
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "media/base/audio_codecs.h"

#include <ostream>

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"

namespace media {

// These names come from src/third_party/ffmpeg/libavcodec/codec_desc.c
std::string GetCodecName(AudioCodec codec) {}

std::string GetProfileName(AudioCodecProfile profile) {}

AudioCodec StringToAudioCodec(const std::string& codec_id) {}

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AudioCodec& codec) {}

bool ParseDolbyAc4CodecId(const std::string& codec_id,
                          uint8_t* bitstream_versionc,
                          uint8_t* presentation_versionc,
                          uint8_t* presentation_levelc) {
  // Reference: ETSI Standard: Digital Audio Compression (AC-4) Standard;
  //            Part 2: Immersive and personalized audio
  //            ETSI TS 103 190-2 v1.2.1 (2018-02)
  //            E.13 The MIME codecs parameter
  // (

  if (!base::StartsWith(codec_id, "ac-4")) {
    return false;

  const int kMaxAc4CodecIdLength =
      4     // FOURCC string "ac-4"
      + 1   // delimiting period
      + 2   // bitstream_version version as 2 digit string
      + 1   // delimiting period
      + 2   // presentation_version as 2 digit string.
      + 1   // delimiting period
      + 2;  // presentation_level as 2 digit string.

  if (codec_id.size() > kMaxAc4CodecIdLength) {
    DVLOG(4) << __func__ << ": Codec id is too long (" << codec_id << ")";
    return false;

  std::vector<std::string> elem = base::SplitString(
      codec_id, ".", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL);
  DCHECK(elem[0] == "ac-4");

  if (elem.size() != 4) {
    DVLOG(4) << __func__ << ": invalid Dolby AC-4 codec id:" << codec_id;
    return false;

  if (StringToAudioCodec(elem[0]) != AudioCodec::kAC4) {
    DVLOG(4) << __func__ << ": invalid Dolby AC-4 codec id:" << codec_id;
    return false;

  // bitstream_version string should be two digits and equals "02". "00","01"
  // are valid according to spec, but they are not used in real case anymore.
  unsigned bitstream_version = 0;
  if (elem[1].size() != 2 ||
      !base::HexStringToUInt(elem[1], &bitstream_version) ||
      bitstream_version != 0x02) {
    DVLOG(4) << __func__
             << ": invalid Dolby AC-4 bitstream version: " << elem[1];
    return false;

  // If bitstream_version is "02", then "01" and "02" are valid values for
  // presentation_version. Value "02" is special for AC-4 IMS.
  // Reference: ETSI Standard: Digital Audio Compression (AC-4) Standard;
  //            Part 2: Immersive and personalized audio
  //            ETSI TS 103 190-2 v1.2.1 (2018-02)
  //            4.6 Decoder compatibilities
  // (
  unsigned presentation_version = 0;
  if (elem[2].size() != 2 ||
      !base::HexStringToUInt(elem[2], &presentation_version) ||
      !(presentation_version == 0x01 || presentation_version == 0x02)) {
    DVLOG(4) << __func__
             << ": invalid Dolby AC-4 presentation_version: " << elem[1];
    return false;

  // presentation_level(mdcompat) should be two digits and in range
  // [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7].
  // Reference: ETSI Standard: Digital Audio Compression (AC-4) Standard;
  //            Part 2: Immersive and personalized audio
  //            ETSI TS 103 190-2 v1.2.1 (2018-02)
  //   mdcompat
  // (
  unsigned presentation_level = 0;
  if (elem[3].size() != 2 ||
      !base::HexStringToUInt(elem[3], &presentation_level) ||
      presentation_level > 0x07) {
    DVLOG(4) << __func__
             << ": invalid Dolby AC-4 presentation_level: " << elem[1];
    return false;

  if (bitstream_versionc) {
    *bitstream_versionc = bitstream_version;
  if (presentation_versionc) {
    *presentation_versionc = presentation_version;
  if (presentation_levelc) {
    *presentation_levelc = presentation_level;

  return true;

bool ParseIamfCodecId(std::string_view codec_id,
                      uint8_t* primary_profilec,
                      uint8_t* additional_profilec) {
  // Reference: Immersive Audio Model and Formats;
  //            v1.0.0
  //            6.3. Codecs Parameter String
  // (
  if (!codec_id.starts_with("iamf")) {
    return false;

  // For test purposes only, just "iamf" is acceptable.
  if (codec_id == "iamf") {
    return true;

  constexpr int kMaxIamfCodecIdLength =
      4     // FOURCC string "iamf".
      + 1   // delimiting period.
      + 3   // primary_profile as 3 digit string.
      + 1   // delimiting period.
      + 3   // additional_profile as 3 digit string.
      + 1   // delimiting period.
      + 9;  // The remaining string is one of
            // "opus", "mp4a.40.2", "flac", "ipcm".

  if (codec_id.size() > kMaxIamfCodecIdLength) {
    DVLOG(4) << __func__ << ": Codec id is too long (" << codec_id << ")";
    return false;

  std::vector<std::string> elem = base::SplitString(
      codec_id, ".", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL);
  if (elem.size() < 4) {
    DVLOG(4) << __func__ << ": invalid IAMF codec id:" << codec_id;
    return false;

  DCHECK_EQ(elem[0], "iamf");

  if (StringToAudioCodec(elem[0]) != AudioCodec::kIAMF) {
    DVLOG(4) << __func__ << ": invalid IAMF codec id:" << codec_id;
    return false;

  // The primary profile string should be three digits, and should be between 0
  // and 255 inclusive.
  uint32_t primary_profile = 0;
  if (elem[1].size() != 3 || !base::StringToUint(elem[1], &primary_profile) ||
      primary_profile > 0xFF) {
    DVLOG(4) << __func__ << ": invalid IAMF primary profile: " << elem[1];
    return false;

  // The additional profile string should be three digits, and should be between
  // 0 and 255 inclusive.
  uint32_t additional_profile = 0;
  if (elem[2].size() != 3 ||
      !base::StringToUint(elem[2], &additional_profile) ||
      additional_profile > 0xFF) {
    DVLOG(4) << __func__ << ": invalid IAMF additional profile: " << elem[2];
    return false;

  // The codec string should be one of "opus", "mp4a", "flac", or "ipcm".
  std::string codec = base::ToLowerASCII(elem[3]);
  if (codec.size() != 4 || ((codec != "opus") && (codec != "mp4a") &&
                            (codec != "flac") && (codec != "ipcm"))) {
    DVLOG(4) << __func__ << ": invalid IAMF stream codec: " << elem[3];
    return false;

  if (codec == "mp4a") {
    if (elem.size() != 6) {
      DVLOG(4) << __func__
               << ": incorrect mp4a codec string syntax:" << codec_id;
      return false;

    // The fields following "mp4a" should be "40" and "2" to signal AAC-LC.
    uint32_t object_type_indication = 0;
    if (elem[4].size() != 2 ||
        !base::HexStringToUInt(elem[4], &object_type_indication) ||
        object_type_indication != 0x40) {
      DVLOG(4) << __func__
               << ": invalid mp4a Object Type Indication:" << codec_id;
      return false;

    uint32_t audio_object_type = 0;
    if (elem[5].size() != 1 ||
        !base::HexStringToUInt(elem[5], &audio_object_type) ||
        audio_object_type != 0x02) {
      DVLOG(4) << __func__ << ": invalid mp4a Audio Object Type:" << codec_id;
      return false;

  if (primary_profilec) {
    *primary_profilec = primary_profile;

  if (additional_profilec) {
    *additional_profilec = additional_profile;

  return true;
}  // namespace media