// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/tick_clock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "media/base/android/media_codec_bridge.h"
#include "media/base/decoder_status.h"
#include "media/base/encryption_scheme.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
#include "media/base/subsample_entry.h"
#include "media/base/waiting.h"
// MediaCodecLoop is based on Android's MediaCodec API.
// The MediaCodec API is required to play encrypted (as in EME) content on
// Android. It is also a way to employ hardware-accelerated decoding.
// One MediaCodecLoop instance owns a single MediaCodec(Bridge) instance, and
// drives it to perform decoding in conjunction with a MediaCodecLoop::Client.
// The Client provides the input data and consumes the output data. A typical
// example is MediaCodecAudioDecoder.
// Implementation notes.
// The MediaCodec works by exchanging buffers between the client and the codec
// itself. On the input side, an "empty" buffer has to be dequeued from the
// codec, filled with data, and queued back. On the output side, a "full"
// buffer with data should be dequeued, the data used, and the buffer returned
// back to the codec.
// Neither input nor output dequeue operations are guaranteed to succeed: the
// codec might not have available input buffers yet, or not every encoded buffer
// has arrived to complete an output frame. In such case the client should try
// to dequeue a buffer again at a later time.
// There is also a special situation related to an encrypted stream, where the
// enqueuing of a filled input buffer might fail due to lack of the relevant key
// in the CDM module. While MediaCodecLoop does not handle the CDM directly,
// it does understand the codec state.
// Much of that logic is common to all users of MediaCodec. The MediaCodecLoop
// provides the main driver loop to talk to MediaCodec. Via the Client
// interface, MediaCodecLoop can request input data, send output buffers, etc.
// MediaCodecLoop does not construct a MediaCodec, but instead takes ownership
// of one that it provided during construction.
// Although one can specify a delay in the MediaCodec's dequeue operations,
// this implementation uses polling. We can't tell in advance if a call into
// MediaCodec will block indefinitely, and we don't want to block the thread
// waiting for it.
// This implementation detects that the MediaCodec is idle (no input or output
// buffer processing) and after being idle for a predefined time the timer
// stops. The client is responsible for signalling us to wake up via a call
// to DoPendingWork. It is okay for the client to call this even when the timer
// is already running.
// The current implementation is single threaded. Every method is supposed to
// run on the same thread.
// State diagram.
// -[Any state]-
// |
// (MediaCodec error)
// |
// [Error]
// [Ready]
// |
// (EOS enqueued)
// |
// [Draining]
// |
// (EOS dequeued on output)
// |
// [Drained]
// [Ready]
// |
// (MediaCodecResult::Codes::kNoKey)
// |
// [WaitingForKey]
// |
// (OnKeyAdded)
// |
// [Ready]
// -[Any state]-
// | |
// (Flush ok) (Flush fails)
// | |
// [Ready] [Error]
namespace media {
class MEDIA_EXPORT MediaCodecLoop {
// Data that the client wants to put into an input buffer.
struct InputData {
InputData(const InputData&);
raw_ptr<const uint8_t> memory = nullptr;
size_t length = 0;
std::string key_id;
std::string iv;
std::vector<SubsampleEntry> subsamples;
base::TimeDelta presentation_time;
bool is_eos = false;
EncryptionScheme encryption_scheme = EncryptionScheme::kUnencrypted;
std::optional<EncryptionPattern> encryption_pattern;
// Handy enum for "no buffer".
enum { kInvalidBufferIndex = -1 };
// Information about a MediaCodec output buffer.
struct OutputBuffer {
// The codec output buffers are referred to by this index.
int index = kInvalidBufferIndex;
// Position in the buffer where data starts.
size_t offset = 0;
// The size of the buffer (includes offset).
size_t size = 0;
// Presentation timestamp.
base::TimeDelta pts;
// True if this buffer is the end of stream.
bool is_eos = false;
// True if this buffer is a key frame.
bool is_key_frame = false;
class Client {
// Return true if and only if there is input that is pending to be
// queued with MediaCodec. ProvideInputData() will not be called more than
// once in response to this returning true once. It is not guaranteed that
// ProvideInputData will be called at all. If ProvideInputData is called,
// then OnInputDataQueued will also be called before calling again.
virtual bool IsAnyInputPending() const = 0;
// Fills and returns an input buffer for MediaCodecLoop to queue. It is
// an error for MediaCodecLoop to call this while !IsAnyInputPending().
virtual InputData ProvideInputData() = 0;
// Called to notify the client that the previous data (or eos) provided by
// ProvideInputData has been queued with the codec. IsAnyInputPending and
// ProvideInputData will not be called again until this is called.
// Note that if the codec is flushed while a call back is pending, then that
// call back won't happen.
virtual void OnInputDataQueued(bool success) = 0;
// Called when an EOS buffer is dequeued from the output. If this returns
// false, then we transition to STATE_ERROR.
virtual bool OnDecodedEos(const OutputBuffer& out) = 0;
// Processes the output buffer after it comes from MediaCodec. The client
// has the responsibility to release the codec buffer, though it doesn't
// need to do so before this call returns. If it does not do so before
// returning, then the client must call DoPendingWork when it releases it.
// If this returns false, then we transition to STATE_ERROR.
virtual bool OnDecodedFrame(const OutputBuffer& out) = 0;
// Notify the client when waiting for |reason|, e.g. STATE_WAITING_FOR_KEY.
virtual void OnWaiting(WaitingReason reason) = 0;
// Processes the output format change on |media_codec|. Returns true on
// success, or false to transition to the error state.
virtual bool OnOutputFormatChanged() = 0;
// Notify the client when our state transitions to STATE_ERROR.
virtual void OnCodecLoopError() = 0;
virtual ~Client() {}
// We will take ownership of |media_codec|. We will not destroy it until we
// are destructed. |media_codec| may not be null. |sdk_level| is temporary.
// It is used only to decouple MediaCodecLoop from BuildInfo, until we get
// BuildInfo into a mockable state. If |timer_task_runner| is non-null,
// timers are redirected to it.
// If |disable_timer| is true, the loop must be manually pumped by calling
// ExpectWork() when input or output buffers are expected.
MediaCodecLoop(int sdk_level,
Client* client,
std::unique_ptr<MediaCodecBridge> media_codec,
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> timer_task_runner,
bool disable_timer = false);
MediaCodecLoop(const MediaCodecLoop&) = delete;
MediaCodecLoop& operator=(const MediaCodecLoop&) = delete;
// Optionally set the tick clock used for testing. It is our caller's
// responsibility to maintain ownership of this, since
// FakeSingleThreadTaskRunner maintains a raw ptr to it also.
void SetTestTickClock(const base::TickClock* test_tick_clock);
// Notify us that work can be done immediately, or in the near future. This
// should be called by the client when more work becomes available, such as
// when new input data arrives. If codec output buffers are freed after
// OnDecodedFrame returns, then this should also be called.
void ExpectWork();
// Try to flush this media codec. Returns true on success, false on failure.
// Failures can result in a state change to the Error state. If this returns
// false but the state is still READY, then the codec may continue to be used.
// In that case, we may still call back into the client for decoding later.
// The client must handle this case if it really does want to switch codecs.
// If it immediately destroys us, then that's fine.
bool TryFlush();
// This should be called when a new key is added. Decoding will resume if it
// was stopped in the WAITING_FOR_KEY state.
void OnKeyAdded();
// Return our codec, if we have one.
MediaCodecBridge* GetCodec() const;
enum State {
// Information about dequeued input buffer.
struct InputBuffer {
InputBuffer() {}
InputBuffer(int i, bool p) : index(i), is_pending(p) {}
// The codec input buffers are referred to by this index.
int index = kInvalidBufferIndex;
// True if we tried to enqueue this buffer before.
bool is_pending = false;
// Does the MediaCodec processing cycle: enqueues an input buffer, then
// dequeues output buffers. Will restart / reset the timer if any progress is
// made on this call.
void DoPendingWork();
// Enqueues one pending input buffer into MediaCodec if MediaCodec has room,
// and if the client has any input to give us.
// Returns true if any input was processed.
bool ProcessOneInputBuffer();
// Get data for |input_buffer| from the client and queue it.
void EnqueueInputBuffer(const InputBuffer& input_buffer);
// Dequeues an empty input buffer from the codec and returns the information
// about it. InputBuffer.index is the index of the dequeued buffer or -1 if
// the codec is busy or an error occurred. InputBuffer.is_pending is set to
// true if we tried to enqueue this buffer before. In this case the buffer is
// already filled with data.
// In the case of an error sets STATE_ERROR.
InputBuffer DequeueInputBuffer();
// Dequeues one output buffer from MediaCodec if it is immediately available,
// and sends it to the client.
// Returns true if an output buffer was received from MediaCodec.
bool ProcessOneOutputBuffer();
// Start the timer immediately if |start| is true or stop it based on elapsed
// idle time if |start| is false.
void ManageTimer(bool start);
// Helper method to change the state.
void SetState(State new_state);
// A helper function for logging.
static const char* AsString(State state);
State state_;
// The client that we notify about MediaCodec events.
raw_ptr<Client> client_;
// The MediaCodec instance that we're using.
std::unique_ptr<MediaCodecBridge> media_codec_;
// Repeating timer that kicks MediaCodec operation.
base::RepeatingTimer io_timer_;
// Time at which we last did useful work on |io_timer_|.
base::TimeTicks idle_time_begin_;
// Index of the dequeued and filled buffer that we keep trying to enqueue.
// Such buffer appears in MediaCodecResult::Codes::kNoKey processing. The -1
// value means there is no such buffer.
int pending_input_buf_index_;
// When processing a pending input buffer, this is the data that was returned
// to us by the client. |memory| has been cleared, since the codec has it.
InputData pending_input_buf_data_;
// Optional clock for use during testing. It may be null. We do not maintain
// ownership of it.
raw_ptr<const base::TickClock> test_tick_clock_ = nullptr;
// Has the value of BuildInfo::sdk_int(), except in tests where it
// might be set to other values. Will not be needed when there is a
// mockable BuildInfo.
const int sdk_int_;
// When true, the loop requires ExpectWork() to be called to trigger
// processing. Otherwise MCL will use an internal timer to pump work.
const bool disable_timer_;
// NOTE: Weak pointers must be invalidated before all other member variables.
base::WeakPtrFactory<MediaCodecLoop> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace media