
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include "media/capture/content/smooth_event_sampler.h"

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace media {

namespace {

bool AddEventAndConsiderSampling(SmoothEventSampler* sampler,
                                 base::TimeTicks event_time) {}

void SteadyStateSampleAndAdvance(base::TimeDelta vsync,
                                 SmoothEventSampler* sampler,
                                 base::TimeTicks* t) {}

void SteadyStateNoSampleAndAdvance(base::TimeDelta vsync,
                                   SmoothEventSampler* sampler,
                                   base::TimeTicks* t) {}

base::TimeTicks InitialTestTimeTicks() {}

}  // namespace

// 60Hz sampled at 30Hz should produce 30Hz.  In addition, this test contains
// much more comprehensive before/after/edge-case scenarios than the others.
TEST(SmoothEventSamplerTest, Sample60HertzAt30Hertz) {}

// 50Hz sampled at 30Hz should produce a sequence where some frames are skipped.
TEST(SmoothEventSamplerTest, Sample50HertzAt30Hertz) {}

// 75Hz sampled at 30Hz should produce a sequence where some frames are skipped.
TEST(SmoothEventSamplerTest, Sample75HertzAt30Hertz) {}

// 30Hz sampled at 30Hz should produce 30Hz.
TEST(SmoothEventSamplerTest, Sample30HertzAt30Hertz) {}

// 24Hz sampled at 30Hz should produce 24Hz.
TEST(SmoothEventSamplerTest, Sample24HertzAt30Hertz) {}

// Tests that changing the minimum capture period during usage results in the
// desired behavior.
TEST(SmoothEventSamplerTest, Sample60HertzWithVariedCapturePeriods) {}

namespace {

struct DataPoint {};

void ReplayCheckingSamplerDecisions(const DataPoint* data_points,
                                    size_t num_data_points,
                                    SmoothEventSampler* sampler) {}

}  // namespace

TEST(SmoothEventSamplerTest, DrawingAt24FpsWith60HzVsyncSampledAt30Hertz) {}

TEST(SmoothEventSamplerTest, DrawingAt30FpsWith60HzVsyncSampledAt30Hertz) {}

TEST(SmoothEventSamplerTest, DrawingAt60FpsWith60HzVsyncSampledAt30Hertz) {}

}  // namespace media