// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/base/android/media_service_throttler.h"
#include <memory>
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/default_tick_clock.h"
#include "media/base/android/media_server_crash_listener.h"
namespace media {
namespace {
// Period of inactivity after which we stop listening for MediaServer crashes.
// NOTE: Server crashes don't count as activity. Only calls to
// GetDelayForClientCreation() do.
constexpr auto kReleaseInactivityDelay = base::Minutes(1);
// Elapsed time between crashes needed to completely reset the media server
// crash count.
constexpr auto kTimeUntilCrashReset = base::Minutes(1);
// Elapsed time between schedule calls needed to completely reset the
// scheduling clock.
constexpr auto kTimeUntilScheduleReset = base::Minutes(1);
// Rate at which client creations will be exponentially throttled based on the
// number of media server crashes.
// NOTE: Since our exponential delay formula is 2^(server crashes), 0 server
// crashes still result in this delay being added once.
constexpr auto kBaseExponentialDelay = base::Milliseconds(120);
// Base rate at which we schedule client creations.
// The minimal delay is |kLinearThrottlingDelay| + |kBaseExponentialDelay|.
constexpr auto kLinearThrottlingDelay =
base::Seconds(0.2) - kBaseExponentialDelay;
// Max exponential throttling rate from media server crashes.
// The max delay will still be |kLinearThrottlingDelay| +
// |kMaxExponentialDelay|.
constexpr auto kMaxExponentialDelay = base::Seconds(3) - kLinearThrottlingDelay;
// Max number of clients to schedule immediately (e.g when loading a new page).
const uint32_t kMaxBurstClients = 10;
// The throttling progression based on number of crashes looks as follows:
// | # crashes | period | clients/sec | clients/mins | # burst clients
// | 0 | 200 ms | 5.0 | 300 | 10
// | 1 | 320 ms | 3.1 | 188 | 6
// | 2 | 560 ms | 1.8 | 107 | 4
// | 3 | 1040 ms | 1.0 | 58 | 2
// | 4 | 2000 ms | 0.5 | 30 | 1
// | 5 | 3000 ms | 0.3 | 20 | 1
// | 6 | 3000 ms | 0.3 | 20 | 1
// NOTE: Since we use the floor function and a decay rate of 1 crash/minute when
// calculating the effective # of crashes, a single crash per minute will result
// in 0 effective crashes (since floor(1.0 - 'tiny decay') is 0). If we
// experience slightly more than 1 crash per 60 seconds, the effective number of
// crashes will go up as expected.
// static
MediaServiceThrottler* MediaServiceThrottler::GetInstance() {
static MediaServiceThrottler* instance = new MediaServiceThrottler();
return instance;
MediaServiceThrottler::~MediaServiceThrottler() {}
: clock_(base::DefaultTickClock::GetInstance()),
base::SingleThreadTaskRunner::GetCurrentDefault()) {
// base::Unretained is safe because the MediaServiceThrottler is supposed to
// live until the process dies.
release_crash_listener_cb_ = base::BindRepeating(
&MediaServiceThrottler::ReleaseCrashListener, base::Unretained(this));
void MediaServiceThrottler::SetTickClockForTesting(
const base::TickClock* clock) {
clock_ = clock;
base::TimeDelta MediaServiceThrottler::GetBaseThrottlingRateForTesting() {
return kBaseExponentialDelay + kLinearThrottlingDelay;
void MediaServiceThrottler::ResetInternalStateForTesting() {
last_server_crash_ = base::TimeTicks();
last_schedule_call_ = base::TimeTicks();
next_schedulable_slot_ = clock_->NowTicks();
last_current_crash_update_time_ = clock_->NowTicks();
current_crashes_ = 0.0;
base::TimeDelta MediaServiceThrottler::GetDelayForClientCreation() {
// Make sure the listener is started and the crashes decayed.
base::TimeTicks now = clock_->NowTicks();
// If we are passed the next time slot or if it has been 1 minute since the
// last call to GetDelayForClientCreation(), reset the next time to now.
if (now > next_schedulable_slot_ ||
(now - last_schedule_call_) > kTimeUntilScheduleReset) {
next_schedulable_slot_ = now;
last_schedule_call_ = now;
// Increment the next scheduled time between 0.2s and 3s, which allows the
// creation of between 50 and 3 clients per 10s.
next_schedulable_slot_ +=
kLinearThrottlingDelay + GetThrottlingDelayFromServerCrashes();
// Calculate how long to delay the creation so it isn't scheduled before
// |next_schedulable_slot_|.
base::TimeDelta delay = next_schedulable_slot_ - now;
// If the scheduling delay is low enough, schedule it immediately instead.
// This allows up to kMaxBurstClients clients to be scheduled immediately.
if (delay <=
(kLinearThrottlingDelay + kBaseExponentialDelay) * kMaxBurstClients)
return base::TimeDelta();
return delay;
base::TimeDelta MediaServiceThrottler::GetThrottlingDelayFromServerCrashes() {
// The combination of rounding down the number of crashes down and decaying
// at the rate of 1 crash / min means that a single crash will very quickly be
// rounded down to 0. Effectively, this means that we only start exponentially
// backing off if we have more than 1 crash in a 60 second window.
uint32_t num_crashes = static_cast<uint32_t>(current_crashes_);
DCHECK_GE(num_crashes, 0u);
// Prevents overflow/undefined behavior. We already reach kMaxExponentialDelay
// at 5 crashes in any case.
num_crashes = std::min(num_crashes, 10u);
return std::min(kBaseExponentialDelay * (1 << num_crashes),
void MediaServiceThrottler::OnMediaServerCrash(bool watchdog_needs_release) {
if (watchdog_needs_release && crash_listener_)
last_server_crash_ = clock_->NowTicks();
current_crashes_ += 1.0;
void MediaServiceThrottler::UpdateServerCrashes() {
base::TimeTicks now = clock_->NowTicks();
base::TimeDelta time_since_last_crash = now - last_server_crash_;
if (time_since_last_crash > kTimeUntilCrashReset) {
// Reset the number of crashes if we haven't had a crash in the past minute.
current_crashes_ = 0.0;
} else {
// Decay at the rate of 1 crash/minute otherwise.
const double decay =
(now - last_current_crash_update_time_) / base::Minutes(1);
current_crashes_ = std::max(0.0, current_crashes_ - decay);
last_current_crash_update_time_ = now;
void MediaServiceThrottler::ReleaseCrashListener() {
void MediaServiceThrottler::EnsureCrashListenerStarted() {
if (!crash_listener_) {
// base::Unretained is safe here because the MediaServiceThrottler will live
// until the process is terminated.
crash_listener_ = std::make_unique<MediaServerCrashListener>(
} else {
// Cancels outstanding/pending versions of the callback.
// Schedule the release of |crash_listener_| a minute from now. This will be
// updated anytime GetDelayForClientCreation() is called.
FROM_HERE, cancelable_release_crash_listener_cb_.callback(),
bool MediaServiceThrottler::IsCrashListenerAliveForTesting() {
return !!crash_listener_;
void MediaServiceThrottler::SetCrashListenerTaskRunnerForTesting(
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> crash_listener_task_runner) {
// Set the task runner so |crash_listener_| be deleted on the right thread.
crash_listener_task_runner_ = crash_listener_task_runner;
// Re-create the crash listener.
crash_listener_ = std::make_unique<MediaServerCrashListener>(
base::NullCallback(), crash_listener_task_runner_);
} // namespace media