
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package media;

message WebrtcVideoStatsProto {
  // Required. Timestamp of this entry from
  // base::Time::InMillisecondsFSinceUnixEpochIgnoringNull(). Data will be
  // discarded when the date indicates it's very old. This avoids a circumstance
  // where a few bad outlier playbacks permanently define a machine's
  // capabilities.
  optional double timestamp = 1;
  // Required. Number of frames that this entry is based on.
  optional uint32 frames_processed = 2;
  // Required. Number of key frames out of the total number of frames.
  optional uint32 key_frames_processed = 3;
  // Required. The 99th percentile of the processing time.
  optional float p99_processing_time_ms = 4;

// Proto representation of WebrtcVideoStatsDB::VideoStatsEntry. The values are
// associated with a distinct WebrtcVideoStatsDB::VideoDescKey.
message WebrtcVideoStatsEntryProto {
  repeated WebrtcVideoStatsProto stats = 1;