (Throwable e) {
// Swallow the exception due to bad Android implementation and pretend
// MediaCodecList is not supported.
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to retrieve MediaCodecInfo: ", e);
return null;
ArrayList<SupportedProfileAdapter> hardwareProfiles =
new ArrayList<SupportedProfileAdapter>();
ArrayList<SupportedProfileAdapter> softwareProfiles =
new ArrayList<SupportedProfileAdapter>();
for (String type : SUPPORTED_ENCODER_TYPES) {
for (MediaCodecInfo info : codecList) {
if (info.isAlias()) continue; // Skip duplicates.
if (!info.isEncoder()) continue;
if (!info.isHardwareAccelerated() && requiresHardware(type)) continue;
MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities capabilities = null;
try {
capabilities = info.getCapabilitiesForType(type);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Type is not supported.
if (!hasSupportedColorFormat(capabilities.colorFormats)) continue;
MediaCodecInfo.EncoderCapabilities encoderCapabilities =
boolean supportsCbr =
boolean supportsVbr =
MediaCodecInfo.VideoCapabilities videoCapabilities =
// In landscape mode, width is always larger than height, so first get the
// maximum width and then the height range supported for that width.
Range<Integer> supportedWidths = videoCapabilities.getSupportedWidths();
Range<Integer> supportedHeights =
// Some devices don't have their max supported level configured correctly, so they
// can return max resolutions like 7680x1714 which prevents both 4K and 8K content
// from being hardware decoded.
// In cases where supported area is > 4k, but width, height are less than standard
// and the standard resolution is supported, use the standard one instead so that at
// least 4k support works. See https://crbug.com/41481822.
if ((supportedWidths.getUpper() < 3840 || supportedHeights.getUpper() < 2160)
&& supportedWidths.getUpper() * supportedHeights.getUpper() >= 3840 * 2160
&& videoCapabilities.isSizeSupported(3840, 2160)) {
supportedWidths = new Range<Integer>(supportedWidths.getLower(), 3840);
supportedHeights = new Range<Integer>(supportedHeights.getLower(), 2160);
boolean needsPortraitEntry =
&& videoCapabilities.isSizeSupported(
supportedHeights.getUpper(), supportedWidths.getUpper());
// The frame rate entry in the supported profile is independent of the resolution
// range, so we don't query based on the maximum resolution.
Range<Integer> supportedFrameRates = videoCapabilities.getSupportedFrameRates();
// Since the supported profiles interface doesn't support levels, we just attach
// the same min/max to every profile.
HashSet<Integer> supportedProfiles = new HashSet<Integer>();
int codec = CodecProfileLevelList.getCodecFromMime(type);
for (CodecProfileLevel cpl : capabilities.profileLevels) {
try {
codec, cpl.profile));
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// This means mediaCodecProfileToChromiumMediaProfile() needs updating.
Log.w(TAG, "Unknown profile: " + cpl.profile + " for codec " + type);
int maxNumberOfTemporalLayers =
ArrayList<SupportedProfileAdapter> profiles =
info.isHardwareAccelerated() ? hardwareProfiles : softwareProfiles;
for (int mediaProfile : supportedProfiles) {
SupportedProfileAdapter profile = new SupportedProfileAdapter();
profile.profile = mediaProfile;
profile.minWidth = supportedWidths.getLower();
profile.minHeight = supportedHeights.getLower();
profile.maxWidth = supportedWidths.getUpper();
profile.maxHeight = supportedHeights.getUpper();
profile.maxFramerateNumerator = supportedFrameRates.getUpper();
profile.maxFramerateDenominator = 1;
profile.supportsCbr = supportsCbr;
profile.supportsVbr = supportsVbr;
profile.name = info.getName();
profile.isSoftwareCodec = info.isSoftwareOnly();
profile.maxNumberOfTemporalLayers = maxNumberOfTemporalLayers;
// Invert min/max height/width for a portrait mode entry if needed.
if (needsPortraitEntry) {
profile = new SupportedProfileAdapter();
profile.profile = mediaProfile;
profile.minWidth = supportedHeights.getLower();
profile.minHeight = supportedWidths.getLower();
profile.maxWidth = supportedHeights.getUpper();
profile.maxHeight = supportedWidths.getUpper();
profile.maxFramerateNumerator = supportedFrameRates.getUpper();
profile.maxFramerateDenominator = 1;
profile.supportsCbr = supportsCbr;
profile.supportsVbr = supportsVbr;
profile.name = info.getName();
profile.isSoftwareCodec = info.isSoftwareOnly();
// Insert all software codecs after the hardware support.
ArrayList<SupportedProfileAdapter> profiles = hardwareProfiles;
SupportedProfileAdapter[] profileArray = new SupportedProfileAdapter[profiles.size()];
return profileArray;
* Returns an array of SupportedProfileAdapter entries since the NDK
* doesn't provide this functionality :/
private static SupportedProfileAdapter[] getSupportedDecoderProfiles() {
MediaCodecInfo[] codecList;
try {
codecList = new MediaCodecList(MediaCodecList.ALL_CODECS).getCodecInfos();
} catch (Throwable e) {
// Swallow the exception due to bad Android implementation and pretend
// MediaCodecList is not supported.
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to retrieve MediaCodecInfo: ", e);
return null;
ArrayList<SupportedProfileAdapter> profiles = new ArrayList<SupportedProfileAdapter>();
boolean isAtLeastQ = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q;
for (String type : SUPPORTED_DECODER_TYPES) {
for (MediaCodecInfo info : codecList) {
// Skip duplicates. Harmless, but pollutes chrome://gpu
if (isAtLeastQ && info.isAlias()) continue;
if (info.isEncoder()) continue;
// Skip low latency codec in case duplication.
if (isLowLatency(info.getName())) continue;
MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities capabilities = null;
try {
capabilities = info.getCapabilitiesForType(type);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Type is not supported.
// Skip tunnel decoders because it's not supported by the media pipeline.
if (capabilities.isFeatureRequired(
MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.FEATURE_TunneledPlayback)) {
MediaCodecInfo.VideoCapabilities videoCapabilities =
// In landscape mode, width is always larger than height, so first get the
// maximum width and then the height range supported for that width.
Range<Integer> supportedWidths = videoCapabilities.getSupportedWidths();
Range<Integer> supportedHeights =
// Some devices don't have their max supported level configured correctly, so they
// can return max resolutions like 7680x1714 which prevents both 4K and 8K content
// from being hardware decoded.
// In cases where supported area is > 4k, but width, height are less than standard
// and the standard resolution is supported, use the standard one instead so that at
// least 4k support works. See https://crbug.com/41481822.
if ((supportedWidths.getUpper() < 3840 || supportedHeights.getUpper() < 2160)
&& supportedWidths.getUpper() * supportedHeights.getUpper() >= 3840 * 2160
&& videoCapabilities.isSizeSupported(3840, 2160)) {
supportedWidths = new Range<Integer>(supportedWidths.getLower(), 3840);
supportedHeights = new Range<Integer>(supportedHeights.getLower(), 2160);
boolean needsPortraitEntry =
&& videoCapabilities.isSizeSupported(
supportedHeights.getUpper(), supportedWidths.getUpper());
// See video_codecs.h
final int kNoVideoCodecLevel = 0;
// The map from supported profile to the highest supported level. We just attach
// the same min/max to every profile, level pair.
HashMap<Integer, Integer> supportedProfileLevels = new HashMap<>();
int codec = CodecProfileLevelList.getCodecFromMime(type);
for (CodecProfileLevel cpl : capabilities.profileLevels) {
try {
int profile =
codec, cpl.profile);
// Some devices don't provide valid level information, zero means
// no level.
int level = kNoVideoCodecLevel;
try {
level =
codec, cpl.level);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// This may mean mediaCodecLevelToChromiumMediaLevel() needs updating,
// but may also just mean the device has invalid levels.
"Unknown level: "
+ cpl.level
+ " for profile "
+ cpl.profile
+ " of codec "
+ type);
// We use kNoVideoCodecLevel -1 here so level == kNoVideoCodecLevel adds a
// supportedProfileLevels entry.
int supportedLevel =
profile, kNoVideoCodecLevel - 1);
if (level > supportedLevel) {
supportedProfileLevels.put(profile, level);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// This means mediaCodecProfileToChromiumMediaProfile() needs updating.
Log.w(TAG, "Unknown profile: " + cpl.profile + " for codec " + type);
// Not all platforms seem to have a populated `profileLevels`, e.g., the
// x86 emulator. In these cases, populate what's required by Android:
// https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/media/media-formats
// The decoder selection will choose the decoder if the supported level is
// larger than or equal to the requested level. So here we the 'no level'
// sentinel value, if Android doesn't list required levels.
if (supportedProfileLevels.isEmpty()) {
"CodecCapabilities.profileLevels is missing for codec "
+ type
+ ". Assuming default support.");
switch (codec) {
case VideoCodec.VP8:
VideoCodecProfile.VP8PROFILE_ANY, kNoVideoCodecLevel);
case VideoCodec.VP9:
VideoCodecProfile.VP9PROFILE_PROFILE0, kNoVideoCodecLevel);
case VideoCodec.HEVC:
VideoCodecProfile.HEVCPROFILE_MAIN, kNoVideoCodecLevel);
case VideoCodec.H264:
VideoCodecProfile.H264PROFILE_BASELINE, kNoVideoCodecLevel);
VideoCodecProfile.H264PROFILE_MAIN, kNoVideoCodecLevel);
case VideoCodec.AV1:
VideoCodecProfile.AV1PROFILE_PROFILE_MAIN, kNoVideoCodecLevel);
// Prior to Oreo, high profile support wasn't advertised properly.
if (codec == VideoCodec.H264
&& hasHighProfileSupport(info.getName())) {
VideoCodecProfile.H264PROFILE_HIGH, kNoVideoCodecLevel);
boolean isSoftwareCodec = MediaCodecUtil.isSoftwareCodec(info);
boolean supportsSecurePlayback =
boolean requiresSecurePlayback =
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> profileLevel : supportedProfileLevels.entrySet()) {
SupportedProfileAdapter profile = new SupportedProfileAdapter();
profile.profile = profileLevel.getKey();
profile.level = profileLevel.getValue();
profile.minWidth = supportedWidths.getLower();
profile.minHeight = supportedHeights.getLower();
profile.maxWidth = supportedWidths.getUpper();
profile.maxHeight = supportedHeights.getUpper();
profile.name = info.getName();
profile.isSoftwareCodec = isSoftwareCodec;
profile.supportsSecurePlayback = supportsSecurePlayback;
profile.requiresSecurePlayback = requiresSecurePlayback;
"Support: name="
+ info.getName()
+ ", profile="
+ profile.profile
+ ", level="
+ profile.level
+ ", min="
+ profile.minWidth
+ "x"
+ profile.minHeight
+ ", max="
+ profile.maxWidth
+ "x"
+ profile.maxHeight
+ ", is_sw="
+ profile.isSoftwareCodec
+ ", supports_secure="
+ profile.supportsSecurePlayback
+ ", requires_secure="
+ profile.requiresSecurePlayback);
// Invert min/max height/width for a portrait mode entry if needed.
if (needsPortraitEntry) {
profile = new SupportedProfileAdapter();
profile.profile = profileLevel.getKey();
profile.level = profileLevel.getValue();
profile.minWidth = supportedHeights.getLower();
profile.minHeight = supportedWidths.getLower();
profile.maxWidth = supportedHeights.getUpper();
profile.maxHeight = supportedWidths.getUpper();
profile.name = info.getName();
profile.isSoftwareCodec = isSoftwareCodec;
profile.supportsSecurePlayback = supportsSecurePlayback;
profile.requiresSecurePlayback = requiresSecurePlayback;
SupportedProfileAdapter[] profileArray = new SupportedProfileAdapter[profiles.size()];
return profileArray;