
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "media/base/mac/videotoolbox_helpers.h"

#include <array>
#include <vector>

#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "base/numerics/byte_conversions.h"
#include "media/base/video_codecs.h"
#include "media/media_buildflags.h"

namespace media::video_toolbox {

namespace {
static const char kAnnexBHeaderBytes[4] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
}  // anonymous namespace

// Wrapper class for writing AnnexBBuffer output into.
class AnnexBBuffer {
  virtual bool Reserve(size_t size) = 0;
  virtual void Append(const char* s, size_t n) = 0;
  virtual size_t GetReservedSize() const = 0;

class RawAnnexBBuffer : public AnnexBBuffer {
  RawAnnexBBuffer(char* annexb_buffer, size_t annexb_buffer_size)
      : annexb_buffer_(annexb_buffer),
        annexb_buffer_offset_(0) {}
  RawAnnexBBuffer() = delete;
  RawAnnexBBuffer(const RawAnnexBBuffer&) = delete;
  RawAnnexBBuffer& operator=(const RawAnnexBBuffer&) = delete;

  bool Reserve(size_t size) override {
    reserved_size_ = size;
    return size <= annexb_buffer_size_;
  void Append(const char* s, size_t n) override {
    memcpy(annexb_buffer_ + annexb_buffer_offset_, s, n);
    annexb_buffer_offset_ += n;
    DCHECK_GE(reserved_size_, annexb_buffer_offset_);
  size_t GetReservedSize() const override { return reserved_size_; }

  raw_ptr<char, AllowPtrArithmetic> annexb_buffer_;
  size_t annexb_buffer_size_;
  size_t annexb_buffer_offset_;
  size_t reserved_size_;

class StringAnnexBBuffer : public AnnexBBuffer {
  explicit StringAnnexBBuffer(std::string* str_annexb_buffer)
      : str_annexb_buffer_(str_annexb_buffer) {}
  StringAnnexBBuffer() = delete;
  StringAnnexBBuffer(const StringAnnexBBuffer&) = delete;
  StringAnnexBBuffer& operator=(const StringAnnexBBuffer&) = delete;

  bool Reserve(size_t size) override {
    return true;
  void Append(const char* s, size_t n) override {
    str_annexb_buffer_->append(s, n);
  size_t GetReservedSize() const override { return str_annexb_buffer_->size(); }

  raw_ptr<std::string> str_annexb_buffer_;

template <typename NalSizeType>
  requires(std::is_integral_v<NalSizeType> && std::is_unsigned_v<NalSizeType> &&
           sizeof(NalSizeType) <= 4)
void CopyNalsToAnnexB(base::span<const char> buffer,
                      AnnexBBuffer* annexb_buffer) {
  while (!buffer.empty()) {
    NalSizeType nal_size;
    if constexpr (sizeof(NalSizeType) == 1u) {
      nal_size =
          base::U8FromBigEndian(base::as_bytes(buffer).template first<1u>());
    } else if constexpr (sizeof(NalSizeType) == 2u) {
      nal_size =
          base::U16FromBigEndian(base::as_bytes(buffer).template first<2u>());
    } else {
      nal_size =
          base::U32FromBigEndian(base::as_bytes(buffer).template first<4u>());

    auto [nals_buf, remain] =
    buffer = remain;

    annexb_buffer->Append(kAnnexBHeaderBytes, sizeof(kAnnexBHeaderBytes));
    annexb_buffer->Append(, nals_buf.size());

OSStatus GetParameterSetAtIndex(VideoCodec codec,
                                CMFormatDescriptionRef videoDesc,
                                size_t parameterSetIndex,
                                const uint8_t** parameterSetPointerOut,
                                size_t* parameterSetSizeOut,
                                size_t* parameterSetCountOut,
                                int* NALUnitHeaderLengthOut) {
  switch (codec) {
    case VideoCodec::kH264:
      return CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetH264ParameterSetAtIndex(
          videoDesc, parameterSetIndex, parameterSetPointerOut,
          parameterSetSizeOut, parameterSetCountOut, NALUnitHeaderLengthOut);
    case VideoCodec::kHEVC:
      return CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetHEVCParameterSetAtIndex(
          videoDesc, parameterSetIndex, parameterSetPointerOut,
          parameterSetSizeOut, parameterSetCountOut, NALUnitHeaderLengthOut);

bool CopySampleBufferToAnnexBBuffer(VideoCodec codec,
                                    CMSampleBufferRef sbuf,
                                    AnnexBBuffer* annexb_buffer,
                                    bool keyframe) {
  // Perform two pass, one to figure out the total output size, and another to
  // copy the data after having performed a single output allocation. Note that
  // we'll allocate a bit more because we'll count 4 bytes instead of 3 for
  // video NALs.
  OSStatus status;

  // Get the sample buffer's block buffer and format description.
  auto* const bb = CMSampleBufferGetDataBuffer(sbuf);
  auto* fdesc = CMSampleBufferGetFormatDescription(sbuf);

  const size_t bb_size = CMBlockBufferGetDataLength(bb);
  size_t total_bytes = bb_size;

  size_t pset_count;
  int nal_size_field_bytes;
  status = GetParameterSetAtIndex(codec, fdesc, 0, nullptr, nullptr,
                                  &pset_count, &nal_size_field_bytes);
  if (status == kCMFormatDescriptionBridgeError_InvalidParameter) {
    DLOG(WARNING) << " assuming " << int(codec == VideoCodec::kHEVC ? 3 : 2)
                  << " parameter sets and 4 bytes NAL length header";
    pset_count = codec == VideoCodec::kHEVC ? 3 : 2;
    nal_size_field_bytes = 4;
  } else if (status != noErr) {
    DLOG(ERROR) << " GetParameterSetAtIndex failed: " << status;
    return false;

  if (keyframe) {
    const uint8_t* pset;
    size_t pset_size;
    for (size_t pset_i = 0; pset_i < pset_count; ++pset_i) {
      status = GetParameterSetAtIndex(codec, fdesc, pset_i, &pset, &pset_size,
                                      nullptr, nullptr);
      if (status != noErr) {
        DLOG(ERROR) << " GetParameterSetAtIndex failed: " << status;
        return false;
      total_bytes += pset_size + nal_size_field_bytes;

  if (!annexb_buffer->Reserve(total_bytes)) {
    DLOG(ERROR) << "Cannot fit encode output into bitstream buffer. Requested:"
                << total_bytes;
    return false;

  // Copy all parameter sets before keyframes.
  if (keyframe) {
    const uint8_t* pset;
    size_t pset_size;
    for (size_t pset_i = 0; pset_i < pset_count; ++pset_i) {
      status = GetParameterSetAtIndex(codec, fdesc, pset_i, &pset, &pset_size,
                                      nullptr, nullptr);
      if (status != noErr) {
        DLOG(ERROR) << " GetParameterSetAtIndex failed: " << status;
        return false;
      annexb_buffer->Append(kAnnexBHeaderBytes, sizeof(kAnnexBHeaderBytes));
      annexb_buffer->Append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(pset), pset_size);

  // Block buffers can be composed of non-contiguous chunks. For the sake of
  // keeping this code simple, flatten non-contiguous block buffers.
  base::apple::ScopedCFTypeRef<CMBlockBufferRef> contiguous_bb(
      bb, base::scoped_policy::RETAIN);
  if (!CMBlockBufferIsRangeContiguous(bb, 0, 0)) {
    status = CMBlockBufferCreateContiguous(kCFAllocatorDefault, bb,
                                           kCFAllocatorDefault, nullptr, 0, 0,
                                           0, contiguous_bb.InitializeInto());
    if (status != noErr) {
      DLOG(ERROR) << " CMBlockBufferCreateContiguous failed: " << status;
      return false;

  // Copy all the NAL units. In the process convert them from AVCC/HVCC format
  // (length header) to AnnexB format (start code).
  char* contiguous_bb_data;
  status = CMBlockBufferGetDataPointer(contiguous_bb.get(), 0, nullptr, nullptr,
  if (status != noErr) {
    DLOG(ERROR) << " CMBlockBufferGetDataPointer failed: " << status;
    return false;
  auto contiguous_bb_span =
      // SAFETY: `bb` is a block buffer of size `bb_size`, queried above through
      // CMBlockBufferGetDataLength(). The `contiguous_bb` is a contiguous
      // buffer created from `bb`, so it has the same size. Thus the
      // `contiguous_bb_data` pointer, which points to the `contiguous_bb`
      // buffer, will point to an array of size `bb_size`.
      UNSAFE_BUFFERS(base::span<const char>(contiguous_bb_data, bb_size));

  if (nal_size_field_bytes == 1) {
    CopyNalsToAnnexB<uint8_t>(contiguous_bb_span, annexb_buffer);
  } else if (nal_size_field_bytes == 2) {
    CopyNalsToAnnexB<uint16_t>(contiguous_bb_span, annexb_buffer);
  } else if (nal_size_field_bytes == 4) {
    CopyNalsToAnnexB<uint32_t>(contiguous_bb_span, annexb_buffer);
  } else {
  return true;

bool CopySampleBufferToAnnexBBuffer(VideoCodec codec,
                                    CMSampleBufferRef sbuf,
                                    bool keyframe,
                                    std::string* annexb_buffer) {
  StringAnnexBBuffer buffer(annexb_buffer);
  return CopySampleBufferToAnnexBBuffer(codec, sbuf, &buffer, keyframe);

bool CopySampleBufferToAnnexBBuffer(VideoCodec codec,
                                    CMSampleBufferRef sbuf,
                                    bool keyframe,
                                    size_t annexb_buffer_size,
                                    char* annexb_buffer,
                                    size_t* used_buffer_size) {
  RawAnnexBBuffer buffer(annexb_buffer, annexb_buffer_size);
  const bool copy_rv =
      CopySampleBufferToAnnexBBuffer(codec, sbuf, &buffer, keyframe);
  *used_buffer_size = buffer.GetReservedSize();
  return copy_rv;

    base::apple::ScopedCFTypeRef<VTCompressionSessionRef> session)
    : session_(session) {}

SessionPropertySetter::~SessionPropertySetter() {}

bool SessionPropertySetter::IsSupported(CFStringRef key) {
  if (!supported_keys_) {
    CFDictionaryRef dict_ref;
    if (VTSessionCopySupportedPropertyDictionary(session_.get(), &dict_ref) ==
        noErr) {
  return supported_keys_ && CFDictionaryContainsKey(supported_keys_.get(), key);

bool SessionPropertySetter::Set(CFStringRef key, int32_t value) {
  base::apple::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFNumberRef> cfvalue(
      CFNumberCreate(nullptr, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &value));
  return VTSessionSetProperty(session_.get(), key, cfvalue.get()) == noErr;

bool SessionPropertySetter::Set(CFStringRef key, bool value) {
  CFBooleanRef cfvalue = (value) ? kCFBooleanTrue : kCFBooleanFalse;
  return VTSessionSetProperty(session_.get(), key, cfvalue) == noErr;

bool SessionPropertySetter::Set(CFStringRef key, double value) {
  base::apple::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFNumberRef> cfvalue(
      CFNumberCreate(nullptr, kCFNumberDoubleType, &value));
  return VTSessionSetProperty(session_.get(), key, cfvalue.get()) == noErr;

bool SessionPropertySetter::Set(CFStringRef key, CFStringRef value) {
  return VTSessionSetProperty(session_.get(), key, value) == noErr;

bool SessionPropertySetter::Set(CFStringRef key, CFArrayRef value) {
  return VTSessionSetProperty(session_.get(), key, value) == noErr;

}  // namespace media::video_toolbox