
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Defines all the "media" command-line switches.


#include <string>

#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
#include "media/gpu/buildflags.h"
#include "media/media_buildflags.h"
#include "ui/gl/angle_implementation.h"

namespace base {
class CommandLine;

namespace switches {

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kAudioBufferSize[];

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kAudioCodecsFromEDID[];

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kAutoplayPolicy[];

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kDisableAudioInput[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kDisableAudioOutput[];

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kFailAudioStreamCreation[];

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kVideoThreads[];

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kDisableBackgroundMediaSuspend[];

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kReportVp9AsAnUnsupportedMimeType[];

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kAlsaInputDevice[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kAlsaOutputDevice[];

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kEnableExclusiveAudio[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kForceWaveAudio[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kTrySupportedChannelLayouts[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kWaveOutBuffers[];

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kEnableProtectedVideoBuffers[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kForceProtectedVideoOutputBuffers[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kMinVideoDecoderOutputBufferSize[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kAudioCapturerWithEchoCancellation[];

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kUseCras[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kSystemAecEnabled[];

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kAutoGrantCapturedSurfaceControlPrompt[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kUseFakeDeviceForMediaStream[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kUseFileForFakeVideoCapture[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kUseFileForFakeAudioCapture[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kUseFakeMjpegDecodeAccelerator[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kDisableAcceleratedMjpegDecode[];

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kMuteAudio[];

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kDisableRTCSmoothnessAlgorithm[];

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kForceVideoOverlays[];

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kMSEAudioBufferSizeLimitMb[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kMSEVideoBufferSizeLimitMb[];

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kClearKeyCdmPathForTesting[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kOverrideEnabledCdmInterfaceVersion[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kOverrideHardwareSecureCodecsForTesting[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kEnableLiveCaptionPrefForTesting[];

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kLacrosEnablePlatformHevc[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kLacrosUseChromeosProtectedMedia[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kLacrosUseChromeosProtectedAv1[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kAllowRAInDevMode[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kCrosWidevineBundledDir[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kCrosWidevineComponentUpdatedHintFile[];

namespace autoplay {

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kDocumentUserActivationRequiredPolicy[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kNoUserGestureRequiredPolicy[];
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kUserGestureRequiredPolicy[];

}  // namespace autoplay

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kHardwareVideoDecodeFrameRate[];

MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kEnablePrimaryNodeAccessForVkmsTesting[];

// NOTE: callers should always use the free functions in
// /media/cast/encoding/encoding_support.h instead of accessing these features
// directly.
// TODO( Guard Cast Sender flags with !IS_ANDROID.
// If enabled, completely disables use of H264 hardware encoding for Cast
// Streaming sessions. Takes precedence over
// kCastStreamingForceEnableHardwareH264.
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kCastStreamingForceDisableHardwareH264[];

// If enabled, completely disables use of VP8 hardware encoding for Cast
// Streaming sessions. Takes precedence over
// kCastStreamingForceEnableHardwareVp8.
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kCastStreamingForceDisableHardwareVp8[];

// If enabled, completely disables use of VP9 hardware encoding for Cast
// Streaming sessions. Takes precedence over
// kCastStreamingForceEnableHardwareVp9.
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kCastStreamingForceDisableHardwareVp9[];

// If enabled, allows use of H264 hardware encoding for Cast Streaming sessions,
// even on platforms where it is disabled due to performance and reliability
// issues. kCastStreamingForceDisableHardwareH264 must be disabled for this flag
// to take effect.
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kCastStreamingForceEnableHardwareH264[];

// If enabled, allows use of VP8 hardware encoding for Cast Streaming sessions,
// even on platforms where it is disabled due to performance and reliability
// issues. kCastStreamingForceDisableHardwareVp8 must be disabled for this flag
// to take effect.
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kCastStreamingForceEnableHardwareVp8[];

// If enabled, allows use of VP9 hardware encoding for Cast Streaming sessions,
// even on platforms where it is disabled due to performance and reliability
// issues. kCastStreamingForceDisableHardwareVp9 must be disabled for this flag
// to take effect.
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kCastStreamingForceEnableHardwareVp9[];

// If enabled, overrides the target playout delay for a casting mirroring
// session. The value will be parsed as milliseconds. Lowering this value will
// result in a lower end to end latency, but could come at the cost of other
// quality standards such as dropped frames or FPS.
MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kCastMirroringTargetPlayoutDelay[];

}  // namespace switches

media  // namespace media