
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "media/capture/content/video_capture_oracle.h"

#include <optional>

#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace media {

namespace {

constexpr base::TimeTicks kInitialTestTimeTicks =;
constexpr base::TimeDelta k30HzPeriod =;
constexpr gfx::Size k1080pSize =;
constexpr gfx::Size k720pSize =;
constexpr gfx::Size k360pSize =;
constexpr gfx::Size kSmallestNonEmptySize =;

}  // namespace

// Tests that VideoCaptureOracle filters out events whose timestamps are
// decreasing.
TEST(VideoCaptureOracleTest, EnforcesEventTimeMonotonicity) {}

// Tests that VideoCaptureOracle is enforcing the requirement that
// successfully captured frames are delivered in order.  Otherwise, downstream
// consumers could be tripped-up by out-of-order frames or frame timestamps.
TEST(VideoCaptureOracleTest, EnforcesFramesDeliveredInOrder) {}

// Tests that VideoCaptureOracle transitions between using its two samplers in a
// way that does not introduce severe jank, pauses, etc.
TEST(VideoCaptureOracleTest, TransitionsSmoothlyBetweenSamplers) {}

// Tests that VideoCaptureOracle prevents refresh request events from initiating
// simultaneous captures.
TEST(VideoCaptureOracleTest, SamplesAtCorrectTimesAroundRefreshRequests) {}

// Tests that VideoCaptureOracle does not rapidly change proposed capture sizes,
// to allow both the source content and the rest of the end-to-end system to
// stabilize (if autothrottling is enabled).
TEST(VideoCaptureOracleTest, DoesNotRapidlyChangeCaptureSize) {}

// Tests that VideoCaptureOracle allows every video frame to have a different
// size if resize throttling is disabled.
TEST(VideoCaptureOracleTest, ResizeThrottlingDisabled) {}

namespace {

// Tests that VideoCaptureOracle can auto-throttle by stepping the capture size
// up or down.  When |is_content_animating| is false, there is more
// aggressiveness expected in the timing of stepping upwards.  If
// |with_consumer_feedback| is false, only buffer pool utilization varies and no
// consumer feedback is provided.  If |with_consumer_feedback| is true, the
// buffer pool utilization is held constant at 25%, and the consumer utilization
// feedback varies.
void RunAutoThrottleTest(bool is_content_animating,
                         bool with_consumer_feedback) {}

}  // namespace

// Tests that VideoCaptureOracle can auto-throttle by stepping the capture size
// up or down, using utilization feedback signals from either the buffer pool or
// the consumer, and with slightly different behavior depending on whether
// content is animating.
     AutoThrottlesCaptureSizeBasedOnUtilizationFeedback) {}

// Test that the capture size is not auto-throttled if consumer feedback is
// never provided. This represents VideoCaptureOracle being stuck in the
// kThrottlingEnabled mode, but never having entered the kThrottlingActive mode.
     DoesNotAutoThrottleCaptureSizeWithoutConsumerFeedback) {}

// Tests that, while content is animating, VideoCaptureOracle can make frequent
// capture size increases only just after the source size has changed.
// Otherwise, capture size increases should only be made cautiously, after a
// long "proving period of under-utilization" has elapsed.
TEST(VideoCaptureOracleTest, IncreasesFrequentlyOnlyAfterSourceSizeChange) {}

// Tests that VideoCaptureOracle does not change the capture size if
// auto-throttling is enabled when using a fixed resolution policy.
TEST(VideoCaptureOracleTest, DoesNotAutoThrottleWhenResolutionIsFixed) {}

// Tests that VideoCaptureOracle reduces resolution on max_pixels feedback.
TEST(VideoCaptureOracleTest, RespectsMaxPixelsFeedback) {}

// Tests that VideoCaptureOracle respects resource_utilization feedback over
// max_pixels feedback.
TEST(VideoCaptureOracleTest, IgnoresMaxPixelsFeedbackIfAutoThrottlingIsOn) {}

// Tests that VideoCaptureOracle respects the max framerate requested by the
// consumer.
TEST(VideoCaptureOracleTest, RespectsMaxFrameRateFeedback) {}

}  // namespace media